
Sherlock Holmes: The Grand Escape

Sherlock Holmes in Marvel. While stuck in a metaverse dimension, Sherlock realizes that he is a fictional character in a fictional reality. His personality does not allow him to be controlled by anyone and thus begins the escape of the great detective. The detective will definitely solve all problems to reach reality. He is after all Sherlock Holmes. Follow along as he goes through different fictional worlds as he finds his way to the real one. The start of this story was inspired by the Deadpool Killustrated comic. So yeah I do not own the characters.

PyteWriter · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs


1876, London.

Sherlock lost his concentration a little and the papers fell around him naturally. Although a little flustered, he didn't show it on his face and replied with a smile, "How do you like this new magic trick I learned? I've been practicing it these few days."

"You nearly scared me to death. I thought you were possessed or something." Mrs. Hudson although not a very religious lady did fear the occult. As for Sherlock practicing some new trick? There was nothing new about that for her.

In the nearly one and a half year he has been here, Mrs. Hudson has come to terms with the eccentricities of her young tenant. You can always expect something unusual from Sherlock Holmes. Just last month he was practicing marksmanship in his room, firing bullets everywhere. The consolation was that he paid enough for her to not just tolerate it but even partake in those eccentricities.

Sherlock, unlike most men in the 1870s, was not sexist. Or rather, to him gender didn't matter at all, as long as the person was competent he didn't care. And for a single businesswoman during these times, being treated with respect and without prejudice like Sherlock did, just deepened their friendship. So she just treated Sherlock like an eccentric little brother.

"Sorry." Sherlock gave a perfunctory apology and went back to thinking while Mrs. Hudson got down to pick up the broken cup and the tray. "I'll get you another cup and send Turner up to clean this mess." Turner was the maid Mrs. Hudson had hired to help her around.

What Mrs. Hudson didn't know was that Sherlock was currently trying to read her mind. And to his disappointment, he couldn't read anything no matter how much he focused his mind on her.

'Well, that settles it. I don't seem to have any talent for reading minds. Although I don't think I would have enjoyed it anyway. Reading minds directly is not as challenging and fun as observing and deducing their mental state.'

But Holmes was still worried about the time machine. If he has replaced his parallel self, where did the machine go? Just as this thought crossed his mind he had a eureka moment and quickly reached for the timepiece in his breast pocket. And there he found the pocket watch, similar to what he used to own but now, while holding it he could vaguely feel the flow of time and space.

He felt a certain connection to the watch instantly. It's as if he could always find it no matter where it was. 'Must be the effect of that weird blending of energies, man and machine we went through. This reality is the ideal place for getting powers through freak accidents.' Holmes reminisced about all the character ideas he had seen in the ideaverse. A lot of the characters in this reality were a product of experiments or pure accidents.

As he focused on the feeling of time and space on the watch, Sherlock discovered that the device still retained its functions, although much more simplified now. Although it didn't seem possible to time travel due to the device requiring massive amounts of energy, he noticed that he could now teleport short distances of around 100 meters to 500 meters depending on how familiar he was with the terrain.

'The energy must come from absorbing the energy during the blending. I don't know how long it will last. Better keep it for emergencies.'

The teleportation wasn't without its disadvantages though. Unlike the sling ring teleportation of Kamar Taj where you travel through portals, Sherlock had to teleport himself from point A and Point B. So if he was off with the calculations of height, distance and timing, he might get stuck in the ground, walls, or furniture literally.

While he was fiddling with the watch, Mrs. Hudson came into the room holding the tray with a tea, some biscuits, and an envelope. As she put down the tray she spoke, "I almost forgot earlier. It's a letter from the Barnes family. Something about a lost necklace."

Sherlock read through the letter as he sipped the tea but he wasn't interested. There might not even be that many cases that could interest him during the 1800s. And most of the cases which he will receive down the line, he had already solved albeit in another reality.

What interested him now was the more mystical and metaphysical side of the world. And currently, there were bigger problems Holmes had to solve. First, of which was his aging, he didn't know if he would age anymore. After living so long in the ideaverse Holmes had lost his sense of time.

An hour or a month in the ideaverse had no difference to him and he still had the same mentality. But it would be a big problem if he does age. That would mean he would have to find a way to stop his aging first before planning anything. Good thing he was in a reality where you could find immortals and the way to immortality quite easily.

For now, he would adopt a wait-and-see approach as he still has around 5-6 years of his prime. If he does show signs of aging during this period, he would go find a cure as his primary target. But for now, he will keep it in the back of his head.

Another major problem was that he just didn't know much about the hidden side of the world. Sure, he knew a lot of the characters and events but he didn't know when and where they could appear or if they would appear in this reality at all.

So, he had to find those hidden mystical elements and gather knowledge and information, and lots of it. If anyone knew the value of being well informed and having knowledge, it was Holmes.

And he also had to prepare for a future that is almost certainly going to be chaotic. A brief respite for him was that he knew he still had plenty of time to prepare for the chaotic era. He had seen the bits and pieces of technology, clothing, architecture, and society through the ideas of many events in the ideaverse. From all those things and comparing the current standards, Holmes had deduced that he had at least a century to prepare.

(A/N: Holmes is off by a few decades here because well, he judged the future intellectuals by his standard lol)

So, Sherlock decided on a plan of action. First, he would work on his powers and explore them further while getting his body back to its prime. Then, he will scour all the libraries for any relevant knowledge he can gather while looking out for the other side of the world.

'Mycroft should have access to more details on that matter. I should contact him during this time.'

For now, he would focus his efforts on finding the London Sanctum of Kamar-Taj as he knows for a fact that it was something that should already exist here at this time. He didn't know if it existed in this reality but he had to try and find it as this was the only lead he was sure of for now.

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