
Chapter 3

“What’s it gonna be, boy? Sheep or wolf?” Kurt leaned over Felipe on the weight bench. He pushed the bar Felipe had used to warm up with into his chest. Felipe smelled him; the stink of sweat, a sweet whiff of marijuana on his breath, Kurt’s hair grease. Sweat from Kurt’s forehead plopped on Felipe’s shirt; he didn’t even flinch.

The guards were mysteriously gone.

Do it now and do it right.

Felipe met his eyes evenly. Kurt’s were skittering all over, eyeing his audience at the side of the weight area, looking at Felipe’s face and chest, then deliberately lower. Felipe let him look.

This was the moment. Either cream this guy and make his own place in the yard or be a boy for the rest of his stay. Felipe didn’t tense, didn’t offer Kurt any warning. Felipe met Kurt’s gaze, give him a friendly grin.

“So, let’s hear it, big boy. Whasit gonna be?” Kurt moved one hand down to Felipe’s waistband and tugged.