
Shenran’s Sun

Darkness consumes the land of Aurtriel as a demon thought to be banished rises once again. A prophecy is foretold that there is one with the chance of saving them all. Approached by something unknown, the savior will be told of his mission. However, our savior only knows one thing: he is completely, and utterly useless. A failed apothecary holds the fate of Aurtriel in his hands. Lacking all that a hero should, Torheng will have to decide if he shall pursue his destiny, or pray that the gods will prevent the Days of Darkness.

atzjae · Fantasy
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11 Chs

VIII. Burn the Halls!

"Damn you! Damn it all!" The demon yelled out. A silver goblet flung from his hand at the dwarvish male who bowed before him. Ifer nearly charged at him to execute his anger, but stumbled and settled down a moment. He was still absorbing the energy of the sun, and his strength wasn't quite yet restored. It was still the beginning, the early stages. Soon, he could start his conquest. Soon, the sun would fade from the world.

Sitting down in a throne of cracked stone, the Lord of Snakes gazed daggers at Glortur. "Your mission is not yet accomplished, and yet you dare come before me!" He hissed, his slender fingers gripping the armrest of the chair as to maintain his rage.

Glortur stumbled over his words and groveled at the demon lord's feed despite being far from his being. "Y-yer lord! Da mountain was stripped clean o' da orcish scum n' all on it! Nothin' be left but ash n' stone!" He quickly spoke in defense. If Ifer didn't forgive him, he would be nothing more than ash himself!

"Lies! Do you think you can deceive me!?" Ifer screeched. "It is true that no life lingers on the mountain, but you did not exterminate your target, and many others! Yet you dared to come here instead of following their trail!" He continued on, slamming his hand down on the cool stone of his throne. The demon then inhaled deeply, the air thick with the stench of blood. Yet, this seemed to calm him enough to keep from killing the dwarf where he stood. "I sense it. He is still alive. He is in the company of a human, as well as an orc. The others who escaped are likely to meet with their kin. Have them killed before they arrive." Ifer stated calmly, resting his chin atop his hand.

Glortur nodded and seemed to bow numerous times despite his body already being pressed to the icy cave floor. "Da mans ye be trackin', da wizard?" The dwarf managed to say after regaining his confidence. "He be with the orcs?"

Ifer shook his head. He took another deep breath and rapped his fingers against his chin lightly, his knife like talons managing to miss his flesh. "I sense he is only with the two. They are still in Frostforge, close to the mountain. They must be heading to the dwarven hall. Do not go after them. Rather, burn the halls. This time, leave none alive, or you can expect to join the majority." Ifer remarked, his lips stretching into a wicked grin.


Most avoided her, while others gazed at her curiously, or with bad intentions. The elvish girl paced around the city, calling out warnings in regards of what was to come. None listened.

"If this Ifer is to really come, then our gods will protect us! They wouldn't let us fall under his rule." Said one.

"Ifer? The damned thing never existed to begin with."

"Go preach your fairy tales elsewhere!"

Disheartened and anxious, the young sun elf sat down on a staircase, one that simply led to another section of the city. Nothing about Grauknok's Hall was modest. All was made of stone. The walls consisted of keltic patterns and giant statues of their Dwarven ancestors. Dwarves weren't religious. Grauknok's Hall wasn't just made up of dwarves, however. Though, Grauknok's Hall was the closest sanctuary, for her and the great evil. She hadn't a doubt that the Hall would be next. Smoke plagued the air, now, and it was starting to grow colder despite the season being that of Sunseed.

Soon, she was approached by a group of dwarves. Three were guards, and one was a civilian. The civilian pointed to her and spoke simply. "There! She been about all day, preachin' about some demon! 'n at night, she leeches off the inns 'n sleeps outside besides em! She be an elf, she don't belong 're!" They exclaimed,

The guards approached her, taking the girl's arms and lifting her off the staircase. "Come with us. We'll give ye a nice place to stay for a few days." They coaxed.

Confused, the elvish woman looked between them. Though, it didn't take her long to understand what was happening. "No!" She cried out. "I'm Rhys Miblarro, of the Elves of Sharan'en! They took the sun! You have to believe me, they won't be long!" She cried out, attempting to wiggle out of their hold. They only laughed and took her off to the prison within the mountain. They may have believed her if they looked out at the planes of Frostforge, for the demon's army marched through it.

I've been so unmotivated to continue writing! Though I've had some new ideas. Putting them into words is difficult, however.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

atzjaecreators' thoughts