
The Family Tournament (2/4)

One of the staff that were in charge of the tournament was announcing to him his first opponent.

"Before you go. I have to tell you the rules"said the staff member," there are five rules you must follow: rule 1, No Killing! Rule 2, Don't attack your opponent once they either get knocked out, admit defeat or they are outside the ring. Rule 3, You win if your opponent gets knocked, they admit defeat or they get knocked off the ring. Rule 4, each match lasts only a minute. Rule 5, no cheating, that means no weapons or pills to help you out. This is a contest of pure strength, not a contest of how rich you are." explained the staff member before he returned doing his other duties.

Shen Yue nodded and started heading to the arena, on his way Shen Yue saw many people with a smug grin on their faces, they were clearly looking down upon him and didn't even bother hiding it.

When the audience saw Shen Yue they didn't cheer for him as they think he's not worth the effort of putting faith and admiration on him, they knew what he was like and they knew that he was a bitch, they just won't say anything to his face and they'll do anything he tells them to since he is still the patriarch, they didn't want to offend the patriarch.

On the stage was standing a boy with short spikey black hair and he had brown eyes, he wore a black tunic with brown pants and wore straw sandals on his feet, he was taller than Shen Yue by 5 inches, he was older than Shen Yue by three years (10 years old), he was Shen Kai.

They both bowed. The voice of the referee resounded.


'Heh, I'll beat this guy up really easy lemon squeezy. After all, the Shen Family only houses bunch of weaklings' thought Shen Yue.

As Shen Yue was saying that within his mind, this gave time for Shen Kai, who noticed this opening, to attack with ferociousness without delay, Shen Yue had barley any time to respond as a fist landed on his cheek and then a kick landed on his rib with strength enough to break a brick like a shaolin martial artist.

Seeing this, the audience secretly smiled at the 'suffering' that Shen Yue received. It proved that their judgement was right; Shen Yue was just a weakling after all, he probably didn't bother training and was just chasing skirts.

Just as Shen Yue was about to stand up, he received a kick to the chin sending Shen Yue flying a meter back in the air before falling on his back.


As Shen Yue landed on the ground with his back, he immediately stood up with quick speed.

'Dammit! I've let my guard down, I was so cocky that I indulged myself with thoughts and got distracted. This Shen Kai bastard really wants to win.' Said Shen Yue within his mind as this time his eyes; his eyebrows creased; his body positioned in the karate stance with his left palm being at the front and his other hand out close to the waist side-by-side. Shen Yue was concentrating and calming himself slowly.

"Stupid! Kid! I told you many times not to let your guard down and what did you do?... You let your guard down. Just you wait! Once the tournament is over, I'll teach you a lesson!" An old man was standing close to the ring, he had a bald spot with a red pony tail and a large white beard reaching his chest, it was master kang but he wasn't wearing the strange getup instead he wore a long red robe that looked great as if a special occasion.

Shen Yue got a hang of himself now and was finally ready to start pummelling this kid, no more messing about, he had learned from this mistake; never let your guard down.

Shen Kai tried punching Shen Yue in the gut but Shen Yue managed to side step and tilt his body making Shen Kai miss his punch. Shen Yue sent an uppercut to Shen Kai's chin, making Shen Kai wobble with dizziness.

Shen Yue then lunged with great speed and jumped up with great velocity, he stretched his foot in the air and positioned himself in kung fu air kick. Shen Yue air kicked Shen Kai's chest as he was distracted, he fell down on his back unmoving whilst groaning.

"3...2...1... Shen Yue wins this match!" shouted the referee.

"Shen Yue walked up to Shen Kai who was still on the floor, he offered him a hand so that he can get up. Which Shen Kai hesitantly accepted.

"You are not as weak as they claim you to be Shen Yue. Your punch and kick actually hurt a lot." said Shen Kai as he rubbed his chin.

"Although truefully your attacks didn't hurt, the first one caught me by surprise and it kinda actually hurt. So you have my respect, If you need someone to help you, some advice or a friend to hangout with, just contact me." responded Shen Yue.

"Thanks." said Shen Kai, as they both bowed their heads to show respect.

Shen Yue walked back to his waiting room meanwhile the audience were flabbergasted and were surprised. They were like, 'it must have been on purpose', not believing Shen Yue could win.

Few hours later...

Shen Yue had participated in 12 matches, all which he has won without effort, he only needed a fist or a kick and they would already be out of the ring as his fists and kicks have enough power to send kids his age flying out of the ring without a single scratch.

His next opponent was Shen Qi, she was a girl from the side branch of Shen Family that was second only to the main family and she was 2 star bronze spiritualist. She was eleven years old and her father was an elder with prestige as he was peak 5 star gold rank spiritualist.

Shen Qi was a good looking little girl, she had long brown hair and green eyes, she wore a dress that looked amazing, looked hand crafted by a fine tailor. She had a determined look in her eyes.

They both bowed their heads whilst after that the referee shouted


Shen Qi lunged with great speed and started started sending hundreds of palm strikes embedded with soul force like a machine gun, her attack was strong enough to take down an ordinary 3 star bronze spiritualist. This just shows that cultivators from clans are stronger compared to ordinary cultivators.

Shen Yue was weaving backwards as he had a plan in mind.


Shen Yue weaved again as he moved to left of the arena. Shen Qi still didn't let him off as she continued her barrage without sweating.


Shen Yue weaved again and moved backwards once again.


He weaved back again, standing close to the edge of arena.

"Look! He's being pushed back by Shen Qi, is his winning going to finally end?!" said one of the audiences.

"GO! Shen Qi! Kick his ass!" shouted another member from the audience and Shen Family.

'This brat is quite clever' thought Master Kang at the back.

Shen Qi seeing Shen Yue at the edge of the ring, she smiled at the foolishness of Shen Yue as he was making it easy for her. She exclaimed, "I',m Gonna Wi-!"

Shen Qi was cheering fr herself as her buddha-like arms kept sending armies of steel palms but unexpectedly as she was about to say 'win'.

Shen Yue jumped up and kicked Shen Qi's back as he jumped as high as the best NBA star in the world. His kick sent Shen Qi flying off the stage and fall on her little butt as she twisted her body luckily whilst she was falling.

"The winner of this match is... Shen Yue!" shouted the referee, whilst no one was cheering but instead quite surprised but not that greatly as before because they knew he was the patriarch's son.

Shen Yue jumped off the stage and reached his hand out towards Shen Qi and smiling like a shonen protagonist.

"The reason you lost was because you were too arrogant and let down your defence, you should always be on guard, every single detail must not be let off! So how about I help you up?" said Shen Yue to the little girl that was sitting on the ground.

She took his hand and was standing now, she said "Thank You." before she slapped his hand once she was back up. She said, "You have embarrassed me in front of everyone. From now on, we are rivals!" she hissed as she turned around to walk away.

Shen Yue got one of his hands close to his mouth sideways, to enhance the loudness of his voice and he yelled.

"That's the most cliche thing I've ever heard!"

Next chapter