

"This is amazing" Doctor Benjamin said examining the patient with no memory other than two wolves fighting. He had helped her sit up to check on the cuts that needed stitches only to find them completely healed. There were no scares, no redness or anything. It was like the tears were never even there. "Let me know if this hurts" He said pressing his hands on her rib cage. "Can you feel it?" He asked and she slowly nodded turning her head to look at him. He gave her a curious look as he moved in front of her. "Do you feel any pain, any pain at all?" He asked.

"No, I feel fine" She answered him as he crossed his arms a million thoughts running through his mind. "What's wrong?" She asked him.

"I have never seen anybody heal this quickly" He told her. "Especially from injuries that you had" He said shaking his head. "It just doesn't make any sense" He muttered to himself. "You don't feel any pain in your head?" He asked and she shook her head 'no'. "No soreness or tightness?" He asked.

"I feel fine" She said shrugging. She had been awake for a day and it seemed as if she had completely healed over night.

"Well, even though I don't know how, I'm glad you're alright" He said giving her a smile that made her heart flutter.

"Am I free to go?" She asked.

"I want to run some tests to make sure that there's no internal bleeding and that everything is in fact healed before I let you go, is that alright?" He asked and she nodded. "Good, stay here I'll be right back" He said and she nodded again watching him leave. She racked her brain around wondering if she couldn't trigger any more memories but nothing came. She was stuck with the same wolf vs wolf fight that still didn't make any sense to her.

After a few minutes she stood up and walked over to the sink to grab some water. She froze when she noticed the mirror. She stood looking at it for a while. She noticed her hair was a light red, almost strawberry blonde. She walked closer to the mirror looking into her own eyes. They appeared to be similar to Doctor Benjamin's eyes.

Turning away from the mirror she looked down at her right forearm. A large tattoo of a wolf and a rose took up almost her entire arm. She traced it lightly with her fingers. From what she could tell it was the only tattoo she had. As she looked at it she felt calmer, as if she was looking at something that truly meant something to her. She wondered what the tattoo meant, where she had gotten it and why she had gotten it. She wondered if the wolf she kept remembering was somehow linked to the tattoo. Whatever it was, the tattoo gave her a familiar feeling, a feeling like home. She turned her head hearing the Doctor walking back into the room.

"Hi" He said giving her a smile.

"I can't believe I forgot what I looked like" She said looking back at the mirror. "If I'm healed then why can't I remember?" She asked.

"I don't know" He told her honestly. "The mind is very complex, something that can't be completely understood. Everyone is different" He told her. "You're memories could come back in a matter of days, weeks, months" He said shrugging. "You just never know" He said honestly.

"But will they come back?" She asked and he just looked at her.

"There's a possibility that they won't" He said. "Only time will tell" He told her giving her a sad smile. She slowly nodded looking away from him. "Lets just see if the rest of you are alright first" He said regaining her attention. "One step at a time" He said and she nodded going with him to go get different tests done.

"So... Am I all good?" She asked a few hours later. Doctor Benjamin looked through the test results before nodding.

"It's miraculous that you healed this quickly, I didn't think anything like this was possible" He said smiling at her. She interested him, she was a mystery he wanted to solve. How could someone heal so quickly from injuries as extensive as hers? Not to mention that she is absolutely beautiful and he hasn't been able to stop thinking about her since she was brought to the hospital.

"I don't know how it happened but.." She said shrugging. He just smiled at her nodding. "Am I allowed to go now?" She asked.

"Yes, you're free to go" He said and she smiled.

"Do I have any clothes?" She asked and his eyes widened realizing that she in fact, did not have any clothes.

"Actually... no" He said and she looked at him interested. "When they found you, you had no identification and were... naked" He said and she slowly nodded.

"Okay" She said slowly.

"I can find you some clothes" He said and she gave him a small smile. "There's plenty of nurses here that are about your size, I'm sure someone is willing to help you out" He said and she nodded.

"Thank you" She said and he nodded.

"It's no problem, I'll be right back" He said giving her a smile before walking out of the room. She felt her cheeks warming up at the thought of him seeing her unconscious and naked. She looked back in the mirror seeing her cheeks the same color as her hair. She took another deep breath to calm herself. She understood he is extremely attractive but once she leaves the hospital, what are the odds of seeing him again? That thought alone was enough to make her feel depressed, however, it got her thinking.

She has no idea who she is and she was found with no identification. She doesn't know anybody and she has no idea where she lives. Where is she going to go? Where is she going to sleep or get some food? Thinking about food made her stomach grumble and she realized that she was extremely hungry. She sighed running her hand through her hair trying not to panic.

"Alright, here you go" Doctor Benjamin said coming into the room with some clothes. "I was able to convince a good friend of mine to help you out" He said and she smiled at him.

"Thank you, I really do appreciate it" She said and he smiled nodding.

"You can get changed and you'll be free to go" He said and she nodded. He gave her a smile before stepping out of the room. She looked at the clothes seeing it was a tank top and jeans. She shrugged off the hospital gown before putting on some spare underwear the hospital kept along with an uncomfortable bra. She sighed putting on the maroon tank top followed by the black skinny jeans. Looking in the mirror she noticed the tank top didn't cover her entire stomach and the jeans didn't go all the way down to her ankles.

"Come in" She said hearing a knock on the door. Doctor Benjamin entered the room and couldn't help but to stare at her. The tank top hugged her body tightly as well as the jeans, it was a nice sight for him. She couldn't help but to smile liking the idea of him checking her out. He snapped out of it clearing his throat with a light blush on his cheeks.

"I'm sorry they don't completely fit" He said and she shrugged.

"It's alright" She told him. "It's better than a hospital gown" She said and he nodded in agreement.

"So, should I call a cab for you? Do you have anywhere to stay?" He asked and she sighed shaking her head.

"I just... I don't remember anything and I don't have anymore or anything" She said sighing as she sat on the bed. "I don't know what I'm going to do" She said fear filling up in her chest. She looked down at her hands as she tried to think of her next move.

The doctor watched her and hated the look on her face. The helplessness, the fear. He didn't like her feeling like this and he wanted to help. He considered offering her the spare room in his house but then he wondered why he even thought to offer? He has never met this woman and for all he knew she could rob him blind. However, he wanted to learn more about her. He wanted to figure her out and help her figure herself out. He didn't understand the attachment he felt towards her but the thought of not being near her was unsettling.

"I have an extra room in my house" He said and she looked over at him. "You're more than welcome to stay with me for the time being" He said giving her a kind smile.

"I don't want to impose" She said and he laughed shaking his head.

"I'm offering... besides what else are you going to do?" He asked and she sighed shrugging. "Then it's settled, you can stay with me" He said and she smiled at him.

"Thank you, so much" She said and he nodded.

"I get off in a couple of hours, you can wait in the waiting room... might be more comfortable then here" He said and she nodded as her stomach growled. "Or you can go to the cafeteria" He said letting out a laugh. She smiled laughing as well before standing up. "Here's a couple of bucks" He said pulling out his wallet.

"Doctor Benjamin" She said shaking her head.

"It's 10 dollars" He said holding it out to her. "It won't break me" He said and she smiled slowly taking it knowing she was really hungry. "And since you'll be living with me, you can call me Ben" He said and she nodded. "And what should I call you?" He asked and she sighed wishing she knew her name at least. Her eyes went down to her arm.

"Rose" She whispered.

"Pardon?" He asked as she traced the tattoo lightly.

"Rose" She said clearly. Her eyes locked with his and she gave him a smile. "Rose will do for now" He nodded.

"Alright, Rose it is" He said smiling. "I'll see you after my shift alright?" He asked and she nodded. "I'll see you around, Rose" He said before leaving.

"See you around... Ben" She said smiling slightly wider at the sound of his name.