
She wants to be attended

It stands to reason that Lin Qianhuan should not have any dissatisfaction. Her husband, Yu Han, is mature, stable, gentle and considerate. He became a university professor at a young age, and he has a face that makes thousands of students dream of him. But occasionally in midnight dreams, Lin Qianhuan would still think of the 18-year-old Xia Tian, ​​the unruly boy who pierced her vagina with a thick, long, hot and hard penis, and poured all the scalding semen into her. ... Although her husband is good, he is too gentle in sex, and Lin Qianhuan always feels that he is not enjoying himself enough. It wasn't until the second anniversary of her marriage that the boy who opened her buds reappeared and sent her into the abyss of desire with a huge crotch, and she recalled how wonderful it was to be fucked to the point of erosive sex.  Support me on patreon https://patreon.com/Prabin776

skemi243 · Urban
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121 Chs

Chapter 59 Yu Han Asks Qianqian: Do I look alike like your husband?

It's not that Chen Wenye has never asked about Yu Han.

It is said that this person has been a genius since he was a child. When he was in school, he skipped several grades and was able to take the first place in the exam. Now he has received a double Ph.D. .

But geniuses are always somewhat withdrawn.

The Yu family is a top wealthy family, but Yu Han has never appeared in those rich second-generation circles. He is completely separated from all kinds of people and never participates in parties. It seems that he has no social interaction, no friends, and only focuses on academics Research.

Such a person Chen Wenye naturally thinks that he is boring, even if he has seen the photos and knows that he looks outstanding, Chen Wenye does not feel that he is inferior to him.

After all, lively talents are more interesting, and people like Yu Han must be rigid and boring.

But at the moment when he really saw Yu Han, Chen Wenye was a little dazed.

This person is not only handsome and radiant, but also has an outstanding temperament. Once he appears on the stage, it is difficult to look away. Even his personality is completely different from what he imagined.

He went out on a date to buy flowers for his wife, and when he came to his wife's side, he would hug and kiss her boldly and enthusiastically. He even said that he was Lin Qianhuan's lover when he introduced himself... What's even more annoying was that he was still very tall. Well, Chen Wenye himself is 1.8 meters tall, but he even raised his head when looking at Yu Han, which is unacceptable.

"Don't listen to his nonsense," Lin Qianhuan gave Yu Han an angry look, and said sweetly, "He is my lover." "Is my lover?" Yu Han rubbed Lin Qianhuan's head and laughed softly


He was wearing a well-fitting white sweater, his chest trembled when he smiled, and the already distinct muscle lines were more clearly outlined. Chen Wenye had to admit that the figure of the man in front of him was truly amazing.

So does this still make sense?

Yu Han is a professor of biology, shouldn't he spend all day doing research in the laboratory? Why can you still get the right muscles?

Yu Han had already sat down to order food with his arms around Lin Qianhuan, he was obviously familiar with Lin Qianhuan's taste, every time he ordered a dish, Lin Qianhuan's eyes would bend upwards.

"It's all my favorite food." Lin Qianhuan even said it out to show off.

"This dish should be good."

"Actually, I came to this restaurant and ordered this dish when I was entertaining. To be honest, it's not as good as yours." "

Who told you to come out to eat?"

"You shouldn't Say, cook it for me when I get back tonight?"

"I really don't have the idea."

"I'm angry!"

Chen Wenye: "..."

He looked at the two people opposite him flirting with complex emotions, and An Ran seemed to be used to it, not only turning a blind eye to it, but also ordering from another menu.

"Does Mr. Chen want to eat?" Yu Han asked him symbolically.


Just as Chen Wenye was about to speak, Yu Han closed the menu and said, "No? That's all."

Chen Wenye: "..."

He could see that Yu Han was targeting him.

And Yu Han not only targeted her secretly, but even hugged Lin Qianhuan on the spot to point out: "Although our family Qianqian is beautiful, cute and charming, but Chen Shao, you are An Ran's boyfriend after all, why don't you stare at my wife so obviously? "

President Chen is sitting across from us after all," Lin Qianhuan spoke for him in a rare way, "You can't let him eat with his eyes closed, right?" Yu Han took Lin Qianhuan's hand, squeezed it lightly in the palm, and

said Smile: "But what if I'm jealous?"

Lin Qianhuan put her arms around Yu Han's neck, kissed him on the spot, and said delicately, "Kiss you, don't be jealous, okay?" Chen Wenye: "..."


Han and Lin Qianhuan really What he hates most is the kind of couple who show their affection regardless of the occasion, and act like no one else knows how to behave!

The key is that those who are so distorted are usually young couples who have just been together. Yu Han and Lin Qianhuan have been married for a long time, right? Why are you still so tired?

Do you really like it that much?

Really that love?

"You don't still want to sabotage, do you?" An Ran leaned over and asked.

Chen Wenye sneered coldly: "I'm not so self-aware."

This couple is a natural match, and he was too stupid to think that he could hook up with Lin Qianhuan.

Chen Wenye completely gave up his thoughts about Lin Qianhuan, and he became more open-minded. Seeing him like this, Yu Han returned kindness, and the two men quickly chatted. Interesting, dabbled in many aspects, vivid and extraordinary conversation.

The dishes came out quickly, and the two were still discussing the domestic economy, Lin Qianhuan got up and went to the bathroom, An Ran thought about it, and followed.

"Which... is this? Why am I a little dizzy?" An Ran was confused, "At one moment I thought he was Yu Han's second personality, and at another moment I thought he was Yu Han's first personality..." Lin Qianhuan was quite confused

. Determined: "It's the second personality."

An Ran: "But, but he still calls you wife."

Lin Qianhuan told her: "Originally, both personalities would call me wife."

An Ran: "Okay... "

When he went out, Chen Wenye had already said "Brother Yu" in one mouthful, and asked him why he was so knowledgeable about economics, why he didn't go home to take over the company and became a university professor instead?

An Ran heard Lin Qianhuan's hand nervously grasped here, but Yu Han glanced in Lin Qianhuan's direction, stared deeply for a long time, then raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "What university professor? I'm a homeless person now, thanks to Qianqian raised me."

Chen Wenye: "..."

Interest, this is the special interest between their husband and wife, right? He has seen it through.

Lin Qianhuan was also startled, but she returned to the dinner table calmly, and changed the subject of why An Ran's younger brother hadn't come yet.

"Could it be that he flinched?" Lin Qianhuan asked.

An Ran shook her head: "Probably not."

As soon as the words finished, a tall young man entered the restaurant and walked up to them.

When Chen Wenye saw the young man, he didn't react at all. He was stunned for a moment, and then he greeted with a smile: "Why are you here? Today is a holiday? Come and have dinner with your classmates?" An Ran's pupils trembled, and she almost bit her tongue nervously "You, you guys know each other?"

"That's right," Chen Wenye pointed to the young man and introduced to An Ran, "This is my nephew, Chen Xusheng." An Ran

's face was as pale as paper in an instant, and the young man stared at An Ran firmly, He opened his mouth: "Sister, is he the boyfriend you mentioned?"

Chen Wenye finally realized something belatedly, but before he could speak, his nephew's fist hit him mercilessly.

"Xiao Sheng!"

"Xiao Sheng, what the hell are you doing!" An Ran

rushed over to fight, the people sitting next to him and the waiter screamed, many people unconsciously looked at this farce, only Yu Han looked down at his hand I don't know what I'm thinking about.

Lin Qianhuan was worried that something might happen and wanted to persuade her, but Yu Han grabbed her wrist.

"What's the matter, Ah Han?"

Yu Han pulled her back to his side, and in the midst of the panic and noise, he put his ear next to her, calling her: "Qianqian." He asked, "Qianqian, your husband and I grew up very close.

" Like? Why does Chen Wenye think I'm your husband?"