
She Turns Glamorous After Marriage

In the glimmering world of Hollywood, a rising star named Sarah shines brightly on the silver screen. With each role she takes on, she pushes the boundaries of her talent, striving for perfection in every performance. During the filming of her latest movie, Sarah crosses paths with a charismatic and charming young man who becomes her pillar of support in moments of despair. Their encounters are filled with laughter and joy, but as their connection deepens, they find themselves entangled in a web of love. However, just as their love story unfolds, a twist emerges. Lucius Anderson, a renowned tycoon with a mysterious reputation, enters the scene. Rumored to be gay due to his absence of female companionship despite his wealth and striking looks, Lucius stuns the nation when it is revealed that he has a betrothed wife, whom he married when she was just a toddler. Unbeknownst to Lucius' wife, she has fallen deeply in love with another man. Little does she know that her lover has been paid and sent to watch her every move, toying with her emotions for ulterior motives. As their love triangle intensifies, the consequences of their actions loom large. In this gripping novel, emotions run high and hearts are shattered. The country watches in awe as this complex tale of love, betrayal, and hidden agendas unfolds. Will Sarah reciprocate the love of her devoted admirer? Can Lucius' wife find happiness despite the tangled web of her marriage? And what will be the ultimate price for those who have caused irreparable damage to her heart? Prepare yourself for a slow-burning journey into the world of fame, passion, and heartache. This is not your ordinary fictional novel, but a captivating story set against the backdrop of the acting world and a love triangle that will keep you turning the pages. Take a chance on this novel, dear readers, and be prepared to be swept away into a world where the spotlight shines on both the stage and the heart.

Okwuma · Fantasy
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79 Chs


When she woke up, she was in a hospital bed. A doctor stood over her, and she could hear the sound of beeping monitors.

Her head was pounding, and her mouth felt dry.

"What happened?" She croaked, her voice raspy.


Before the incident, two young ladies sneaked into a dressing room meant for one of the actor's personal use in the theatre, they sneaked in and closed the door quietly.

"Are you sure the CCTV camera was turned off ?" One of them asked.

"Yes, I made sure it was turned off" the other lady whispered afraid to be caught if someone walked in or heard their conversation, so she stood at the door to listen if any footsteps were drawing closer to the room they were in.

While she kept watch, the other lady went to the dressing table and kept a box on it after adding the contents she had in the bottle into the box. She kept it on the table, and she had a wide grin on her face, like that of a person who had accomplished something very big and deserved a reward.

Back to the present.

On the other side, in a big city at night, the lights in the city were turned on, lights of different colors, making the night view more beautiful.

In a dark gloomy room with some cigarette ashes in a tray. There sat a man, very elegant and charming, his long legs crossed across the table as puffs up the cigarette.

The man in the dark room exudes an air of mystery. He is a man of power and influence.

As he takes another drag of a cigarette, he speaks in a low, deep, and commanding voice.

" what has been happening to my betrothed beautiful wife Jasmine?" He asked a wide smile on his lips as he spoke of his betrothed.

"Sir, we have some new information about your betrothed, Jasmine," the spy said, his head bowed down because what he was about to say was not a positive one.

"Go on," the mysterious man said as the wide smile that was on his face turned into that of seriousness seeing the looks of his spy as he relayed what was happening to Jasmine.

"She..she has been poisoned by her co-star, Alice, with the help of her assistant Clara. It seems like Alice is trying to sabotage Jasmine to gain an advantage in their shared career. should we take any actions, sir ?" The spy asked waiting for a new task to carry on.

The man takes another drag of the cigarette, his brows furrowed as he considers this information.

" No, we will not take any actions yet. But I want you to keep a close eye on Alice and her assistant, keep me updated on whatever Alice does, I will tell you what to do next time, you can leave now" he dismissed him.

After the spy goes away. He calls on his PA Ray.

" Ray, go to the hospital where Jasmine has been admitted, go check on her, I want you to report back to me with all the details of her condition".

Ray, who was used to carrying out orders simply responded,

"of course sir. I'll report back as soon as possible with all the information you require " With that, the call disconnected.

At the hospital where Sarah was, the doctor looked at her with a grave expression.

"You were found unconscious in your dressing room," the doctor said. " we're still running tests but we suspect you were poisoned. You're lucky to still be alive". Sarah's eyes widened in horror.

"Poisoned?" She tried to remember what happened before she blacked out. "The chocolates!" Sarah thought feeling a wave of panic. She had to tell someone what happened ASAP!

As she struggled to find her voice, a familiar face appeared in the doorway.

It was Michael. He rushed to her side, his expression filled with worry.

"Sarah, thank goodness you're okay!" Michael said."We were so worried when we found you unconscious" Sarah tried to speak but her throat was too dry."Water", she croaked and Michael quickly grabbed a cup at the bedside, filled it with water, and helped her take a sip.

As the cool water soothed her throat, she felt a little more like herself.

"I was poisoned," Sarah said. Surprising Michael greatly.

"What? That's impossible! No one on set would do something like that. Are you sure you are not just imagining things? Sarah shook her head,

"I'm not" She insisted, "I remember the chocolates, and how they smelled funny. I think someone deliberately poisoned them.

Michaels's face darkened. "We'll have to investigate this," he said. "In the meantime, you need to rest and recover. I'm going to make sure you have round-the-clock security, and no one will be allowed near you without my approval.is that okay with you?" Michael asked and Sarah nodded, feeling a sense of relief.

At least she wouldn't have to worry about anyone else hurting her. But she still had to figure out who had done this and why,

"Do you have any idea who might have done this? He asked.

Sarah thought for a moment. " There is one person who has been angry at me lately," she said slowly "It's Alice. The other actress"

Michael looked surprised "Alice? But she's so… wait," he said, his eyes narrowing."there have been some incidents lately. Small things that went wrong during filming. Things that caused us delays and cost us money to rectify. Things that were blamed on mistakes, but now I'm wondering if they were intentionally done.

Sarah felt a chill run down her spine. Could Alice have done all those things? And if so, why? What did she have to gain from sabotaging the movie? Sarah didn't have any answers, but she was determined to find out.

Sure enough, when they returned to the theater where the movie shoot was held, they checked the security footage, and they saw that it was indeed Alice who had slipped the poisoned chocolates onto Sarah's dressing table. And they saw that Clara had a helping hand in it by standing guard at the door.

After watching the CCTV camera footage, Sarah and Michael were both horrified.

"I can't believe she would do something like this," he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

" I know she's mean but I never thought she was capable of doing such a wicked act, trying to poison you? Like that's just out of it" As Michael spoke, Sarah felt a wave of anger wash over her.

She was determined to make sure Alice was held accountable for her actions.

She isn't some two goody shoes who will just really forgive and forget things that were done against her.