
She transmigrated and started different life

After Kendra Johnson lived her life under great difficulties she finally died and thought that was it. But the fate made bet with her. She awakened in the body of a weak child that was close to dying. Should she take a chance and live this life with full breath? Even tho the body was weak, but the mind of the person that already lived a full life. ''I will make my wishes come true.'' ''I will travel the world and explore the continents.'' ''I can understand all the languages? Great with me I don't need a damn translator.'' ''I need money so let's dive to the depths of the ocean and look for 1000 years old pearls.'' There is this man who can't let go. There is the other who thinks he is important. There are many birds and bees. ''But what I want is just travel around and one day find a quiet spot and enjoy my life.'' ---------------------------------------------- This IS original. NOT a translation. I planned to give you chapters that are long but ended up short. Why? Because it is paid by word count and the long chapters became too expensive. .Should I change it? let me know :) Took the picture from a free download from www.pixabay.com For music, I often hear --- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjzHeG1KWoonmf9d5KBvSiw

JennyS · History
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650 Chs

20.More food?

Kendra understood that now she is fast enough to go to Goluk and get the pots in morning. They are usually already awake at that time. She would buy as much she could, put in basket and hands and hurry home before Isaa wakes up.

Then they would check traps every morning and evening.Then forest traps and then gather as much strawberries as they could.They ate some fish, some they dried for later and most they left in the hole.

It was already market day again .Kendra didn't go to cooks working place since then.But now with full baskets were with fish in their hands had jam jars,yhey again entered the inner city.

The young man seemed to be his helper so he was already waiting outside.He knew they would come early.He called cook even before they came near,as he saw them already when they passed the inner gate.

The cook came out and as they approached he knew that baskets are indeed filled to the brim.

When Kendra cam and gave him baskets.He counted over three dozen of fishes and two small jam jars.

''Its good you brought so many fishes.I will put them in ice storage for tomorrow and rest I will dry.''he said while looking at the fishes that seemed to be quite plump.

''I will not come for while.It seems as the summer go on that there is less and less fishes.I am sorry.'' said Kendra while looking at him seriously.

It was time to dig bigger hole and she wanted to gather there small and big fishes for transportation for the castle.It was about time.She could see that it was less water so there is chance that fishes will be less and less.

''Will you buy peasants and rabbits if I catch them.There is still jam.I found berries in forest that are edible so i will make jam from them as well.If you want fresh fruits let me know.''she looked at him as she was troubled.She could still bring him more fish but it was time to make decisions and castle was more important.

He looked at her face and taught that it was really hard for the child to find fishes.Last time she was gone for almost ten days before she didn't find new fish spot.It seems it will get harder.

''I need to talk to my employer.I will ask him if he could rise some of the price.''he looked at her.

''Its not the price''she looked at him very troubled''I really have hard time finding spot with fishes.If there is no rain I might not find any for long time.I am sorry.''she said while she shook her head.

''I see''he realized that if this heat continues...''I will buy the rabbits and peasants when you have them.The jam I will ask when I need and I will order fresh fruit when I need it as well.''

''So be it.If I find again some fish I will bring it to you.''she said with shining eyes.She has no intention to loose such good costumer.''Hmmm.By the way.Do you prepare sometimes oysters?''

''Oysters?''he suddenly looked at her''Do you have way?I didn't see any for while because they are usually on places that have strong undercurrents.''

Kendra guessed so far.She saw last time thousands of oysters.It was as she guessed.The currents protected them not to get salvaged.

''I can bring them but only dried ones.Unfortunately I can't bring fresh ones.''she said apologetically.

''I understand.There is no problem.If you could bring me fresh ones I would pay you 1 silver per oyster,dried ones I'll pay 30 coins per peace.''he said while thinking that even if there its dried oyster he can make amazing soup.But fresh ones....

''I understand.I will have to find way.''she said in deep thought.''Wait you said you have ice storage.Where did you buy ice?''

''Here in inner city there is store.They have huge underground ice storage.They sell ice...Wait if you need ice for transportation of oysters just tell me.I can give you some of our ice.''he said while waving his hands.No need that she spends money if he could get fresh oysters.

''If I find way to get the oysters I will let you know.''she said but still wanted to see the ice trade.She could buy ice and just make some ice cream for herself and Isaa.

Crushed ice and jam or fresh fruits...mmmmm. Other things as well.She needed ice as well for her pantry.Or all that food will go bad if the things get hotter.

They went down street toward the store.She saw it from far.Carriages after carriages stood in front store as one huge peace of ice was taken out after another.

They went in and one of storekeepers came to them.Even if their clothing seems to be of cheap material,the boy still gave good feeling.

''How may I help you.''he asked the children that didn't seem to feel any cold in this place.He had his big winter jacket on but these kids just summer clothes.

''How much is a block of ice.''Kendra asked.

''You have three sizes small,medium and big.''

''Those that were transported outside what sizes are they?''she asked.The man looked at the child with smile.Not dumb child,better not provoke.If he can enter inner city he has some backing.

''Those are medium.''he said.''There is half size smaller is small and double as big is big one.''

Kendra nodded.''then the prices.?''

''Small 50 coins,medium one silver and big two silver.''.Kendra taught it made sense.

''Do you transport the ice?''she asked.

''Yes inner city 50 coins outer city 60 coins.Nobles district two silver.''

Kendra nodded that make sense as well.Nearby cheaper ,outer city is far and nobles have money.

''How many of small ones can fit in on the carriage?''

''50''he said.Kendra got shocked she don't need that much.

''Well I need just 20.'' She explained where she lives .

''It fine.Is it one or 50, the carriage price is always same .'he said while thinking that these children definitely have some backing.Not even nobles order that many.

''I first have to see how much space I have then I will come and tell you what time you could send someone to me.I will pay half now and half when I get the ice.''

He nodded and told his boss.The boss wrote the name and address calmly not even looking at the children.When they left the man came to his boss.

''Boss those children...''he wanted to ask.

''Those children are not to be touched.They are under protection of the city Lord.If they ask you for help just do it.It is good to be on their good side.You see that boy.He is so little but earns his own money diligently.He never asked anyone for help or made any problems.So if there is any trouble ever,no matter what ,you have to help them.The Lord has eyes everywhere but can't help always.''he said and looked at the back of two small children.He nodded.''Those two children seem to have powers as well.I can feel it.''

He was after all Ice elementalist. Most people didn't know that they buy ice whole summer form someone who can make ice.If he was not injured few years ago he might have being still out there...

Kendra was in deep taught as she neared to the market.She could definitely feel someones energy.But she couldn't feel who.Maybe someone just passed buy that had powers.

Since she found out that they both had powers they tried to use the powers as much as they could.Soon she wont need anymore the traps to gather fishes.This morning she realized she can use water elements.And Isaa as well but only for short time.It seems Isaa's powers are still weaker than hers.Maybe because she is smaller than her?

When she saw market she choose to first go to the two woman.They had today lots of eggs.She bought two dozen and but in Isaa basket.

Then she wanted to buy lots of turnip and carrots to dry. The woman send her to their friend from village that came with carriage full of carrots and turnips.When she arrived most of them were already sold.But there was still lots inside.

''Hello.The friendly woman from your village sent us here.We would like to buy rest of the vegetables.How much would it be?''

''Sorry these were sold few moment ago I am about to drive them to buyer.But next market day I will bring again.Do you want me to drive to your own home?''he asked.

''Yes please.''she answered as she explained where they live.

''Oh.I know that place.On the wall right.Last year I took there some onions and garlic.''I will bring it to you straight home as soon as the gate opens.After that I can come back here.''

''That is great.I will wait.The price?''she asked in hope it wont go trough roof.

''One pound three coins.''Indeed those vegetables are ridiculously cheap.

''Then 25 pounds of each.And do you have other vegetables?''she asked.

''Onion and garlic is still too small.I will sell it later on.Cabbage as well near winter.''

''I guess then for now that is it before fall and winter.''she said while giving up on it.He looked at Kendra.

''There is near winter turnip and carrots as well.You buy some now.And on end of summer you can buy more and have some fresh ones for winter''

''If I pay now will you bring me in winter then.''she taught maybe is better.

''Then bring me ten pounds of turnip carrots each.Near winter bring the rest of 15 pounds.Then I will order the rest of vegetables.Do you know anyone with eggplants?''

''My neighbor has lots this year''

''Then bring me ten pounds of it as well.I will pay when you arrive.''she took money and payed for the carrots and turnips.

She nodded politely to the man and went to get the clothes she ordered.They were finished.She went to the city office to find officer Luar but he was not there.This time is his afternoon shift.So she will come back later she said to the friendly officer.

They went home and she took eggs from sisters basket.She actually wanted to buy so much things on market,but on the end Isaa ended taking eggs back home.She didn't let Kendra wearing it so she proudly strode with those short legs. Kendra snickered. Her sister is just too cute.

When they entered the gate they didn't feel as hot as outside.Strange.It seems that inside gate was cooler that outside on street.Kendra was worried that the house would be hot but it was not.It was still early morning so she taught about later.She wanted to make some bread here and then take it with her.

She went into pantry and took the pot where she left the yeast.She used half white-half dark flour and made mix.She made fire in the oven on as she needed warm water for the yeast anyway.

She opened door and went to get water.Inside was nice and cool.She quickly came back.She didn't want to let it heat up to much.She will one time wash herself outside and then go inside to see how deep is that well.She is curious.There is anyway no animals inside so she was not scared.

She looked at the small garden and saw Isaa running after butterflies barefoot.It was soft grass everywhere so they choose to walk without shoes when they are in this house.

Water was warm quite fast.She got used to make bread so she kneaded it quickly.She put clean cloth on it and let it grow.She looked trough pantry and she saw something like smaller door in corner.She went there and got new shock.

What is with this luck?She went down and there was Ice cellar.Full room with ice.Nothing else.Oh.Is that reason why whole place is cold?She looked around ice cellar and didn't see any edibles. She taught that is good as well.She don't need to make that many jams.She can freeze some of the fruits,vegetables and meat.

Even if she had so much ice, she still needs more.Summer is long.And fall might be hot as well.She better be ready for it than worry.

She took few empty pots and brought down into cellar.Then she went up and put in down first all sausages.They were dry enough.She was worried that by this heat they would turn bad.She did same with dried meat and multiple peaces of bacon.Did they leave here half of a pig?

She now had time to check the pots.Most of them were empty.As she checked she found in one of them dried apples. Probably from last year.She choose to eat those as they would loose anyway taste after to long.

Three pots had fat with peaces of what its seems as meet.She took one peace out and was stunned.It was really braised meat.

She took downstairs the three pots and search further .It seems that is it. She looked at big pot of fat she had nearby.She took out smaller peaces of ice,put in medium pots and left near the fat.No other way as it seems.Lets hope the fat wont get bad.

She took the peace of meat with fat on it and planed to fry it for lunch.With carrots and some turnip peaces ...Some green onions on end.She is hungry a bit.

In time between the bread rose.She kneaded him again and before putting it in the oven she cut it in half with big knife.Like that she can cut and eat it easier.She made fire bit lighter because she didn't want to burn it.Soon smell of fresh baked bread spread out. Isaa appeared on door.

''Brother.It has such delicious smell.I am hungry.''she said while cutely looking ant Kendra.

''We will eat soon.Go bring me one carrot and one turnip can you do that?''she asked while in worry look at the bread ...then turn around so all sides are evenly baked and then closed.She was worried it will burn.It rose quite a bit since she kneaded him again.Probably good yeast.

Isaa came fast back.She used water to wash the carrot and turnip and then she cut the skin of it.She had now her own knife and even if she was just tiny child she was faster than Kendra with it.She was done in moments and brought the vegetables to her.To keep her busy Kendra sent her to garden to get and clean one young onion.

She was almost done when she heard inside sizzling.Right after that she could smell delicious aroma of fried meat.She run inside and saw that Kendra already cut vegetables in peaces and added them to the braised meat.Then Kendra put some water in ad let its simmer a bit.

Kendra found in one of small pots cooking vine.So she used it bit on meat.They can't get drunk as its alcohol will evaporate anyway by this heat.

She looked down and saw that bread got beautiful color.She took it out and put in peace of clean cloth.She put bread in that peace of wet cloth to soften the skin and to cool of.

Isaa started again staring at food.This child.She must be really hungry.She turned around and saw that meat and veggies are almost done. Today lunch will be sumptuous. They sat outside to eat as there was smaller table and two chairs.It was good enough for them.She broke in half the bread.One half she let in dry cloth to eat later and this part she cut in even peaces and started eating with hands.Yep.No cutlery.

(They didn't know that those two people had cutlery but it was made out of silver so they took it with them...''

Never mind.Those two enjoy food.Lucky sisters.

Sorry about food.It will come back often as I am hungry as hell...you ask why...I am on diet.I overdid it this winter and gained 3 numbers up.Don't even think what numbers..I do not....I realized that it is cheaper to eat junk food than vegetables ...ugh....

PS.you can get one more extra chapter today if you guess true Isaa's power.One guess per daoist please :)

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