
She tempted the devil

The throne of hell has been long contested by Lucifer and Satan .Both had their era that they ruled. Lucifer ruled at the beginning of human history and Satan ruled till the end of world war 1 and 2. The prestigious title of the Devil was only shared between these two brothers,who were actually twins and were sometimes mistaken as one entity. Lucifer was the demon of pride and Satan, the demon of wrath.Both were powerful so they had every right to rule the empire of demons. Well,everything was rosy until the demons make a declaration .Pride and wrath were no longer the sins that ruled the world,lust was.Yes, the demons wanted Asmodeus, the youngest prince of hell to take the throne. But wait,did they expect Lucifer to swallow his pride or Satan to act like he was not enraged by their demand. Asmodeus,the MC was definitely not into the whole becoming the Devil thing but Lucifer offers him the throne in return for a soul.The soul of the only one not corrupted by Asmodeus' lust which the dominated world at that moment.He is not interested in the throne but is moved by the challenge. Who is that mortal,who dared tempt the devil.She is Maria, an innocent young virgin lady who decided to live a celibate life .Oh that decision would never hold,hell no,not with the god of lust around.

MBU_Overlord_6594 · Fantasy
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141 Chs


Lucia's eyes fluttered open, grogginess giving way to awareness as she realized the car had come to a stop.

She stretched, her gaze drifting out the window to a sea of emerald green, the grass plain stretching out before her like an endless canvas.

Her eyes landed on Mark, sitting outside, his back against the car, lost in thought as the sun's fiery orb dipped below the horizon.

She knew, instinctively, that his contemplative state was a result of her vision, the revelation hanging in the air like an unspoken challenge.

Mark's nonchalant demeanor earlier had been a thin veil, a skilled hunter's mask hiding the turmoil beneath. Lucia's heart raced as she pushed open the door, her feet carrying her towards him with a sense of trepidation.

Her hand came to rest on his shoulder, a gentle touch that jolted him back to reality. Mark's eyes, narrowed in thought, snapped towards her, a flicker of surprise giving way to a softening gaze.

"Why did we stop?" Lucia asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Is something wrong?" She hesitated, her eyes searching his face. "Before you tell me it's nothing, tell me why you looked so lost in your thoughts."

Mark's chest expanded, a deep breath filling his lungs as he gazed out at the sunset.

"I've been on the road for what feels like an eternity, Lucia,"

He began, his voice low and weary. "Chasing demons, fighting battles...this past week has been a blur of adrenaline and chaos. I just needed a moment to breathe, to clear my head and watch the sunset without thinking about the next hunt, the next fight."

Lucia's lips parted, a silent gasp escaping as she absorbed his words. She felt a pang in her chest, a sympathetic ache for this man who had dedicated his life to the pursuit of darkness. "May I sit with you?" she asked, her voice barely audible.

Mark nodded, a slight inclination of his head, and Lucia settled beside him, their shoulders almost touching. Together, they sat in silence, the sky ablaze with hues of orange and pink, the grass plain stretching out before them like an endless expanse of possibility.

As the sun's fiery orb dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the landscape, Mark and Lucia exchanged a knowing glance.

"I think it's time we got moving," Mark said, his voice low and smooth, his eyes scanning the surrounding terrain.

Lucia nodded in agreement, her ponytail bobbing with the motion. "Yeah, it's not safe to stay in one place for too long."

Mark's gaze flicked to the rearview mirror, his eyes narrowing as he checked their surroundings. "Especially after the last few days."

Lucia's lips compressed into a thin line, her mind replaying the string of demonic encounters they'd endured. "Let's just keep driving. It's the safest way to spend our nights."

Mark's nod was curt, his hands moving with precision as he put the car in gear. "Buckle up, Lucia. We've got a long night ahead of us."

As night's dark veil began to shroud the landscape, they finally abandoned the grass plains, surrendering to the allure of the open road. The engine of their car roared as it devoured the miles, its headlights casting an eerie glow on the darkness.

As they sped down the highway, the only sound the soft rush of wind and the occasional passing car, Lucia felt a sense of unease settle in. She knew that the night held secrets, its shadows hiding unknown dangers.

But with Mark by her side, his eyes fixed intently on the road ahead, she felt a sense of security, a trust that he would keep her safe from the forces of darkness that lurked in every corner. And so, she settled back into her seat, her eyes fixed on the passing landscape, her heart pounding in time with the engine's steady beat.

Lucia broke the silence, her voice hesitant, as if testing the waters. "I have to admit, not knowing my past is daunting. But I'm curious, Mark...who were you before becoming the Death Marksman?"

Mark's gaze never wavered from the road, his eyes fixed on the horizon. "I was the youngest son of a billionaire," he replied, his tone neutral, yet laced with a hint of melancholy. "I knew nothing of the supernatural, living a life of luxury and ignorance."

Lucia's curiosity was piqued. "Did you have siblings?" Mark's jaw clenched, his eyes flashing with a hint of pain. "Yes, seven brothers.We were never that close, but after my dad passed away, we decided to put all our differences aside."

"Unfortunately, they all died on the same day. They were victims of a stupid ritual."

His voice cracked, the words hanging in the air like a challenge.

Lucia's heart went out to him, her instincts sensing the depth of his emotional scars. She wisely chose to drop the subject, not wanting to reopen old wounds.

But her curiosity refused to be sated. "If you came from a wealthy family, why don't you...show it? You don't act or look like it."

Mark's gaze never left the road, his voice steady. "I invested my wealth into transforming the Crusaders into a full-blown covert organization, dedicated to eradicating all forms of evil from the world."

The darkness outside seemed to closing in, the only sound the hum of the engine and the soft rustle of the wind through the open windows.

Lucia's mind raced with the implications, her eyes fixed on Mark's profile, his features illuminated by the faint glow of the dashboard lights.

As the night's dark veil shrouded the landscape, Lucia's thoughts became ensnared in the labyrinth of Mark's past.

The mystique surrounding his brothers' fate and the ritual that had claimed their lives tantalized her curiosity, refusing to relinquish its grip. The darkness outside seemed to closing in, its oppressive weight a poignant reminder of the perils that lurked in every shadow.

The sudden shrill of Mark's phone pierced the silence, its ringtone slicing through the tension like a razor's edge. Mark's response was immediate, his voice low and urgent as he answered, "Yes, what is it?" The pause that followed was palpable, heavy with anticipation, before he responded, "We're on our way."

Lucia's heart raced in tandem with the engine's roar as Mark put the car in gear and sped off into the night. The grass plains receded into the distance, replaced by the dark silhouettes of trees and the occasional flicker of a streetlight.

Her mind raced with the implications, her thoughts tumbling over one another in a chaotic dance. What manner of demons awaited them in the nearby town? And what horrors lay in store for them on the road ahead?

The wind whipped through her hair, its gentle caress a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within. Lucia's eyes remained fixed on Mark's profile, his features illuminated by the faint glow of the dashboard lights.

His jaw was set, his eyes fixed intently on the road ahead, his expression a mask of determination. Yet, Lucia detected a flicker of something else in his gaze, a hint of pain and vulnerability that he couldn't quite conceal.