
Chapter 13: back to back

ARCHER STONE wasn't the one to give up, if she was suddenly acting rude and not talking to him, out of no were he could also play the game.

"Mom, it's a trip with my friends." She said through the phone, trying to convince her mum the reason why she can't come home for the midterm break .

Archer glanced over at her as he shut the trunk of the car, using his hand to tap his watch and showing her they were out of time.

"Okay catch you bye."She walked over to the €100,000 car and sat in the front sit, ready to face hell for the next 1 week in the Alpes with the prestige boys, particularly Archer.

They drove to the airport in the most uncomfortable silence and tension.The tension could be probably cut by the bluntest knife.

"Did you pack any thick snow jacket it's going to be snowing?." He asked, breaking the silence.

"It's the alps, not everyone relies on everyone." She added, bitting her tongue because of her harsh tone.