
She plays A, she plays O

Ning Xuechu was the daughter of the Ning family who had been separated for many years, and now the property of the Ning family is in the hands of the top Alpha An Jianqing. She has long been differentiated into an Alpha. In order to successfully get a huge inheritance, she has to pretend to be an Omega to seduce An Jianqing. What she didn’t know was that An Jianqing was actually a top Omega. ———— After a reception, An Jianqing’s face flushed. Her body gradually became hot and her eyes were hazy. In her blurred vision, she saw someone approaching, but she couldn’t see her face clearly. There is the smell of a top Alpha in the air, which is her favorite sweet and sour cherry flavor. She couldn’t help wrapping her arms around the Alpha’s neck, offering her red lips tremblingly. Afterwards, An Jianqing kept looking for the Alpha from that night. And the person she was looking for was someone she would never suspect… ———————————————————— Hello, this is my second work [the first one is still not finished, but the novel is very long]. I found this novel and wanted to share it with others who might be interested. As always, I’m not the author, just the translator/editor.

Mitak_E · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

Chapter 15

The background music in the movie is still scary, and the roar of the monster seems to be able to kill the protagonist at any time, pushing the atmosphere to a gripping climax.

Ning Xuechu quietly opened her eyes, glanced at the screen, and hurriedly closed it.

She shrank in fear, hugged An Jianqing tighter with both hands and whispered, "It's terrible..."

An Jianqing smiled and reached out to hold the person in her arms. Her slender fingers patted rhythmically on the thin back.

The plot of this movie is not scary, but some pictures and backgrounds are designed to be scary, which will scare the faint-hearted.

The child's body was trembling all the time. 

She was obviously very afraid, but she was very curious to see the fate of the protagonist.

"Okay, the protagonist is out of danger, and now it's not scary at all." An Jianqing said softly.

Ning Xuechu opened her eyes in doubt, and saw the ordinary scene in the movie, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She glanced at An Jianqing, pulled out her hand in embarrassment, blushed and whispered, "Sister, was I shameful just now?"

An Jianqing laughed, "Horror movies are scary, and it's normal for Xuechu to be scared."

"Why isn't my sister afraid?" Ning Xuechu asked curiously.

"Probably because Xuechu is here." An Jianqing replied with a smile.

In the dim light, her bright eyes glowed with a little gentle light, like the beauty of the elves at night.

Ning Xuechu lowered her head and pressed her heart with her hands.

She knew that An Jianqing's joke was just to coax her, but her heartbeat accelerated.

Ning Xuechu was a little annoyed.

She hasn't broken through the other's heart but has been distracted.

The next plot becomes dull, and there are no more terrifying scenes than the one just now.

Ning Xuechu couldn't find a chance to get close, so she had to sit quietly.

The movie ends and the room is bright again.

An Jianqing stood up and said with a smile, "Xuechu, sit here for a while, I'll wash the cherries."

"Okay." Ning Xuechu replied obediently.

The sound of running water came from the bathroom, and soon An Jianqing came out with the washed cherries.

Ning Xuechu looked up and saw a tall figure approaching, with a light and gentle smile on that beautiful face.

She was shocked, and there was an illusion that the two were lovers.

"Xuechu, try it." An Jianqing put down the fruit plate and held a cherry with her fingertips.

Ning Xuechu leaned over, held the cherry in this position, and sipped it into her mouth.

The hot and humid feeling came from her fingertips, An Jianqing's heart pounded, she hurriedly put her hands beside her, and said in a panic, "I'll go make two glasses of milk."

Without waiting for Ning Xuechu to answer, An Jianqing had already gone out.

Ning Xuechu looked at the graceful back and felt that there was a hidden meaning of fleeing.

She frowned slightly, lowered her head, and chewed the cherries in her mouth carefully. 

There seemed to be a soft touch under the sweet and sour appearance.

Ning Xuechu couldn't help but think of the scene just now.

She just held the cherry subconsciously, not on purpose, and she also noticed the stiffness that An Jianqing showed at that moment.

She originally planned to apologize immediately to ease the embarrassment, but An Jianqing did not give her this chance.

However, this ambiguous situation is exactly what she wants.

An Jianqing took two glasses of milk into the room, her expression had returned to normal, she walked to the coffee table and said, "Xuechu, drink a glass of milk to ease the mood, I will put on a literary film."

"Okay, sister." Ning Xuechu frowned, pretending not to notice.

An Jianqing put the film on, sat on the corner of the sofa, and took a sip of milk.

She watched the movie seriously, stopping occasionally to frown in thought.

Ning Xuechu was not interested in literary films and kept eating cherries to pass the time.

The cherries were eaten by her before the movie was halfway through, and then she could only watch the movie bored.

Seeing the two protagonists kissing each other and showing ambiguous scenes, Ning Xuchu felt very bored.

She tilted her head to look at An Jianqing, who was watching intently and completely integrated into the plot.

At the moment when the two protagonists were forced to separate, she clearly saw crystal tears falling from An Jianqing's eyes.

Ning Xuechu felt disapproval.

In her many years of life experience, she has never seen sincere and happy love, but she has seen a lot of family fights and disputes of interests.

She doesn't believe in love, or in other words, she doesn't believe that someone can withstand the temptation of money, fame and fortune to be kind to someone from the bottom of their heart.

At least, she has never seen such a person.

"Sister..." Ning Xuechu called out softly and handed over a tissue.

An Jianqing reached out to take it, and smiled a little embarrassedly, "Thank you, Xuechu."

Her voice was a little choked, with a cry, and her cold face was fragile and lovable at the moment.

Ning Xuechu only glanced at it, then turned her head to look at the screen.

Even if she resents An Jianqing for occupying the property of the Ning family, she has to admit that this woman has stunning beauty.

If you are not careful, you will be confused.

Unconsciously, the movie ended.

An Jianqing wiped her tears, and when she came back to her senses, she saw that the person sitting on the sofa had already laid down and seemed to be asleep.

She walked over, lowered her body, glanced at the sleeping girl, and called softly, "Xuechu, wake up..."

Ning Xuechu's eyes were closed, her breathing was even, and there was no reaction.

An Jianqing called a few more times, but she still didn't wake her up. She found a blanket and put it on Ning Xuechu.

She dimmed the lights in the room again, walked slowly to the desk, and turned on the computer.

Listening to the 'dong dong' keyboard sound in the room, Ning Xuechu waited for a while and quietly opened her eyes.

Seeing that An Jianqing was busy in front of the computer, she guessed that the other party must be dealing with company affairs.

Up to now, An Jianqing has not mentioned anything about the Ning family property to her, as if she wanted her to be separated from them.

The family property is generally inherited by an Alpha, and almost no one will hand over the family property to the delicate Omega.

Because Omegas will be affected by Alpha pheromones, they will often be emotional, which is a fatal weakness in the cruel business battlefield.

Obviously, An Jianqing did not intend to hand over the Ning family property to her.

But now, she can't reveal her identity as an Alpha.

As far as she knows, in addition to An Jianqing, the Ning family has an uncle and an Alpha cousin.

Both are rivals competing for the legacy.

If it is known that she is an Alpha and has the right to inherit, then she may not live to inherit the inheritance.

The Omega identity is not only used to confuse An Jianqing, but also her life-saving charm.

Until she can ensure her own safety, pretending to be an Omega is the best option.

An Jianqing took care of her work, rubbed her sore shoulders, and turned her head to look in the direction of Ning Xuechu.

The woman with long arms and legs looks like a rabbit curled up in the corner of the sofa, looking a little pitiful.

An Jianqing smiled lightly, afraid of waking up the sleeping person, she got up gently without making any sound.

The floor was covered with a soft carpet, she slowed down and walked over, squatting beside the sofa, quietly looking at the well-behaved sleeping face.

Unconsciously, the child has been here for almost a month.

She still remembered the unease hidden in the black and clear pupils of the child when she came here on the first day.

It should be her own home, but she can only be at a loss like a stranger, even her closest parents are no longer alive.

She is very familiar with this kind of panic and helplessness.

She also had this mentality when she first came to this house.

And she is lucky, the love that should belong to the child, the Ning family couple gave her all.

To this day, she should return it.

An Jianqing smiled gently and reached out to brush Ning Xuechu's hair from her forehead.

"Hmm..." Ning Xuechu rolled over and murmured unconsciously.

This action accidentally pressed An Jianqing's hand, which she didn't have time to withdraw, under her neck.

The fingers that have been pressed for a long time have become a little red, and there is a faint taste of sweet and sour cherry from the fingertips.

An Jianqing's nose moved, feeling a little strange.

She leaned over, sniffed along the source of the smell, and finally stopped by Ning Xuechu's shoulder.

The cherry flavour is stronger here.

An Jianqing's eyes flickered slightly, and an orange-red photoelectricity appeared in her sight.

She put her finger under the dim light and finally saw that it was cherry juice.

An Jianqing let out a sigh of relief, laughing at her thought just now.

At that moment, she thought it was Ning Xuechu's pheromone taste.

Just an Omega pheromone, why does it make her heartbeat nervous?

An Jianqing frowned, her brows widened for a moment, and she got up and lay on the bed to sleep.

When Ning Xuechu woke up, she found that she was not in her room.

She was shocked and got up vigilantly. When she saw the layout of the room, she suddenly remembered that she pretended to sleep last night and really had to fall asleep in An Jianqing's room.

Ning Xuechu bit her lip in annoyance and immediately lay down when she heard the sound of the door opening.

"Xuechu, it's time to get up, if you don't get up you'll be late." An Jianqing opened the door and said softly.

Hearing this, Ning Xuechu pretended to just wake up and got up.

An Jianqing's sofa is spacious and soft, she slept all night without any discomfort.

"Sister, I'm sorry, I fell asleep yesterday without realizing it. I'll definitely not do this next time." Ning Xuechu lowered her head, her voice full of apology.

An Omega fell asleep in an Alpha's room, everyone would think that this Omega was deliberately seducing the Alpha.

Although she has this intention, she must not let An Jianqing discover her purpose.

"Have breakfast, I'll ask the housekeeper to take you to school later." An Jianqing said with a smile, avoiding the topic.

Ning Xuechu couldn't figure out the meaning of this sentence for a moment. She could only pretend to be obedient.

After breakfast, An Jianqing left first.

Ning Xuechu glanced at the time and found that An Jianqing left five minutes earlier than usual.

She felt even more uneasy and regretted her deliberate actions yesterday.

Sitting in the driver's car, Ning Xuechu thought for a while and asked, "Is sister mad at me today?"

"Don't think too much about this Miss Ning. Miss An should have something to do at the company." The driver said politely.

"Great, I thought I did something wrong to make my sister angry." Ning Xuechu smiled happily, looking innocent and harmless.

She was about to get out of the car when someone knocked on the window glass.

"Is that Miss Ning Xuechu?" A woman in a suit and a sweet smile stood outside.

She is an Omega, holding a large bouquet of bright roses.

In addition to the fragrance of roses, there is also the smell of red wine in the air, which is exactly the same as the roses that An Jianqing bought that day.

Ning Xuechu was alert in her heart, but did not show it on her face, and asked suspiciously, "This sister, who are you?"

"Miss Ning, this is the rose that our President Qiu gave you, I wish you a good mood." The woman said with a smile and handed the rose with respectful hands.

When she heard the word 'Qiu', Ning Xuechu immediately thought of 'Qiu Mengxi'.

She took it with an ignorant expression, looked around and asked, "Why did President Qiu send me roses?"

"Because Miss Ning is very cute, flowers match beauty, it's just right." The woman's voice was sweet and the words she said were pleasant.

Ning Xuechu blushed, and hurriedly handed over the flower, "I can't take this flower."

"If Miss Ning doesn't want it, you can throw it away." The woman said, smiling like a joke, "Now this bunch of flowers belongs to Miss Ning, what to do with them is up to you."

The woman addressed her as 'Miss Ning' and gave her high respect.

In just a few minutes, both soft and hard, if the will is not firm, it is easy to be carried away by the sweet words of women.

Ning Xuechu lowered her head, thought for a moment, put the flower on the seat, and said to the driver, "Please help me give it to my sister, I remember that my sister likes roses with this smell."

"Miss Ning has a good heart, I will give it to Miss An." The driver said with a smile.

Ning Xuechu showed a happy smile, turned and walked towards the school.

Soon, the smile on her face disappeared and became solemn.

Qiu Mengxi meant to send flowers, I guess she wanted to chase her.

Being pursued by an Alpha is not a pleasant thing.

Of course, she wouldn't be stupid enough to think that Qiu Mengxi pursued her because she liked her, this is definitely a game of chasing prey.

She is not interested in playing this game with Qiu Mengxi.

Asking the driver to send flowers to An Jianqing is to let An Jianqing know about it.

As for what An Jianqing will do, that's not her responsibility.

An Jianqing returned to her desk after the meeting and saw a bouquet of bright roses on the table.

There was a flash of doubt in her eyes, and she asked the assistant, "Who sent this?"

"The driver, Uncle Zhang, sent it to you, and he asked me to bring you a sentence, saying, 'Miss Qiu gave it to Miss Ning, and Miss Ning asked to bring it to you.'" The assistant repeated with a confused look.

An Jianqing's expression changed when she heard the words and asked the assistant to go out.

She took out her phone, dialled Qiu Mengxi's number, and asked seriously, "Mengxi, why did you send flowers to Xuechu?"

"Aren't you asking the question knowingly?" Qiu Mengxi didn't answer the question, and her calm laughter expressed that she had expected this call.

Hearing this, An Jianqing burst into anger, "You should know her identity, she is not someone you can play with."

Qiu Mengxi fell silent, the smile on her face disappeared, and after a while, she smiled again and said, "Jianqing, are you mad at me?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was cynical, An Jianqing's expression became more serious, "Mengxi, if you are not sincere, don't approach Xuechu, I will not allow anyone to hurt her."

"Does this include me?" Qiu Mengxi's smile disappeared and her voice lowered.

"Yes." An Jianqing replied affirmatively.

The fingers she held the phone trembled slightly, and her heart was filled with pain.

She never thought that one day she would speak to this woman in such a stern tone.

"Jianqing, since you want me to be serious, then I'll be serious. This marriage is a big blessing for the Qiu and the Ning family." Qiu Mengxi said with a smile, her tone became serious.

An Jianqing was shocked, her throat seemed to be pinched, and she could not say anything to refute it.

She watched the phone hang up and sat down with a blank expression.

After a long time, she closed her eyes tightly, covering the sad light in her eyes.