
She Just Won't.

Because of one mistake, They have lost everything.

nouresee · Teen
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90 Chs


Chapter 50: Defeat

"Mia just called me, Kevin was there at HGN" Ysa without even talking to Argon went outside her car and drove directly to HGN, She tried to called Mia's supervisor Blake to see what is happening.

Argon and Patrick also followed Ysa. At the car Argon tried to called his brother, thankfully he answered his call

"Just what the hell are you doing there Kevin?!" as soon as Kevin answered his call.

"You don't want to talk to me so I went on and tried to talk to Mia herself" he can hear the disappointment in his voice.

"Do really have to go and confirm everything from Mia herself? Now it's not going to be my fault whatever Mia decides to do, I have already warned you, now get the hell out of there" Patrick can feel the tension in Argon's voice, he still don't get the situation but it is seems connected to his request earlier

He will just wait until Argon tell him the whole story.

"I will wait here until she forgives me" Kevin's stubbornness and childish act is really getting into his younger brother's nerves.

Argon just dropped the call and dashed towards HGN to pick up his brother.

"Do you want me to drop you off first? He looked at Patrick who is sitting comfortably at the shot gun seat.

"Nah, you might need my help in subduing your stupid older brother" he is well aware of how possessive and stubborn Argon's older brother, he have witnessed a lot of his episode even way back when they are in college. Argon rushing to a place where his brother at and him sitting at the shotgun seat.

"Thanks!" then Argon laughed at the thought "We just saw each other again after a long time then we are back to our old routine again" Patrick also joined Argon at laughing at the matter "Just make sure that you tell me all the necessary details later over drinks"

"Don't worry I intend to" then Argon called Ysa "Where are you?"

"I'm near the annex building. I just got out of the car, Mia called me that Kevin is camping out of her studio" they can hear that she is rushing over to their destination.

"I will just park my car and we will be right next to you" then he hanged up the phone and rushed over.

Lance is casually walking in the annex building carrying some food in his hands, he thought that Mia might not be able to eat lunch so he did the honor of bringing her some.

Just when he was about to turn to the hallway where the recording booth is, he saw a man in his 30s sitting down near the door of Mia's studio.

When he looked at the person, it was Kevin Grant, the CEO of Viewbay if he's not mistaken.

"You can't sit down there" he said to grab Kevin's attention.

He looked around and he can see that Kevin is starting to grab some attention. He dialed Mia's number to know what is happening.

"Someone's camping out of your studio"

"I know, I have already told him to get out of there and go home but he just won't listen" Mia said over the phone. Lance can sense that she doesn't want to speak to him anymore.

As soon as he dropped the call he squatted to see Mr. Grant on an eye level, "I think you should leave now Mr. Grant, it isn't proper for someone at your level and status to be acting this way"

Ysa then came at the right time and hold Kevin at his arms trying to hold him up

"You have to start accepting the truth Kevin" then Argon reached them at he and Patrick went on each other side and started to drag him out of there. Kevin was trying to get out of their grip but they were just too strong for him to get out, he just let them take him out of HGN Annex building straight to Argon's car.

They placed him on the back sit and child lock the car so he won't be able to get out.

"Do you want to get a restraining order? I have already told you that their decisions are final" then Argon started to drive.

"You really don't change Kevin, you still do whatever you want without thinking the consequences" Patrick also added to the conversation. He really can't understand the decision making of this person but despite that, Patrick will always be at awe at Kevin's talent.

Being nagged by his brother and Patrick who he have seen in years makes his blood pressure to rise.

"Can you just keep quiet? You already dragged me out of there"

"Because in the first place you we are not supposed to be there, just let the kids alone" that made Kevin quiet, it is true that he wasn't supposed to be there.

Seeing the situation Kevin made a call to Timmy,

"Timmy, release the statement regarding Luna's departure from Viewbay, if we don't release it now, Argon might be the one to do it" he knew that after the stunt he pulled at HGN, he knows that his brother won't stay still and take the matters at his own hands, so he better do it to minimize his loses.

"At least you're still thinking straight" then a silence have enveloped the car.

"Drop me off at my office before you go somewhere, I still need to finalize what we talked earlier, call me up after dealing with this stupid brother of yours" then Argon dropped Patrick back to his office.

"I'll ring you up bro" then he turned his gaze to his older brother "I'm going to call Dad if you really don't stop with your antics." Kevin just lowered his head.

Mentioning their Dad was way below the belt, he have always been scared of his dad since he was still a kid,

"I hope that you already got your answer straight from Mia and stop pestering her for God's sake, you have done enough"

As Argon kept on driving him back to his home, he admit that he have been the villain in Mia's life where he should be the one protecting her,

He just admit his loss and mistakes.

"Argon, book me a flight home" it might be better if he just go home to where their parents are, at least he will have to be careful and watch his act around his Dad, plus he miss his mother the most.