
She is....My Secret...

Coming from a well-known family and taking the position of CEO after my father in his firm was no easy task. For the outside world, I am a bachelor, rude and cold-hearted man. But the truth is........somewhat different...I have a duty to protect her...

SD_ · Urban
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104 Chs

Meeting and Discoveries

As the shareholders wanted to find out more, Paul accepted the invitation after discussing it with his heads.

"Hi Paul," said Alex welcoming him into the boardroom.

"Hi Alex, meet my head, Captain Boris,"

"Welcome sir, I am really sorry to trouble you with this. But the shareholders are a bit worried and they need some clarification. Oh sorry. I am Alex, one of the partners,"

"It's ok Mr.Alex, we are here to help you. Is Mr.Ben coming here too?" Asked Capt. Boris.

"I am sorry I am afraid. I guess you know the issue that happened recently. So he's mostly with his wife at the moment,"

"How is she doing?

"Still no improvement, but we are hoping for the best,"

"These days no one cares about another person's privacy. Every little thing is just news for them" said Captain Boris.

"I do agree with you. The paps are the worst," said Alex.

"But you guys were lucky. Mr.Ben could hide it for almost seven years and you as well. It's really a mystery to me how you guys did it,"

With that, we went into the boardroom where everyone was eagerly waiting to get some insight into what was happening. After the introduction, Alex let the officers go on with the details that they can disclose. They all looked shocked after some details were revealed.

"So you mean, these kinds of hidden attacks were there for a long time?"

"Yes sir, some were minor while some, it's hard to explain," said Paul.

"You mean they.."

"Yes, they have done a few murders by now" answered Captain Boris.

"So what happened with Sarah's accident a few years ago?"

"Her attack was carried out by an old crush of Mr.Ben."

"She wanted her killed but for some odd reason the killer was merciful and only let an accident happen with less damage," added Paul.

"Oh my, so is that the reason why we stopped that contract going further?"

Paul and Captain Boris looked at Alex.

"Yes, they threatened to harm her more. Whoever it was, trying to get the advantage of the already injured girl to get what they wanted at that time," explained Alex.

"Alex, do you know who is behind all these?"

"Hmm... kind of but unfortunately someone else had to go through trauma and pay a huge price for his life because of the person who planned all these,"

They looked shocked. And it was a clue for them that we knew who was behind all these incidents. The officers went on to explain more and they made it clear that the culprit is already deceased. And things are on the correct path to be solved.

"That means we will not have any issues in the future?"

"Ninety percent sure," said Captain Boris.

"Why ninety?"

"While we investigated we found something alarming,"

"What it is?"

"There seems to be someone else starting both parties for a revenge plot, but we still don't know who is behind this as they haven;t made any solid moves,"


"Yes, sir, there is something going on. But we all are working together to ensure everyone's safety," said Alex looking at Paul.

With a few more clearing ups and talks we ended up the meeting. When Paul asked to meet up with Ben and Alex. So Alex took Paul and Officer Boris to meet him at the hospital.

"Hi, How is she?" asked Paul.

"There is an improvement according to doctors," I said handshaking with Captain Boris. "I guess you have some news,"

"Yes, sir. It seems they are most interested in new bidding you guys are interested in,"

"You mean the hillside eco villa project?" I asked.

"Yes, it seems there is something more, a clue we are missing,"

"You mean, there is some reason why they are involved?"

"Yes, we need to find out more,"

"But Ben, from my initial investigation, there was nothing special except for the scenery,"

"Paul do you know anything about these guys?"

"Hmm.... we got some news that they are involved with drug smuggling,"

"We need to find out more. Why don't we get your team to help out with Paul,"

"Ok I will look into it," said Alex and we talked for a while until we heard,

"Ben, it hurts,"

Will upload it tomorrow...

Got some urgent matters to attend...

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