
She is the billionaire son's bride

It was an arrange marriage between Annabelle and the billionaire son's brand, at the age of nineteen year's, Annabelle thought brand was in love with her not knowing that brand is in love with angel, tears rolling up in Annabelle face when brand said" Annabelle I don't love you this marriage means nothing to me, I am already in love with Angel before you come into my life. " Annabelle replied with tears in her eyes" yeah tell your mother that you don't want me anymore, you want a divorce I am also tired of this marriage I want to be free there are so many man in the campus that want me.

Snowprincess · Teen
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3 Chs

The crazy groom

It was a beautiful morning a faint chirping of birds.... golden rays of sunshine dewdrops over green grass... all signify a new inning.

Annabelle sat at the corner of her room her petite figure leaning against the window sill deeply immersed in thought.

She had an erect figure even though she was petite, her arms were gently folded and her legs were folded crossly, her bosom was well mature for her age her face showed she was lost in thoughts, her face was calm and a slight smile spread across her face as she saw an old lady walk in and she said "good morning granny" her grandma reply " how are you my dear daughter" Annabelle standup and hugs her gently " granny hope everything is alright" she asked her " yes am alright my dear, have your sit I have a lot to discuss with you" Annabelle sat and her grandma starts talking " you are going to the city I want you to behave well and listen to your mother-in-law, I know you are a good daughter but always love your husband and obey him " her grandma Peck her, Annabelle ensure her grandma to be a good daughter-in-law she stand up and walk in the restroom.

Some guards walk in and carried her bags after Annabelle was done she dressed up and walk out she hug her grandma, and a guard standing beside the car open the door for her to enter, Annabelle cried out when she realizes she is leaving her home and she walked in the car.


Twelve years ago

Annabelle's mother works as a maid at Madam Olive (Chief William's first wife) madam olive was an affectionate woman, and she cares a lot about Annabelle's mother because she is a single mother.

It was a poor Saturday, Madam Olive was on her way home when she was attacked by a gang of armed robbers both her car and her money were collected, she later gets home that day and informs the police, and the police started their investigation.

During the investigation, the officer in charge noticed there is one of the carjackers among Madam Olive worker's the officer and his gang immediately went to arrest the workers and interrogate them.

The statement that Annabelle's mother told the officer that she was coming back from the hospital when she saw Madam Olive screaming...the officer locked her up as a suspect and keep interrogate her, meanwhile, Annabelle's mother was sick she was in her last stage because she has a brain tumor without a treatment Annabelle mother passed out.,

Some days later one of the carjackers was arrested and Madam Olive regret her attention based on Annabelle's mother's case she couldn't trust her, so she made a promise to take care of Annabelle and her grandmother and also get her married to her son.

Light shine on Annabelle as she slept off in the car without notice that the car has stopped the only voice she had was a maid's voice "Good morning my lady" Annabelle open her eyes she was surprised that she was in a mansion and she comes down from the car " I can't believe am going to live in here wow it was so big and nice" she smile and folded her arms, the maid walks to her and said " my lady let go in" she left, Annabelle runs after her, as they walk in Annabelle she was surprised(facial expression) because she has not seen a big house like this before, as they walk towards another door the guard standing beside open the door the words that come out from Annabelle mouth was O... My...GOD.

It was like heaven, very spacious and bright it was clean and tidy, the walls are blue and the floor is salmon on the floor,in the center also a blue carpet on it they are three sofas and also a beautiful fashion small round table, Annabelle walk in and start checking the house also looking at the fish aquarium, the maid leave her and walk out " wow I can't believe am going to stay here O...as from today am the billionaire son's bride, hey you don't near me am the owner of this house" she was joking " hey who are you" Annabelle didn't notice that someone was behind her until she had a female voice and she trun to her " am Annabelle" she replied " I don't know who you are,what are you doing in my house" she asked, a female voice call out the lady standing in front of her from the stairs case " Rebecca mom told me about her, she our sister in-law" she was tall also beautiful she walk to them " hi am Jessica and you" she smile at her, "am Annabelle " she replied why bitting her lips, Jessica notice she was not comfortable and hold her arms" mom told me you are coming today so don't be scared of us we are your sister in-law also am the elder after our parent" Annabelle nod and reply" it nice meeting you" Rebecca hiss and walked out " don't mind her she always like that...let me show you to your room" Annabelle follow her up, Jessica show her all the rooms and stop in front of one door " you will be surprise when you see my little brother he was ugly also crazy when you see him, you won't like to stay with him" Annabelle was scared about that and Jessica open the door, Annabelle speak out " I don't want to go inside sister in-law please ..I don't want to be biten by a mad man" she hold Jessica hands, Jessica notice her reaction and open the door " you are dead today, sister in-law please go inside" she laughed and walk out, Annabelle start shelving and walked in"O lord Jesus Christ my superstar please safe your beloved daughter" she saw a laptop on a table beside the sofas, no one was inside but she was hearing a sounds of water " a mad man don't know how to take his bath but am scared what if am sleeping and he bites me ahhh I will also have the disease" she cried out and sit on the sofa waiting for the mad man to appear,not long she had a male voice behind her ears " who are you" Annabelle jump up and turn back, she have not seen a man nakedness before and scream she throw the pillows on the sofas at him and run out, Jessica come out of her room and stopped her " sister in-law run, he is truly crazy..I can't stay in this house anymore,he was scaring...his face...his face..I didn't see his face but I have to run, I can't sleep in that room" she run down stairs, Jessica was like what is going on she was just kidding but she taken it serious " no I have to check my brother" she walk out.

In the living room Annabelle hide behind a sofa close to the walls she didn't come out until a maid saw her hiding behind the sofa "My lady please come out" she begged her to come out and Annabelle asked the maid "Is it true your Young master is crazy" the maid stare at her and shout" what?!!!" she was surprised that where did she had the fake rumors and she is hiding from her groom "don't shout am just asking I won't tell anyone I will keep it as a secret, I understand it might ruin his father reputation...I don't know am going to stay with a mad man what a pity" the maid stare at her she didn't say anything and saw madam Olive, she greets her and madam Olive ask her " who is there?" She started coming towards the sofa "It was the bride, ma" the maid replied, Annabelle standup as she had the voice, Madam Olive stare at her and ask her why was she hiding behind the sofas, Annabelle speak out that she was hiding from her son, madam Olive was confused and ask the maid what was going on and the maid narrate everything, madam Olive was in rage " who told you my son his mad" Annabelle bites her lips and mention Jessica name, madam Olive called out her daughters and scold Jessica " mom am just joking I thought she is smart" Jessica was mad at Annabelle " go and call me brand " madam Olive tell the maid to call brand.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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