

Having a healthy physique was not an advantage for Ziona. She became number two in her family because her parents often put her eldest sister first. Since childhood Abira, her eldest sister, was declared sick by doctors. Just a little stress could make Abira go to the hospital and run a doctor's treatment. Ziona had to give up her first love because Abira also liked the man. The day went on and Ziona accidentally fell in love again and they started dating. However, different backgrounds made Ziona not get the blessing from her parents. Ziona left her lover and time kept running. A few years later. Ziona worked as a CEO at her family company. She could not forget her lover and began that time she never opened heart to another man. One day, Ziona and her ex-lover accidentally met again but life seemed very cruel for Ziona because Abira liked that man again. The thing that made Ziona have a broken heart was the words of her father who said that he did not care about her ex-lover's background for the sake of her sister's happiness. How will Ziona's lover react? Will he let Ziona break her heart for a second time?

Avaya0627 · Urban
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22 Chs


"You once offered me a job as a tutor. Can I get the job?" Zephaniah repeated his question.

"You want to teach me?" Ziona who had been sitting with her back to Zepha finally turned around. Her legs crossed and she saw Zepha sitting on the sofa while she sat cross-legged below.

"I want to be your tutor but I refuse if you pay me. I don't want you to know how much I get paid."


"Because we're friends. Give my number to your mom so we can talk about tuition fees. I will give you the same rate as the others. I don't want to take advantage of you or be pitied by you."


"I also still have a condition."

"Tsk! What other conditions, Ze?" The girl clicked her tongue in annoyance. She was the giver of the job but she had to receive conditions from Zephaniah.

"I don't want you to forget your dream. God is never wrong to give someone a potential. You have talent and it must continue."

"I'm afraid, Ze. Daddy will find out and punish me."

"As long as your grades are good and you do your job well, I'm sure your daddy won't be angry. Do you doubt my abilities? I have one student. He used to get four points in every subject. Two months of studying with me, His score immediately changed to eight and nine. Your little brain will also develop if you use it. You must have graduated with very good grades. I am sure of it."

Ziona did not smile but her eyes filled with tears. She wanted to cry but she still held back.

"Why are you sad? Did I say something wrong?" Zephaniah bent down and touched the beautiful face with the palm of his hand. "

"You are the only person who supports my dream. I used to think that was not possible. Daddy strictly forbids it because he thinks it will only prevent me from becoming a leader in the company."

Ziona thought of Samuel. In the past, the man told Ziona to give up her desire to be a fashion designer. Samuel's intentions were good. The man wanted Ziona's relationship with her parents to improve. Ziona obeyed Samuel's words because she thought it was the right thing but the man in front of her was different. Zephaniah still asked her to obey her parents without forgetting her goal.

"Many times our parents' wishes are very different from ours but it doesn't mean we have to fight. There are still many ways so that we can find a middle way so that the two desires can unite. Your goals can be achieved without rejecting their wishes. Don't cry anymore, okay?" Zephaniah's thumb wiped Ziona's tears.

"Don't ever leave me, Ze! I need you."

Ziona made Zephaniah's thighs as a cushion for her head while she was still sitting on the floor. They had only known each other for a few weeks but she had already felt comfortable around Zephaniah and she could feel the man's sincerity.

"I won't abandon you."


"Yes, I promise."

Zephaniah's heart pushed him to gently caress the woman's head. "Now let's eat first. I'm so hungry," Zepha said.

"You're not going back to the restaurant?" Ziona lifted her head until the activity of rubbing her head stopped.

"It's Saturday. Weekends like this, Riko will definitely allow me to take a day off."

"How about we cook at home? We go shopping to the supermarket and then you cook for me." Ziona gave an idea and it made Zefa's brow furrow.

"Why do I cook?" Zephaniah protested.

"Because I can't cook."

"Okay. Get changed! You don't want to go shopping in your pajamas, right?"

"Of course not. Even though my beauty is perfect, but pajamas are not the right clothes to leave the house. You also have to brush your teeth and wash your face. In the outside bathroom there is face wash soap. You can use it."

"Okay, queen." Zepha raised his hand and saluted like a captain. His silly behavior managed to make Ziona cheerful again.

Ziona and Zephaniah walked into the supermarket and their feet immediately stepped to take the food ingredients. The two humans had agreed that they would cook oxtail soup.

Zephaniah took some types of vegetables. He planned to teach Ziona how to cook simple food. At least she did not always rely on restaurant food.

Like being possessed by a greedy ghost, Ziona's hand took a lot of packaged snacks and drinks. If in Indonesia fizzy or sweet drinks are more expensive than mineral water, then it is inversely proportional to Singapore. Mineral water is more expensive than unhealthy drinks.

"Why did you buy that many snacks?" Zephaniah frowned in confusion with what Ziona was doing. Trolley was almost full of snacks and fast food.

"Just this time. I want to enjoy my life without feeling constrained."

Like a convict fresh out from prison, Ziona bought whatever she wanted. "Does your life suffer that much at home?" Zephaniah asked, he began to empathize.

It turns out that not all rich people are as happy and free as Zephaniah thought. Abundant material is not a guarantee for someone to be able to enjoy the beauty of life.

Zephaniah pushed the trolley towards the cashier. "I didn't expect that you will buy all this. The trolley is full because of the snacks and drinks you bought," Zepha said while his eyes fell on the trolley.

"I already told you that I want to use this opportunity to live freely."

"You can be free but there must be a limit. Understand?"

Ziona chuckled while scratching her head that did not itch. She was grateful to know Zephaniah because the man taught her many good things.

Zephaniah could only shake his head in surprise at Ziona's behavior. After Ziona paid for all the groceries, they decided to have breakfast first. Their stomachs were already hungry and it was impossible to delay breakfast.

"We can cook for lunch," Zephaniah said.

The two of them walked towards a fast food restaurant. Ziona's heart laughed when she saw Zephaniah carrying lots of plastic bags containing their groceries.