

Between me and my sister, I have always been the quiet one, the introvert. I, Kayla Matthews was the opposite of Layla Matthews, my twin.

Yeah, we looked similar but we always behaved differently from the other. We shared a womb and she decided to abandon me, leave me to fend for myself.

It all started when my mother discovered that she had cancer, leukemia, and it was in its final stages. God knows that we spent our last days by her side but my father was not having it. Because we were rich, my father hired the best doctors from everywhere but the cancer was strong. We watched as her health deteriorated, as the smile on her face left, and as the light in her eyes faded. She lost her will to keep on living because of the pressure that my father put on the doctors, knowing very well that she never had a chance. I just wish that we didn't subject her to the hospital smell that she hated so much.

It was on the 27th of May when my father and sister went out of my mother's room to buy some coffee. That day my mom woke in coughing fits.

"S-sweetie, I need you to hold them together. We all know they were never strong enough.....never leave their side. P-p-promise me" she said as tears fell from her sunken eyes.

"I promise and I love you so so much" I reassured her.

Those were the last words my mother spoke before her line went flat. And I guess that is the reason that my family decided to turn their backs on me. After that day, that was when everything all began.

The torture,

The hate,

The scarring,

The abuse.

I was just a little girl that just lost her mother. The day that my loving father left along with my mother.

The day he put his hands on me was the day Layla ran. I could not join her because I delayed my father enough for her to be able to run. My father was going to look for her but I stopped him and sacrificed myself. I hate how I blame her when I couldn't be selfish enough to run after that. Sometimes, I even hate that I made that promise to my mother, but how could she have known that her husband was going to turn into an abusive man?

Life was hard after she left. He loved whipping me when I didn't do as he asked. He said he enjoyed the blood that flowed from me. It was nothing compared to what he did to me but I stopped it all.

I was tired of his constant beatings.

He tried to rape me one time but I put a stop to it. He stopped viewing me as his daughter.

I wouldn't let him do what he wanted with my innocence, he could do whatever he wanted but not my innocence.

I took a knife, slit his throat, and enjoyed watching him die.

Daddy, I am sorry,

I am sorry,

I am sorry,

But you created what I am.

I am sorry,

I am sorry,

I am sorry,

I am sorry,

I am not.