
She is Hypnotized Let's Do it

A man dies while Jerking Off in his room watching Western Porn and transmigrates to a fantasy world where magic exists. Given a choice about the skill he wants, he requests the ability to hypnotize anyone and a game-like system to help him level up. After arriving in the fantasy world, He is chased by Wolves but he is rescued by a hunter. After seeing the hunter Wife He uses his hypnotizing skill to F*ck the hunter's wife, and when caught by their daughter, he also hypnotizes her. And F*cks her. Will this man be able to form his Harem in this world? To find out, read the novel until the end.

Vugler · Fantasy
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130 Chs

Heat Is Over!

Hypno was determined to tell Wintineas before treating him for the heat.

"Wyntineas. I have a suggestion."


"Yeah. To be honest, the trouble you have… If you look at the fundamentals, isn't it that you get a lot of heat?"

"That's right."

"But this is a constitutional problem, and it is a very difficult problem to solve through counseling."

"It will… It will."

Wintineas also did not think that his heat could be cured with counseling alone.

"But I do know how to alleviate it a lot. That… Even Wintineas would know."


"That's right, that's it. But you can assume that no one else will give Wintineas semen other than me, right?"


Giving semen is very humiliating.

Rather, Wintineas thought that it was strange that Hypno was so willing to give her semen.

"So… Wintineas. Would you like to have a party with me?"


"Yes, adventurers' party. I'm an E-rank adventurer and Wintineas is a D-rank adventurer, right? Because the number of occurrences increases."


Wintineas never thought that Hypno would say that he would become a teammate.

"How… To stand? To… To cure?"

"Well, there's that too… I've also heard from Mika. Wintineas is an adventurer with a very promising future. Her nickname is also Frozen Swordswoman."

"Frozen… The swordswoman?"

"It's your nickname, didn't you know?"

"I heard… The first time."

'Me... The nickname of the frozen swordsman... There was....'

"Anyway, if I become the same party as you, who has such a promising future… I will also go up in rank and earn a lot of money.

Hypno's invitation to a party.

It was not a bad proposal for Wintineas either.

'Semen of Hypno... When you become a colleague... You can drink more....'

"I… I like it… But it's okay… Oh?

Hehe, didn't I say I like it when I think that a pretty woman like Wintineas sucks?"


"Besides, as a man, I'm happy to be friends with the pretty Wintineas."

"Umm… I'm… That pretty… Nice?"

Wintineas does not give a high opinion of his own appearance of her.

In the first place, Wintineas, who doesn't care about whether he's pretty or ugly, didn't understand Hypno's words well.

"Of course! You think you're a princess when you wear a dress?"

Pretend to be Hypno! He said confidently, raising his thumb.


'Yes… Gena?'

Wintineas also read fairy tales when he was young.

And even Wintineas had a stereotype that a princess was pretty.

That's why, as a woman, he didn't hate the words that he was as pretty as a princess.

"Thank you... Whoa… Uhh, then… Shall we… Be colleagues?"

"Yes, let's do it, comrade! Take care of me, Wintineas!"

'It's normal to go over this kind of thing quickly and then harden it tightly afterwards.'

Hypno rose from his seat and stretched out his hand toward Wintineas.

Then Wintineas rose from his seat and took hold of Hypno's hand.

"Uh… Yes. Well… Please, Hypno…"

'First... Colleague....'

To Wintineas, Hypno was the first companion he acquired after becoming an adventurer.

Although they had formed a temporary party due to other requests, this was the first time they had become friends on a regular basis.

Moreover, to Wintineas, Hypno was a sincere, kind, and good person with a heart for others.

Wintineas was also happy that such a person became his first ally his.

'Oh, that's right....'

Hehe. Wintineas, then, as a commemoration of becoming a colleague, semen immediately…"

"Oh, wait… Just."

"Huh? Why is that?"

When Hypno let go of the hand that shook his hand and tried to take it to his pants his, Wintineas gently raised his hand and said,

"Is there… ? From now on, we… Are colleagues, right?"

"Isn't it."

"My name… Wintineas."


"My name…Isn't it long? So… From now on, call me Winty…"


"Yeah... Mom and Dad also… Called me that way. Close friends often call me by nicknames or nicknames, right? Hypno is now my teammate… Call me Winty…"


At the words of Wintineas, Hypno's blood circulation toward the cock was quickened.

'A nickname calling situation that usually only occurs after a favorable impression has been raised... I can't believe I woke up as soon as I became a teammate! That too Wintineas... No, Winty suggested it first!'

For Hypno, it was an unexpected delight.

Hypno was excited, running wild in his heart.

"Uh… Don't you like it?"

When Hypno said nothing, Wintineas asked cautiously.

"No! Not at all! I was so happy that I was speechless for a moment!"


'This is too much... Are you happy?'

Wintineas thought Hypno was a sensitive person.

"Yes! Let's get along well from now on, Winty!"

"Yeah, how are you… Come on."

Hypno smiled brightly and Wintineas nodded.

'Now... I guess?'

And Wintineas judged that he had completely lost what he had to endure.

Hypno doesn't think giving herself cum is humiliating, but rather pretty? He said he liked it because he thought he was having sex with him.

In addition, unintentionally, by becoming a colleague, he could drink Hypno's semen as much as he wanted.

It was the greatest luck for Wintineas, who hated the heat and came to know the coolness of semen.

'Besides, talking to Hypno... I'm happy.'

Conversation with Hypnoha, who does n't get bored with his relaxed tone of her, does n't show any frustration, and responds greatly.

Wintineas wanted to feel the pleasure more.

But that pleasure comes first and a little later.


Now, Wintineas wanted to quench the thirst he had been enduring.

"Semen… I want to drink."

Hehe! I'll give it to you, Winty!"

"Churlureup...! Churrup!

"Ohhhhh! Alright, Winty. Look up at me and keep going!"

"Hee hee hee?"

"That… Hey!"

Wintineas and Hypno became friends.

The first thing the two did was semen feeding fellatio to quench Wintineas' thirst.

Hypno sat down on the couch, and Wintineas squatted in front of Hypno, while Hypno sucked Wintineas' cock sized for fella.

The hot mouth of Wintineas, which he tasted in two days, soaked Hypno's cock again and sucked it.

Right now, Hypno was enjoying the hot pleasure.

'Cool… Even if it's not semen... Sucking like this... Great....'

It was dissatisfying that the semen didn't come out right away, but Wintineas liked the coolness that spread throughout his body while sucking on his cock.

Wintineas liked Hypno's cock sucking, at least enough to hold back his current thirst.


"Aww! Good… Really good, Winty!"

Hypno looking up from below, gritting his teeth, liking it.

It was nice to be able to confirm that Wintineas was not making Hypno do humiliating things, but that he liked Hypno as well as himself.

'Certainly... Better to do this... Did you?'

Wintineas recalled what Hypno had taught him two days ago.


He took Hypno's cock deep into his throat.

"Ugh! Wee, Winty…! That's…!"

'Breath…' … Clogged....'

Wintineas feels a little nauseous with his spontaneous Iramachio his.

However, it was tolerable compared to the coolness Wintineas liked and Hypno's delight.


Kwak Kwak Kwak!

Wintineas pulled his cheeks back and sucked hard on Hypno's cock, and at the same time, as a reflex, Wintineas's throat clung tightly to Hypno's glans and tightened it.


The pleasure of the warm mouth of Wintineas gave pleasure to Hypno's cock.

'Winty's mouth is fucking... Good! If Mika is a master of techniques honed through hard work, Winty is a stove fella fully manifested as a physical talent of talent!'

Originally, Hypno would have endured a little more here and thoroughly enjoyed bathing at the stove in Wintineas.

But now, my first fella after becoming my first colleague.

Hypno wanted to quickly give Wintineas what he wanted.

"It's cold, Winty! You like it… It's my semen!"

'Jung of Hypno… Liquid!'

With a squirm, Hypno's cock signaled for his cum.

At that time, Win Tineas moved his neck backwards with the agility of an adventurer, and pulled Hypno's glans to his lips his, not his throat his.

Woo woo woo woo!

At that moment, Hypno's semen was shot into Wintineas' mouth with great force.

"Ugh! Umm…♡"

'Ah, ah... This... This... Hey... ♡'

Hypno's semen hit Wintineas' uvula.

However, what Wintineas felt was not pain, but the coolness he so longed for.

Even the pain of sagging neck was a pleasant enough pleasure.

'Most... Sweetly... To drink... ♡'

When I drank Wintineas in the most pleasant way.

He remembered the time when he swallowed all at once, full of Hypno's semen.

"Chew woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo of course of course

"Ummmm…! Wei, Winty…! That technique…!"

Moving her neck back a bit more, Wintineas bit her lips on the tip of her glans, then pursed her lips and licked the urethra with the tip of her tongue at the same time as sucking Hypno's semen remaining in her urethra.

When all the semen that remained in the urethra came out.

"Mum mum... ♡"

Wintineas looked up at Hypno and chewed the semen with her lips on her glans.

Hypno looked down at it, her eyes wide open.

The sight of Wintineas chewing her own semen off his cock her without taking it off her mouth her was so enticing.

"Honey... Kkeok... ♡ Uh, uh uh ♡♡♡"

And the moment he swallowed her semen her, the same freshness and pleasure spread throughout his body her, making Wintineas' eyelids her tremble as well as her body her.

'Mood... Ok… ♡♡♡'

Her cheeks loosened naturally and as she bit into her cock her, the corner of Wintineas'mouth her smiled with a smile mixed with her hesitant pleasure her.


Having fully savored the taste of the semen, Wintineas removed her mouth her from her cock her and spoke to Hypno with her eyelids still twitching.

"Thank you... Wow, Hypno... It's cool… It feels... Good... "

"I was the best because Winty's mouth was really hot. It felt the best."

"It was… Very hot?"

"It's just fine, don't worry."

"Yeah… I'm glad… Ah, but…"

The words of her own mother passed through her Wintineas' head her.

When asking someone for a favor, do it politely.

Following those words, Wintineas put his hands together and asked Hypno for a favor.

"Can I… Drink one more time?"


"Ah, it moved… Everything."



"I told you, you can drink as much as you like."

"... Wow."

At Hypno, who spoke with her confident smile Her, Wintineas uttered a voice of admiration and joy in her own way.

"Winty, after I finish drinking, I have a favor to ask of you, can you please?"

"Yeah… If I can… I'll do anything."

Hehe, thanks. Winty."

"No... I'm... Thankful... Ha ha. Chew bub♡ Chew bub♡"

Wintineas started sucking Hypno's cock again, and Hypno looked at Wintineas and thought.

'Kuuuuu Winty is also like her appearance her, and her heart her is a complete angel.'

Wintineas, who is not only beautiful in appearance but has no sexual interests, and is like an angel to the open-minded Hypno.

Hypnotizing Wintineas, he wanted to make it feel good by writing everything he could.

'I'll give you a taste of heaven, Winty. Because you are my very precious first mate.Hehe.'

"Chew bub ♡ Chew woo woo woo ♡ Chur Leup ♡"

'Sleep… Cool ♡'

Unaware of Hypno's feelings, Wintineas was enjoying the coolness while sucking his cock of her.



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