
She is Hypnotized Let's Do it

A man dies while Jerking Off in his room watching Western Porn and transmigrates to a fantasy world where magic exists. Given a choice about the skill he wants, he requests the ability to hypnotize anyone and a game-like system to help him level up. After arriving in the fantasy world, He is chased by Wolves but he is rescued by a hunter. After seeing the hunter Wife He uses his hypnotizing skill to F*ck the hunter's wife, and when caught by their daughter, he also hypnotizes her. And F*cks her. Will this man be able to form his Harem in this world? To find out, read the novel until the end.

Vugler · Fantasy
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130 Chs

73: take it off

Hypno thought of the criteria to be judged first.

'A cool, inexperienced career woman type. Plus a virgin! A woman like this would be ugly to forcibly raise the sensitivity and completely destroy her cool appearance or make her into a bitch, but… I've already done that with Mika. Then....'

Hypno remembered what he was thinking while lying on Mika's bed.

'Developing a virgin's body without changing sensitivity! Even if it's not development, I'm enjoying the reaction of a fresh virgin!'

Having set the standard, Hypno said to Milis.

"Millis, take off my pants first… No. This is a male strength test! To show off your dignified male power, I'm going to stop talking from now on. Okay?"

"All right."

"Okay, then take off my pants. Panties, of course."

Following Hypno's command, Milice took off Hypno's pants and panties in turn.

"I'm sorry…!"

Then, seeing Hypno's erect penis, Milice blushed slightly.

The cool-looking Milice blushed awkwardly at her cock, revealing the freshness of a virgin who hadn't experienced her manhood.

Hehe, is this your first time seeing a cock?"

"I've seen male adventurers who were injured or injured in the infirmary."

"And what about when it's not an emergency?"

"It's the first time…"

"Really? Then you should look closely. They are examining male strength, but they can't even see the cock properly, so they use it. Besides, it's basic to face the cock to increase female strength."

"I'm sorry… I will judge properly."

Millis looked at Hypno's cock properly while blushing.

The diligent Millis, always thinking that she had to do her job properly, suppressed her shame with the mindset that she had to properly complete the male ability test.

Hehe, then do what I say in order. First… "

Hypno in turn ordered Milis to judge males.

The first is the kissing erection method.

It was simply a test to see how dignified a female would get an erection while kissing his cock.

Milice blushed even more from kissing the cock itself.

But with her eyes closed, Milice sighed and kissed his cock.

The side of the cool girl's fresh cock quickly made Hypno's cock grow and grow thick like a baobab tree.

"Grow up, grow up…"

A man's erect cock for the first time.

As soon as she saw the cock of the Hypno class, Milis let out a voice of surprise.

"Try my goddaughter. I need to quickly test my male power."

"Ah, I see."

Contrary to how she usually worked fast, Millis stretched out her hand on his cock hesitantly.

Millis started to wave her hands back and forth awkwardly.

'Two, thick… And I feel the heat This is me, the male genitalia... ?'

"I can't even judge properly with this. Try harder.

"I'm sorry."

Millis started shaking Hypno's cock even faster.

Tak tok tok....

'I don't have any technique at all because I don't have experience with men. However....'

Hypno was satisfied with Millis's reaction as she shook her cock and glanced up anxiously to see if she was doing well.

'Usually, a woman who is good at work is completely unsympathetic when it comes to sex... It's big, it's getting ugly.'

Stimulation of the cock and the tingling situation.

That alone was enough to elevate the sense of ejaculation.

A cock that gives the signal that it's ready to ejaculate with a chuckle.


Surprised by the reaction of the erect cock, Millis pulled her hand away.

"Hey, it's going to be cold soon, so you can't take it off. Shake it again quickly."

"I'm sorry!"

Tak tok tok!

Milice shakes her cock even faster while panicking.

Hypno is rough and clumsy, but she feels embarrassed again as Milice's goddaughter.

"It'll be rice, so take it with both hands!"

Wow wow wow!


Milice squirted her semen just a little weak enough to receive it well into her hand.

Milice somehow managed to catch the semen with both of her hands, as Hypno ordered.

'This is semen? It's hot. Besides really… Sticky and uh... My head is dizzy from the fishy smell.'

Millis, who had never seen her man's semen even though she had seen the cock itself, was staring at Hypno's semen, thicker and thicker than any man's, with her eyes wide open.

"What are you doing? You should drink quickly."


"It's not like you, a female, have to judge how much semen I've packed for a male while drinking it myself."

"Ah…! That, that's right… I see. I want this semen…"

There is an idea that she has to drink to judge.

But she was hesitant to drink right away.

"Is it essential to being a great female who has a boyfriend right away?"

"Excellent female…"

Then, a few things from her past flashed through Milice's head.

She has been single all her life.

Her classmates, the receptionists, either had boyfriends or were married before.

Alumni who smiled happily at every alumni meeting and bloomed with the stories they talked about.

And only Milice could not intervene in the conversation.

It's awkward.Haha... Meeting with motives that can only be vaguely evasive.

'I don't like that kind of experience anymore... !'

He is definitely the one who receives a lot of work evaluation and money.

It was unbearable for Millis to be left behind by being happy with her other classmates.

With that kind of heart, Millis.

"Ha… A little bit."

She still remains her virgin. On the way she got scared and licked the semen from her hand with the tip of her tongue.

"Drink hot!"

Hypno, stunned at the too timid response, pressed Milliser's head down and buried it in the semen in her hand.


"Beep! Ugh! Gulp! Phew!"

Millis was surprised to find that she buried her face in a puddle of semen rather than just licking it.

She gasped and opened her mouth, swallowing the semen that came into her mouth, then lifted her head.

"Hey, Mr. Hypno. What... Ugh... "

Milice's face and glasses were smeared with Hypno's thick semen, making it look like she was wearing a mask.

She tried to ask Hypno for some condensed milk, but she couldn't stop reflexively swallowing semen and the scent and taste of the semen vibrating all over her face.

'You are too dirty… ! I want to wash my face right now! But washing the semen here... Does it go against the male ability test? I don't know....'

Looking down at the troubled Milis, Hypno smiled and said,

"Quickly tell me what my semen was like. Or will I have to continue with it?"

To Hypno's words, Milis hurriedly answered, wanting to escape the smell of semen even for a moment.

"You, you are so hot and sticky. And the color was so thick that I felt yellow rather than white.


"As a male… I think he's excellent."

Hehe, that's good. How does it taste? Didn't you drink it?"

"It's very fishy… It's so sticky that I still feel like it's hanging in my throat."

"If you become a great female, you'll be addicted to that fishy taste?Hehe."

'I'm addicted to this fishy taste? Nonsense...."

Millice frowns at the disbelief.

Hypno grabbed Milice by the chin and raised it with a swish.

Then Hypno smiled at Milis and said.

"You're covered in male semen, but you can't frown like that. Suma~il."


Millis smiled awkwardly.

The expression she put on while somehow putting up with the fishy smell that stung her nose gave Hypno a lot of trouble.

'It's good to gradually get this bitch used to sex. Or, it's good to taste the first freshness.'

"Okay, that smile. Power clean."

All the semen on her face was gone.

"This, this…"

"Okay, this makes me clean again. Milice, get up."

"Okay, but Mr. Hypno? Wasn't that the power clean you just did?"


"Power Clean is used when cleaning the mansions of nobles…"

Hypno cleared his ears and said to Milice, who had already heard an explanation.

"However you use it is up to you. Rather than that, you focus on judging my male strength."

Hypno grabbed Milice by the forearm and pulled her, forcing her to stand up.

Hehe, then it's the kissing judgment this time."

"Key, kiss screening!?"

"Huh? Why are you so surprised?

"Everything, of course… I do. But that… It's my first time…"

"What? So you're saying that your first kiss is my cock? You've done it several times before. This has great female potential from the start, right?"


Milice gets angry at Hypno's words and blushes.

'Wow, I really want to fuck.'

Hypno, who came to a different world and was able to rape women at will, was immediately overcome by the urge to do so.

'No way. At times like this, it's good to enjoy a little leisurely.'

"Open your mouth slightly."

"I'm sorry…"

Millis, still in shock that her first kiss was Hypno's cock.

However, the sincerity of having to judge properly made Milice open her mouth a little.

Immediately, Hifno took his face and started kissing him.

"Hmm! Mmm! Hmm… Churup!? Chuuup… Chuuup! Ehhh! Uhhhhh…!"

At first, they kissed lightly, but it only lasted for a moment.

Hypno immediately thrust her tongue into Milice's mouth.

Hypno tramples Milice's mouth with her tongue as she has done before.

Embarrassment and astonishment surged inside Milis.

'Is this a kiss? A kiss that is so violent and seems to have a taste for me on its own... ? Ah, everything in my mouth is being licked by Hypno-san's tongue. The whole inside of my mouth... I feel like I'm being marked by Hypno-san's tongue....'

While kissing.



Hypno grabbed Milice's hips.

"Yeah! Yeah!"

Milice was startled by Hypno's sudden action of her and reached back his hand of her, trying to free his hand of her from gripping his hip of her.

However, it was impossible for Hypno to free Hypno's hand her with Milice's power her.

So even though he tried to drop his mouth her in protest.

Hypno grabbed Milice's head her with his other hand her to prevent him from ever escaping from the kiss.

As his ass her snapped at will, Millis had no choice but to kiss Hypno for three minutes as it was.

When Hypno removed his hand her from his head her and stopped his tongue her, Milice was able to part her lips her.

"Puha…! What are you doing…!"

"Huh? What does it mean to show off your male power? You were showing off your male power by touching and groping the female's body while kissing, right?"

"That… That… Ugh… !"

Millis felt ashamed of the fact that she had tried to resist until now, and that in reality it only interfered with the judging.

'Why... Did I try to rebel? I just have to do my due diligence... !'

It was Milice who felt ashamed of herself for 'common sense' that had changed in an instant and for acting contrary to that common sense.

"Hey, Millis."

"Yes, yes. Hypno-san. I'm sorry.

"No, that's done."

Hypno pointed to Milice's skirt and said.

"Take off your skirt. How strong I am… I'll show you with my petting skills."

"All right."

To make up for the ugliness of a moment ago, Millis immediately began to take off her skirt her.

Then, black stockings and brightly colored and decorated red panties appeared.

"Oh? Your underwear is fancy?"

"Ugh… This is…"

"Looking at it, whenever a man gets a chance, he bought it so he wouldn't be embarrassed by plain underwear."

"Uh, how did you do that…!"

"If you look at it, you'll see it. But…Hehe, this is a good decision. Thanks to you, I'm this good? I have high female potential. Where then…"

Hypno smirked and put his hand her between Milice's crotch her.

"Should I take a look at your female powers while my male powers are judged?"



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