
She is Hypnotized Let's Do it

A man dies while Jerking Off in his room watching Western Porn and transmigrates to a fantasy world where magic exists. Given a choice about the skill he wants, he requests the ability to hypnotize anyone and a game-like system to help him level up. After arriving in the fantasy world, He is chased by Wolves but he is rescued by a hunter. After seeing the hunter Wife He uses his hypnotizing skill to F*ck the hunter's wife, and when caught by their daughter, he also hypnotizes her. And F*cks her. Will this man be able to form his Harem in this world? To find out, read the novel until the end.

Vugler · Fantasy
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130 Chs

58: keywords

Mika was taken aback by Hypno's sudden words.

"Mika-san, don't you think so? Me and Butterfly... Kuh-hum, Kitty is dating and playing strange games."


"Uh, uh, that's…"

"Should I answer honestly?"

"M-That's right. "I thought so.

"That's a really rude illusion. Because Kitty really is my pet. Isn't that a butterfly?"

"Yes, Master!"


"It's a real title I use when I call Kitty. To think of the relationship between me and Nabi as a romantic relationship after passing on that... This kind of misunderstanding is really absurd and rude."

"Uh… Uh…!"

Mika's complexion turned pale at Hypno's repeated words to her.

It was as if an employee at the company had accidentally blown away an important project that could control the life of the company.

"S-I'm sorry! That, that, that, this, I didn't intentionally do that."

"If it's not on purpose, will everything be forgiven?"

"Mu, mu, what to do, do, do..."

"Then… I have to apologize properly. Of course, in the way I want. That's natural, right?"

Mika's expression, which had been pale for a moment, turned desperate, as if she were seeing a ray of light.

"Yes, yes! What, what, whatever, tell me!"

Hehe, then…"

When trying to say a pleasant and pleasant way to apologize,.

Hypno was bothered by the good way Nabi said.

'I can get an apology anytime, so let's hear what's a good way first.'

Hypno turned around, looked at the butterfly, and asked.

"Butterfly, come to think of it, what was a good method?"

"Huh? Ahh. That's it. Hey, Mika."

Butterfly said, waving her request in her hand.

"Because my master registered as an adventurer this time? But as you know, there's a lot of queues over there. So, please handle this herb digging request."

"Yes!? Again? He, Key, Kitty... The request was not made by me, the person in charge of receiving the goods, but by other people. Eh!?"

Mika, who was about to decline the butterfly's request, looked at Hypno's face, and her face turned pale again.

Then she immediately nodded her head and snatched the request form that the butterfly was holding.

"Ba-ba, I'll take care of it right away! With this, this, this, that four, apple...

Mika, who looks very Hypno.

Hypno raised the corner of his mouth with a smirk.

"I'll get an apology, but, well, I feel better."

"Whoa, whoa…"

It made the other person who had to apologize feel better.

Knowing that an apology is better received, Mika let out a small sigh of relief.


Hypno pondered for a moment.

The time is now slightly past lunchtime.

I don't know how long it will take to gather herbs, but at least it will be evening by the time I gather them and return.

And in the evening, after eating, it is the duty of the owner to exercise the butterfly.

In other words, there was no time to receive Mika's apology today.

'I'll have to do it tomorrow. What if I break up with the butterfly tomorrow? No, doing it in the adventurer's guild is boring because I've already done it with Tris-san. Then....'

Hypno thought.

When he was hypnotized in the Yagem he did, he had a bad situation.


It is no different from an office lady who goes to work soon.

He eats office ladies, but it's not like he's always at work.

A personal space where you can relax and unwind, not in a company where there is always tension.

Eating at home is also one of the elements that make me happy!

Hypno, who came up with the idea of having an IQ of 20 in a flash, asked Mika.

"When does Mika get off work?"

"I-I… That… Around 7 o'clock..."

"Where are you going after work?"

"That's right… Home…"

"Then, let's get the apology at Mika's house tomorrow."

"At my house!?"

"Yes, I can choose where to receive an apology. It's a very natural right, isn't it?"

"Ugh… Yes, that's right. That… Uh, what kind of apology should I make?"

"I'll tell you that when I get to Mika's house."

After Hypno said everything, he turned around.

"Then it's a butterfly. Help me gather herbs."

"Yes, Master!"

"Of course we will help!"

"I'll finish it right away!"

Hypno took the three of them, immediately left the adventurer's guild, and immediately asked Nabi.

"Where do I go to gather herbs, Nabi?"

"As for herbs... Ah, but, master.

"Yes, then."

Hypno thought he would just book a room and go collect herbs right away.

But what awaits Hypno is a so-called novice adventurer's course by Navi, Tommy, and Divi.

Hypno made a reservation at an inn like a butterfly.

When you're about to go digging for herbs right away,.

Butterfly asked Hypno.

"Master, did you pack the basic equipment?"

"Basic equipment?"

"Yes, a dagger, first aid medicine, and potions were needed to gather herbs."

Nabi listed the basic necessities that even a novice adventurer should have.

Of course, Hypno could not have such things.

"You don't have one?"

"Then let's go buy it!"

"We'll pick out a good one!"

Glancing, showing teeth, giving thumbs up! Tommy and Divi built it.

Originally, the schedule to go to buy herbs changed to shopping for basic equipment for Hypno.

I already knew what I needed to buy, so Hypno's basic equipment shopping was all done in less than an hour.

Hypno's outfit, which was just re-sewn from Glenn's, had been changed to that of a wizard.

A waist pouch containing medicinal herbs, first aid kits, potions, daggers, and other essentials.

And the jacket and top were also made of tough leather, which could block attacks to some extent.

Thinking that Hypno mainly uses magic, the three even presented Hypno with a brown robe that wizards often wear.

It was not bought because he was hypnotized, but it was a gift to Hypno with the will of three people.

"Uh… I don't have to do this because I have money too."

"What are you doing with this much? Don't worry, Master!"

"That's right! Besides, thanks to Hypno-san, compared to the person in charge of us..."

"This is nothing! Is there anything more you need?"

"It's a butterfly... Mr. Tommy… Mr. Divya…"

Hypno was deeply moved by the three people who were kind to him.

And at the same time, Hypno thought to make sure to repay the three of them.

After buying something,.

After getting ready, Hypno went out of the city and went into the nearby forest with three guides.

While entering the forest, Hypno heard from the three people what he should be careful of as an adventurer.

The most basic thing is that there must be a party unless you are overly confident in your skills.

Other than that, there are basically some things that inns with good rooms have in common.

Recipes for emergency medicine that can be made with simple herbs.

The three told Hypno about the know-how they had gained while living as adventurers.

Hypno nodded and listened to what the three people were saying.

While listening to the story, Hypno arrived at the forest with medicinal herbs.

After settling down, I picked herbs with three people.

Twenty minutes after picking up the herbs, Hypno muttered quietly.

"It's boring."

"Oh, is that so?"

Divi was the first to respond to Hypno's words.

"We had the same thoughts when we were beginners."

"But at that time, I was forced to think of earning money."

"Tommy! Divi! Master, finish quickly so you don't get bored! Oh, there's another one."

The butterfly clumsily cut and collected herbs.

"Nabi, didn't you just have to collect 30 herbs?"

The herbs were already in cans 10 minutes ago.

However, Hypno complied with the words that three more people needed to dig.

"Right, but master, aren't you going on an adventure? I bought emergency medicine, but it's better to have some herbs like this."

"That makes sense."

"I can't make medicine right away, so if I crush it and apply it to the wound, it's effective."

"I see."

'After all, this is what I'm doing for me. Well, if you have to, you can acquire a heal and use it...'

Hypno heard what the three said and thought it wouldn't be bad to prepare in advance.

There is a method unique to Hypno, which is to acquire skills without using herbs.

However, Hypno started collecting herbs again because of the favor of the three people who thought of him and the idea that this was also an adventurer's life experience.

It was 5 minutes later that the collection of herbs was over.

"Anything like this will be fine."

"It's over?"

"Yeah! Let's go back and see!"

"Ah, I see."

Hypno got up from his seat and looked around.

"Dreaming herbs is a request for novice adventurers, right?"


"But I don't see any adventurers in this forest other than us."

"Ahh~ That's right, we're the only ones at this time. Originally, everyone comes in the morning."

"Then are we really the only ones in this forest? What about the monsters?"

"This area is inhabited by herbs, so adventurers with rank C or higher clean it regularly."

"Because that was repeated periodically, the monsters also learned to avoid this area."

In other words, it was imprinted on the monsters that this area was their own territory.

'That's right....'

Hypno glanced up at the sky.

There was still time until evening.

It ended sooner than expected, and it's an ambiguous time to have dinner when I go back.

Hypno thought that it would be best if he finished his report as soon as he returned to eat.

'Then... Let's kill some time and play.'

A sinister smile appeared on Hypno's lips.

"It's a butterfly."


"There's still time left, so let's do mating exercises!"

"Huh?! W, here?!"

""From here?!""

"Yeah, isn't it better to exercise outside in the first place?"

"Uh… That's… Isn't it?"

"Further more."

Hypno approached the butterfly and swung his hand up and down.

"Sit down."

"Huh? Okay. It's like this... It's okay!"

As soon as the butterfly crouched down, Hypno grabbed her butterfly's head and pulled it toward his cock.

"Doesn't the butterfly want to do mating exercises right now?"

The butterfly that pressed against Hypno's cock through the robe made her breathless.

"That, that... I want to do it. Ha-ha♥ Ha-ah♥"

The butterfly's sexual desire, suppressed in her heart for the sake of her master Hypno, began to unravel as she placed her cock close to her.

"Right~ Then, quickly take off your pants and go see. Today is an outdoor workout."


Butterfly stood up, wagging her tail, and she lowered her pants and put her hand on her tree.

"Let me 'exercise', Master."

10 minutes after the outdoor mating movement begins.

Fu-wook! Fu-wook! Fu-wook! Fu-wook!

"Houg♥ Ohok♥ Ugh♥ Cock♥♥ Owner's Cock♥ As expected, the best♥ Ohhhhh♥♥♥"

Woo woo woo woo!

"Heegueuuuuu ♥♥♥♥"

The butterfly was feeling happy again, filling her womb with the semen of her favorite master.

""Sister... !""

Tommy and Divya watched as Butterfly worked out, sucking her cock upright.

Tommy and Divya just watched, thinking that she was just working out and not feeding her.

Hifno, who filled her butterfly with semen, thought while pressing the orifice of her butterfly's uterus rhythmically.

Back! Back! Kkukkoouk!

"Ook♥ Uhhhhh"

'It's nice to play outside because it has a sense of openness unlike inside the wagon, but something is lacking in stimulation. Hmm."

And Tommy and Divya, who were looking at Butterfly and herself with excited eyes, came into Hypno's field of vision.

Feeling the gaze of the two, Hypno brought to mind several keywords.




And pets.


Hypno raised the corners of his mouth as a new thought popped into his head to fill his lack of stimulation.



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