
She is Hypnotized Let's Do it

A man dies while Jerking Off in his room watching Western Porn and transmigrates to a fantasy world where magic exists. Given a choice about the skill he wants, he requests the ability to hypnotize anyone and a game-like system to help him level up. After arriving in the fantasy world, He is chased by Wolves but he is rescued by a hunter. After seeing the hunter Wife He uses his hypnotizing skill to F*ck the hunter's wife, and when caught by their daughter, he also hypnotizes her. And F*cks her. Will this man be able to form his Harem in this world? To find out, read the novel until the end.

Vugler · Fantasy
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130 Chs

39: Mother Daughter Relationship

It was an hour later when Hypno and Rani went back to their house in the woods.

Lani and Hypno have had passionate raw cock sex in front of Jake for an hour.

Jake's face was splashed with Rani's love juice several times.

When Hypno tried to ejaculate her, he pulled out his cock and made Rani drink it.

Lani knelt down on her floor and drank her semen so happily right in front of her as Jake watched.

Once on the way, a drop of Jake's pale semen landed on Lani's body.

Hypno asked Lani to taste Jake's semen.

True to Hypno's words, Rani, having tasted Jake's semen, immediately grimaced at her.

"Ugh… It's not tasty. It's too fishy. Again… I don't want to eat it."

Hehe, then, let's garnish your mouth with my semen, Mr. Rani."



Suck all the men and have sex again.

And when I try to come out again after spending an hour repeating fellatio,.

Hypno was sexually heeled at Jake, who had accumulated too much semen while masturbating.

And Hypno, who cleaned up the room using Power Clean, went back with Rani.

Hypno, who returned, and Glenn, who returned shortly after, finished dinner.

Fu-wook! Fu-wook! Fu-wook! Fu-wook!

"Hoha ♥♥ Aang ♥ Aang ♥ Uh ♥ I like it.

"Ms. Hypno♥ I love you♥ I love you, oh oh ♥♥ Oong♥♥ A little more to my bitch pussy ♥♥♥"

Hehe! Of course, fuck me more!"

Fu-wook! Fu-wook! Fu-wook! Fu-wook!


Tak tok tok!


In front of Glenn, she consumed a lot of condoms again and spent a lustful night that was not far behind yesterday.

And the next day.

Hypno woke up pleasantly again with Rani and Linia's double paisley fella.

"Good luck today, Mr. Glenn."

"Yes, if it seems dangerous, back away immediately. I'll catch you right away."

I was walking in the woods with Glenn.

"I didn't know Mr. Hypno would want to hunt wild dogs. Back then… Wasn't it dangerous?"

"Ah, that's… I was in the worst condition because I ate random fruits while walking."

"As expected. It was strange that Mr. Hypno, who could even use a power cleaner, was in danger of being killed by wild dogs, but that's why."


It was Hypno, scratching his head in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I've bothered you for nothing."

"No, with this much, what? Yesterday… Hehe. Didn't you show something good? Showing Rinia and Rani, who feel so vulgar like prostitutes. Thank you very much. Give it to me so I can continue to masturbate."

"That's really fortunate. I'm really proud of myself. Besides, I've been able to motivate myself to see how Glenn feels!"

'Because the pleasure of raping and eating Rinia-san and Rani-san has increased,hehe.'

Glenn and Hypno happily discuss last night's affair.

But Glenn, who was talking happily, said it with a wry smile.

"But… Uhm. Rinia and Lani's eyes are a little sore today."


At those words, Hypno also had a puzzled look on his face.

The moment when the two of them made such a face went back in time to an hour ago.

"Yes!? What do you mean, Mr. Hypno?"

"Today… Are you going to be with your husband?"

"Yes, I want to try something for a moment. Are you okay, Mr. Glenn?"

"Huh? It's me; of course I'm fine."


Rinia and Rani looked very dissatisfied with Glenn, whom he was about to accept.

"Rinia, Rani… Please don't look at me like that. You can feel that you like Hypno-san and get excited."

"That's right, Rinia-san and Rani-san. Of course, I also want to spend the entire morning burying my face in their breasts and continuously fucking my cock into their pussycat. Because they're so hot and lovely to that extent."

""Hypno-san... ♥♥""

"But this is what I really need. Today is so... So! It's a pity, but please bear with it."

"If Mr. Hypno says so."

"It can't be helped... It can't be helped. Honey, please take good care of Mr. Hypno so he doesn't get hurt."

"That's right, Dad! If Mr. Hypno gets hurt, I'll hate Dad!"

"Of course! Trust me! Oh, before we go, I'll lend you my clothes to make it easier for you to get around in the woods."

"Your clothes will not fit, Mr. Hypno, because they are too big. I will cut them and sew them again."

"I'll help too!"

After this conversation, Hypno, wearing a hunter's suit adjusted to size, was walking in the woods with Glenn.

Hypno's goal is to safely pass through the woods with Glenn.

It is revenge for the stray dog that made her suffer for three days.

'Already that wild dog was beaten by Mr. Glenn. It's a joint responsibility as wild dogs! And above all...'

Hypno mentally opened the magic window of the status window and confirmed the two magics.

It was lightning and mini-lightning magic that uses mana to send out electricity.

'I want to try using attack magic!'

Hypno has already used magic such as sexual healing, power cleaning, clean soundproof areas, and invisible areas many times.

However, Hypno wanted to use magic that flashed in front of his eyes, not magic that emitted soft light or transparent mana.

In addition, the magic obtained is the electricity type.

It wasn't magic that shouldn't be used recklessly in the forest, like fireworks.

"Stop for a second."

As they walked down the street, Glenn held out her hand to restrain Hypno.

Hypno asked Glenn in a small voice.

"Has the wild dog appeared?"

"I heard a sound. If you don't move here, they'll show up soon. Just duck down and wait for them to come."

"Ah, in that case, this would be convenient. Area expansion."

Hypno immediately spread the transparent and soundproof areas around him and Glenn.

"This is safe."

"Huh? Did you do something?"

"The area where no sound leaks out... I used a barrier magic that made our appearance transparent."

"What? Was there such magic? I don't know... But it must be a difficult magic."

Haha, I'll do my hair!"

'Because I have ten intelligences! I'm usually smart, and I have an IQ of 2, so 10 would be very high!'

"Anyway, you can wait without hiding with this."

"That's comfortable. But you'd better lie down in the bushes. It'll smell."


Hypno waited for a while, crouching in the bushes with Glenn.

And soon


A wild dog appeared.

"The prey has appeared. Then how are you going to catch it? Is it magic?"


Hypno woke up crisp and energetic.

However, the soundproofing area was spread out so that the wild dog could not hear the sound of the bushes moving at all.

"It's amazing."


"I usually get caught right away when I wake up like that, but the wild dog doesn't react at all. It's really convenient."

After uttering words of admiration, Glenn immediately looked at the wild dog and said,

"Then try using magic. Right now, he won't be able to respond in any way because he's off guard."


Hypno answered vigorously and stretched out his right hand toward the wild dog.

And the sensation I felt when I used the magic I've used so far.

I deliberately brought out the sense of movement in mana and focused it on my hand.

Hypno shouted the name of the attack magic he possessed.



Blue electricity shot from Hypno's hand, and he headed for the wild dog in an instant.

Wake up!

All the wild dogs hit by electricity collapsed on the spot with a dying sound.

Chii profit… A stray dog is exuding smoke from its body while exposing its whites with the tip of its fur scorched.

Anyone could see that he was desperate.

"That, Mr. Glenn. You caught it. Is that right?"

"…That's right. As expected, magic is amazing. Catching a wild dog so easily. No… But…"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"No, it's not like that. But I'm also an adventurer. I've seen lightning magic before. The lightning I saw then was weaker than the one Hypno-san uses now."

"That means... that the magic I used is more amazing?"

"Well, that's right. It was in the past, but the magic I used now was definitely stronger."


Although it was Glenn's experience in the past, Hypno felt good when he said that he was good at magic.

"Thank you, Mr. Glenn."

"No, I just said the obvious."

"But I'm glad. In return… Tonight, while making Rinia-san more lascivious, I'm going to fuck him. Kheheum!"

Hypno chose more vulgar words to make Glenn suffer.

"Ugh… Expect it. Oh, of course."

"Of course, I'll eat Mr. Rani too! I'll let you know thoroughly that I'm a superior male to Mr. Glenn. Mr. Glenn is an inferior male to me! Even more than yesterday!"

"More than yesterday... Gulp… "

It wouldn't be strange to get angry right away if it were the same as before.

Rather, Glenn was feeling anticipation, excitement, and joy.

"I'm really looking forward to it."


'Ah... Glenn is looking forward to it! As a body that saved his life, Let's do our best to make Glenn happy!'

Hypno burned his will to subdue Linia and Lani's mother and daughter thoroughly with his cock, more intensely for Glenn, the lifesaver.

Switching her consciousness for a moment, Hypno looked at her hand.

'Come to think of it, does magic require only shouting certain words?'

When using magic, Hypno always shouted the magic name.

But at the moment, I wondered if I should shout as it is.

'Come to think of it, even if I just shouted 'Expand the territory' just for fun, the magic was used.'

Recalling the time when the soundproof area and the transparent area were expanded, Hypno came up with a possibility.

'Then, no matter how you change the name... Isn't it enough to just think that I'm using it and move the mana? Furthermore... Even if you don't call out your name at all."

"Mr. Hypno?"

Glenn calls Hypno, who suddenly stares at his hand without saying anything.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I have something to think about. But do you think there will be more wild dogs?"

"There must be some that just heard the noise and ran away. But there are also some that are rather ferocious."

Krrrrrr... !

Just then, another stray dog appeared.

Glenn believed Hypno's words that he could not hear the sight or sound and continued speaking with minimal vigilance.

"Like that. Those types of objects are usually very nimble, so it's difficult to deal with them. But in this situation, it should be easy."


"Would you like to try one more time?"


Hypno stood near the body of the dead wild dog and looked at the wild dog sniffing the body.


Then, while gathering mana, Hypno crossed his arms to form a cross and concentrated the accumulated mana on the forearm where the arms crossed.

'I used to play like this when I was young.'

Recalling the memories of the past and recalling the sense of the lightning he had just used, Hypno shouted loudly with more mana.

"Action Beeeee!"


More massive electricity shot from the center of Hypno's crossed arms towards the wild dog.

Wake up!?

A wild dog was screaming in bewilderment at the sudden electric shock.

Without any response.

Interest profit...

Like wild dogs that have already died, the newly appeared wild dogs lost their lives to the sound of being beaten more closely and smoked.

Seeing that scene, he clenched his fists tightly and jumped in place, exulting innocently.

"Oh yeah!"

Seeing Hypno from the side, Glenn tilted his head and murmured softly.

"Action beam… What kind of magic is it?"



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