
She is Hypnotized Let's Do it

A man dies while Jerking Off in his room watching Western Porn and transmigrates to a fantasy world where magic exists. Given a choice about the skill he wants, he requests the ability to hypnotize anyone and a game-like system to help him level up. After arriving in the fantasy world, He is chased by Wolves but he is rescued by a hunter. After seeing the hunter Wife He uses his hypnotizing skill to F*ck the hunter's wife, and when caught by their daughter, he also hypnotizes her. And F*cks her. Will this man be able to form his Harem in this world? To find out, read the novel until the end.

Vugler · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
130 Chs

30: let’s get ready

There were two long sofas in the drawing room, guided by Triss, with a long table in between.

"Please sit comfortably."

Hypno sat down right away as Tris guided her, reaching her hand toward the sofa.

Seeing Hypno sitting on the sofa, Tris tried to sit on the sofa across from Hypno.

"Wait a minute."


Hypno patted the seat next to him and said,.

"Please sit next to me."

"Ah, I understand, Mr. Hypno."

At Hypno's request, Tris immediately moved and sat next to Hypno.

"Then what do you want to ask, Mr. Hypno?"

Tris asked Hypno right away.

"Is Mr. Triss her virgin?"

"Yes Yes?"

Tris tilts her head at Hypno's question for a moment.

Enjoying Tris' reaction to her, Hypno asked again.

"I'm asking if you're a virgin. Are you a virgin?"

"Oh that…"

"Please answer me."

"Ah, no. I am not a virgin."

"Hmm~ Then when was your first experience?"

"You mean your first experience?"

Tris answered Hypno's question while feeling embarrassed.

"Four, three years ago..."

"With who?"

"At the time, I was dating an adventurer."

"If you were dating... Are you not dating now?"

"I left this town after meeting another woman."


'I'm sorry for some reason.'

"I-I see. Have you had any sexual experiences since then?"

"There is not."

"Oh ho~."

'That means it's been aged for three years.'

"Have you ever thought of dating a new man?"

"After I broke up with him, I only thought of work as my lover."


'I have to remind my matured body of pleasant sex again, cancer.'

"I heard you. Then I'd like to ask you another question."

"Ask me anything."

"Yes. But before that... There's something I want to ask for."

"Yes, tell me anything."

"Take off your skirt, please."


"Take off your skirt, please."

"Ah, ah, I see."

"When you take it off, please stand up and take it off."

At Hypno's request, Triss got up and took off her skirt.

The blue women's office skirt came off, revealing pale green pants.

"If this is... Will it work?"

Hypno's demand is a legitimate demand.

She has no objection to doing it, but Triss also had the shame of showing men her underwear.

"It's nice underwear."

"...Thank you."

"Then let me take it off too."


Hypno stood up and took off her pants and even her underwear at once, exposing her stiffly erect cock.

"Hey, Hypno-sama!? What are you doing?"

"I wanted to do this. Does it matter?"

"... No. It doesn't matter at all. It's Hypno-sama."

Hehe, that's right. Then…"

Hypno sat down in his seat, and this time he tapped his own thigh.

"Sit here and answer my questions while satisfying me. Alas, keep your ass pressed against the cock properly."

"I understand… That's right, Hypno-sama."

Triss did as Hypno demanded, placing his ass on Hypno's thigh and moving it backwards, pressing his ass flesh against Hypno's cock.

'Grow up….'

Triss asked Hypno, startled by the heat of his hard, hot cock against the meat of his ass.

"Would you like to do this?"

"Yeah, it's perfect. It's big ass and very soft. So let's see how soft it is here."

Hypno reached out and cupped Triss' chest with both of his hands.

"Ah! Heh, Hypno-sama?!"

"I want to touch Tris-san's body freely. Is that okay?"

"It's okay... It's okay. Please touch Hypno-sama as much as you want.

'Hypno-sama is a valuable guest. So any request must be accepted...'

Hypno massaged Triss' breasts.

The soft feel of her well-shaped breasts is hers, even through her clothes.

Hypno strained his hands and revered the feel of her, twisting the shape of his chest in her.

Casting casting casting

'It's good enough, even beyond the clothes.'

"Uhhhhhpno-sama… The question is, "

"Ah, the question. Then first…"

Hypno asked a question about the adventurer while massaging Tris's chest.

The level of the adventurer, the way to receive a request, the type of request, etc.

He also asked about magic and skills.

Triss kindly told Hypno all the information she knew, even as he let out a small moan as his breasts were squeezed.

Adventurers start from F to S rank, and requests are basically done by removing the request form from the bulletin board or by consulting with the receptionist.

The types of requests ranged from simple chores to gathering, monster subjugation, and exploration.

And magic is the logic of the world that unfolds using the mana flowing from the body.

He explained that the method of using divine power is different from miracles.

However, when Tris told Hypno that she did not know about skills, Hypno explained the skills roughly.

After hearing Hypno's explanation, Tris said:

"The skills that Hypno-sama is talking about... Ugh! They refer to the special ability that people have innately, such as the mystic eye. Or, alas, it seems to refer to the power passed down through bloodlines. Oops…"

'I don't think there is anything clearly defined as a skill in this world. Hmm, then, is it like an additional option on the status window?'

"Thanks for letting me know, Mr. Triss. It's been very helpful."

"I'm glad to be of help to Hypno-sama... Hehe!"

Hypno reached into his underwear and began rubbing Tris's clitoris.

"Hey, Hypno-sama!"

"As a reward for your kindness, I'll make you feel good here."

"Eh! You don't have to do that.

"I want to do it. Is it okay?"

"Please touch me as much as you want... Ah, ah!"

Hypno caressed Tris' clitoris based on his experience of touching Linia's clitoris.

Hypno caressing her with her right hand while touching her breasts with her left hand.

'When masturbating... Oops! Out of it... It's different from what he touches. A bit violent, but... It's a hand that wants to make you feel...'

The touch made Triss' body gradually warm.

"Yeah…! Wow!"

'The moaning got stronger. Hehe, do you like this slightly strong push?'



When the clitoris was pressed hard, Tris let out a loud groan at the pleasure of the popping of the clitoris.


Realizing the loud moan, Tris immediately covered her mouth with both hands and apologized to Hypno.

"I'm sorry, Hypno... Umm-sama. I made a lot of noise.

Hehe, no. Instead, feel it to your heart's content without forcing yourself. Because I want that."

"Ehh! Aang! Eww! Consideration… Thank you…"

Hypno's demands absolutely must be heard.

At Hypno's request to feel it to the fullest without holding back, Triss unconsciously tried to suppress her sensitivity to her, but her body embraced the pleasure of her.


Without stopping the loud moan, Tris let out a loud moan in response to the moan she felt.

Normally, the sound would be heard from outside the parlor, but in preparation for the explanation of the top-secret request, no sound from inside the parlor was thoroughly soundproofed.

"Are you feeling well, Mr. Triss?"

"Feeling… I'm sorry! It's good."

"How good does it feel? Be honest."

"On my own... Uhh! Rather than comforting me, ah! Hypno-sama's touch feels better! Eww!"

Hehe, then, when you masturbate, do you often touch? How did you feel the most when you touched the clitoris?"

"Ugh! That, with the index finger and thumb... When I pinched it lightly,

As soon as Triss speaks.


Hypno pinched the clitoris with her index finger and thumb.


For a moment, pleasure, as if an intense electric current ran through her body, hit Triss.

A different feeling than when masturbating alone.

The sensation of pleasure being aroused at will by others made Triss' body tremble and reach a climax.


'I let the woman go even without hypnosis to make me feel better... Not by hypnosis, but by my own hands.'

The sense of accomplishment of having made a woman go without resorting to hypnosis.

The climax of Tris gave Hypno strong confidence.

'If I add hypnosis here, I'll be able to make Mr. Tris more crazy; he kindly explained it to me, right?'

With hypnosis, it made me want to have my own touch.

'Kindness should be reciprocated with pleasant pleasure.'

"You're gone, Mr. Triss."

"Yeah... It went into Hypno-sama's hands. Haa... Ugh."

Hehe, then I'll make the next request. Put your butt towards me, lean on the upper body, and put your hands on the table."


As soon as Hypno removed her hand, Tris immediately took a stance.

After tasting the climax, Hypno's eyes caught the light green underwear that was wet in the middle of her.

Hypno pulled down Tris' underwear.

Hypno's underwear came down to her knees, and Tris' thick cunt flesh stained with love juice came into Hypno's field of vision.

"From now on, I want to be treated as Tris-san's pussycat. Is that okay?"

'That means... Are you asking me to prostitute you? It does not make sense... Request but… The other party has a very important guest. Never go back... No.'

"Yes, Hypno-sama. I'm sorry, I'm not a virgin, but... If you like my pussycat, you can do as you like.

Triss extended her left hand behind her, opening her cunt.

"Please let me entertain you."

Triss demonstrates the spirit of service to make valued guests more excited.

Hypno was thrilled with that professionalism.

'I didn't even ask you to do it, but you even said such a bad thing! Really great! I should give a special prize to such an exemplary Mr. Tris! A prize that makes you feel better than planned! Hypnotist!'

Hypno spread hypnotic waves and told Triss.

"Tris-san, when I hit her cunt with my cock, she feels strong excitement as her sensitivity improves, as if she is in heat. In addition, if I specify a number like 1 x 2 times, the sensitivity increases further in response to that number."

After finishing the command, Hypno immediately grabbed the stiff, erect cock at the touch of Tris 'buttocks, which she felt while caressing her, and slapped Tris crotch.



As soon as it was hit, Tris' body became sensitive, and blood began to circulate rapidly all over his body.

'What... This♡ My body... It's hot♡'

Hehe, I only hit the pubic area once with a cock, but to think I like it this much... Mr. Triss is quite naughty."

'I like it... I?'

"If you like it that much... I'll do it one more time!"

Hypno was excited and slashed Tris' pussy flesh with his cock once more.



Contrary to the sudden cock-slapping of the first, with the second, Triss realized that she was feeling the cock hit her pussycat.

'Are you feeling it? Just one? I... ?'

Triss is taken aback by her body. Her's incomprehensible reaction to her.

But Hypno had no intention of giving Tris time to organize his thoughts about her.

"Now then, let's get ready. First of all, 1x."


"Lee Geuk♡"




Triss felt a sense of danger as the joy and pleasure overtook her, stronger than just before.

'Strange... ! This is weird!'

No matter how you think about it, your own body has become strange.

Worse still, he feared what might happen to himself.

"Hey, Hypno-sama! Now, please wait a moment."



In an instant, his eyes went white, and a tingle of pleasure ran through his body.


'No! Do more, really... No... ♡ It's just hitting the pussycat with a cock. I'm gone.

"Four times more!"


"Oh, oh, oh ♡♡♡"

The moment when Hypno shouted loudly and hit the pussycat with his cock.

Tris bent her waist like a bow and tasted the climax of her mind, turning white for the first time in a long time.



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