
She Is His Best Friend

I sat on her seat and she walked in, obviously surprised to see me on her seat. I deliberately placed my legs on the desk and pretended not to see her. She walked to my front. "Excuse me, you're on my seat."she said but I behaved like she wasn't there. She tapped my legs. "Can't you hear what I'm saying?"she asked. "What are you going to do if I don't stand up? Are you going to call your mummy?"I asked and she hissed. "Just get up and mind your business."she said. "Well I won't."I said with a smirk. She sat on a little space on the desk. What was she doing? A teacher walked in. "Everyone get settled."she said. "Miss are you a new student here? What seems to be the problem?" the teacher asked and she stood up. "I'm sorry ma'am, but this jerk won't leave my seat."she said and everyone exclaimed. What did she just call me? A jerk? She's gone too far, I'm gonna show her how a jerk behaves. I stood up from the seat and turned to the teacher. "Ma'am, I never knew this was her seat. She just barged in and was arguing with me."I said and I could see she was shocked. "What.."the teacher interrupted her. "Miss, this is a school. You should not behave like it's your home. A little courtesy would be appreciated."the teacher said. "But he was the one at fault here."she argued. "The classmates are all witnesses to what she did, right?"I asked the class. "Yes ma'am."they all responded. "What?" "Please have your seat miss."the teacher ordered sternly and she had no choice than to sit down quietly. I went to my seat smirking. I'm sure she'll be cursing me right now. *** Meet Kyla, a sixteen years old girl who was orphaned from a very young age of eleven. Herself and her little sister, Daisy. They were taken to the orphanage and were later adopted by a really nice and wealthy couple, Mr and Mrs Francis. Their aim for going to the adoption center was to adopt a baby, not more than one or two months old. But their resolve changed after seeing Kyla. Kyla and her little sister started attending a school for basically wealthy folks, Hilton highschool. She was despised at first and was almost maimed by her classmates. Meet Jeremy Wilbert, also called 'J', a seventeen-year-old guy, the leader of the 'BIG FIVE' in Hilton highschool. They are known for bullying students who gets in their way. What happens when Kyla gets on their bad side? What happens when Jeremy refuses to listen to anyone except 'His Best Friend' even when he fell in love with Kyla? An original story, filled with drama, suspense, heartbreak, love, betrayal and highschool romance. You wouldn't want to miss it.

Anns_library4321 · Teen
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82 Chs

It's actually positive.

It was Saturday. I sat on the chair in the dining table without touching my food. I wonder what was going on in their pathetic date. Where are they, what are they doing?

"Why aren't you eating? Are you still thinking about the date?" Grace asked.

"Of course I am, Grace. What do you think they'll be doing right now?" I asked.

"On their date?" she said like a question.

"I know but.. ugh I'm getting so worked up over this." I said trying to calm down.

"Kyla everything will be all right." she said and I took a deep breath. I had a bite from my sandwich. My phone rang, it was my doctor. I gave him the strands of Grace's and Jeremy's hair for a DNA test.

"Hello doctor." I said.

"Kyla, good morning." he said.

"Good morning, is it ready?" I asked.

"Yes it is."he said.

"Okay, you're at your office right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I am." he said.

"OK, I'll be on my way soon." I said and hung up.

"You're going to meet up with your doctor? Are you sick?"Grace asked.

"No... I mean yes.. it's just a little fever." I said, but you look all right to me." she said.

"Hey Grace, I don't need to look unwell to be unwell, ok?" I said.

"Alright fine." she said. After eating, I drove to the doctor's office. I wonder what the results would be.


"I thought we were going to a restaurant, not a club house." J said.

"Yeah, that was the initial plan, but I changed my mind."I said and held him inside. "Remember we come here a lot?" I asked.

"Yes, yes but not anymore. Kyla won't like this one bit." he said and I rolled my eyes at the mention of Kyla.

"She doesn't have to know right?" I said.

"But she'll definitely ask questions. Am I supposed to lie to her?" he asked.

"Does she not trust you? Please let's forget about Kyla for now. This is a date for the both of us." I said and he sighed. We walked to the bar and I ordered for some drinks. "Cheers to our date." I said raising up my glass.

"Cheers." He said and we drank.

"J, let's go dance." I said.

"No, no, no Vi" he said but I was already standing up. I pulled him up as well.

"Come on, it will be fun.. just like the old times." I said and he reluctantly walked with me to the dance floor.

Well, I planned everything to happen this way. Crystal was in a disguise in the club to take pictures and videos of us and send it to Kyla. She's so gonna get jealous. I placed his hands on my waist and placed my hands over his shoulders and danced. He was reluctant at first but got the hang of it. I danced crazily in front of him. I twerked on him with his hands on my waist. I pecked him, gave him short lip kisses and all sorts of things.

This was how we were before that stupid Kyla showed up. The five of us would go to a club and enjoy ourselves. J sometimes ended up drunk and would make out with several girls. You don't expect us to come to a club and order for soft drinks right. It was all alcohol. Even though J makes out with different girls when he's drunk, he was always in his right senses when it comes to me. He is always cautious when it gets to me and I hate it.

After clubbing, J took me to my house before going home. I waited for Crystal to come with the videos and pictures. She eventually came. We walked to my room.

"Vi, what if J finds out about this?" she asked.

"He wouldn't know we were behind it." I said and watched the video. "Oh my God, it's an amazing shot. Kyla is so going to be mad." I said and smiled. " Send it to her." I said giving her the phone.

"No you do it. I seriously feel bad about this." she said and I hissed.

"Whatever." I said and sent it myself, along with some pictures. "Done, easy peasy." I said. I could see Crystal was nervous, she was scared of J. Yes, everyone is scared of him but even if he finds out, he wouldn't do anything to us.


"I can't believe this. It's actually positive, they are both siblings."I said happily. I was staring at the results in my car, as Steve drove. J is so gonna be happy that his twin sister is actually alive. Grace would finally have a complete family. I folded the paper and kept it in my bag.

I got home, Grace was in the room.

"Hi Kyla." she said.

"Hi."I said.

"What did your doctor say?" She asked.

"Oh.. I'm actually fine now." I said.

"I knew you were lying, Kyla. You can't fool me. Did you go to spy on Jeremy and Violet on their date?" she asked.

"I wish." I said and she sighed.

"Ok, has he called you?" she asked.

"No." I brought out my phone. "I'll just call him." I said. I opened my phone and there was a video message from an unknown number. "Who sent this?" I asked. Grace moved closer to me and looked at the phone.

"What is it?" she asked and I played the video.

"Oh.. my.. God." I panted hard, staring sternly at the video as it played.

"Don't freak out." Grace said.

"Oh my gosh." I repeated.


"Kyla, calm down." I said.

"What the hell."She yelled as the phone fell from her hand. "What did I do to deserve this? Why would he do this to me?" she threw the pillows on the bed away angrily.

"Kyla please stop this. It's not going to help or change anything." I said and she turned to me.

"Yeah.. yes it won't change anything. That.. that ugh." She groaned and picked up the phone and stormed out of the room. I immediately ran after her.

"Kyla." I called. She angrily called on the driver and got into the car. I followed her before she does something rash. "Kyla please, you have to calm down. Don't do anything stupid, ok?" I said to her but she wasn't paying any attention to me. The car hardly stopped before she got down. I ran after her. "Kyla.. Kyla." I called.

"Hey babe." J called, coming to embrace her, but she slapped him really hard. "Jesus Christ.. what the f***." He groaned. I noticed four other people, I guess they were his friends. The ones Kyla always talk about. They all stood up.

"Kyla, what's going on?" One of the guys asked.

"Brian stay out of this." Kyla said.

"What was that for?" Jeremy asked, looking at Kyla in surprise.