
She is an Angel or a Demon

When he opened his eyes and sat on his bed he saw a woman standing near the window, he could only see her from the back as she was facing the other side and was looking out the window. She was wearing a green strapless cocktail dress with her hair let loose. Lee Ji Woon approached the woman who was silently observing nature outside. “Park Hye Min”, he softly called her name. Hearing him call her name, Park Hye Min turned around and was now facing him. She looked extremely beautiful, in his life Lee Ji Woon never saw anyone as enticing as her. Her big round eyes looked innocent, her small pink lips were slightly parted as if inviting him to taste them, her white exposed shoulders were alluring to his eyes. She continued looking at him innocently. Her demure mixed with her beauty created an urge in him to take her there itself but he was in his senses and he was aware he should not give in to his animal urges. “Park Hye Min what are you doing at my home at this hour?” He softly asked her. She didn’t answer his question and silently continued looking at him. “How did you come here?” He asked. But she still didn’t answer him and just looked at him with her big innocent eyes. He didn’t know what else to ask, so he questioned her, “What do you want?” Now she took a step towards him, eliminating the gap between them, she softly said, “You” .... Park Hye Min developed feelings for Lee Ji Woon during their high school but she knows they can never be together given their family rivalry. The Parks and The Lees disliked each other for more than thirty years and now their children were falling in love. The new twist in the tale is, Park Hye Min and Lee Ji Woon are cursed due to their actions in their previous life and are destined to die together and never live a blissful life. On the other side, a woman named Song Ji Woo dies in mysterious circumstances and she is given the task to destroy the curse and help Park Hye Min unite with the love of her life, Lee Ji Woon. Here begins the roller-coaster journey of Park Hye Min, Lee Ji Woon and Song Ji Woo where they fight the curse. ... “Turn around” He commanded in a serious tone. Park Hye Min got confused with the aggression Lee Ji Woon was showing right now as she always thought he is a gentle person. “Are you scared?” He asked her seriously as she looked puzzled. She shook her head saying she is not scared. “Turn around” He again ordered her. This time she followed his order and she turned around and faced the wall. “Be ready, I am going to take you now” He seductively whispered in her ears. ... Note: The cover does not belong to me it belongs to the original creator

Mystical_night · Urban
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153 Chs

Brutal Future

The movie started and everybody turned silent. The movie was over after three hours, it was a long film but completely entertaining, Song Ji Woo loved it and thought every minute invested in watching this movie was worth it.

It was around 10 pm when the movie got over.

'Oh no I have only two hours to find a person and see their future' Song Ji Woo thought.

According to the rules if she does not check anyone's future in one day that is in 24 hours then that opportunity is gone and it won't be carried on to the next day.

Song Ji Woo did not want to waste her chances so she looked at Park Hye Min and decided to see her future as she found her interesting and during the movie time she saw how her brother, sister-in-law and her friends pampered her during the interval and wanted to see what future holds for the prettiest girl she has ever seen.

When she looks at a person's future, she gets a glimpse of the past to understand the future. Song Ji Woo closed her eyes and started seeing Park Hye Min's past and future, initially it all looked happy and cheerful, Song Ji Woo felt envious but later when Ji Woo saw Hye Min's future unfold right in front of her eyes, she couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

After seeing the future she realized something watery in her eyes and understood that she cried.

She was happy as well as surprised, happy to actually find the person whose future would make her cry and therefore she found the person who is her key to heaven.

She was surprised that she came across this person so randomly and that the person whose fate she has to change is actually a girl, she thought it would be a man and therefore since the last 28 days she has been checking the future of only men and Park Hye Min was the first woman whose future Ji Woo checked.

She thought she would never find this person as it was almost impossible to come across her and was thankful to her luck for actually making it possible. Then she thought how ironical it was that she was thanking her luck, the one that never favored her.

On the other side she felt bad for this girl who had such a brutal future written in her fate and suddenly Song Ji Woo felt a motivation to change this future.

She opened the tablet like screen and there was a password protected folder where she was supposed to input the name of the person whose future would make her cry and that name would be the password. As soon as she inserted Park Hye Min's name in it, the folder opened.

This too was a confirmation that she indeed found the right person.

The folder had more detailed information on Park Hye Min, like her address, her likes, dislikes and every other minute detail of her life. Ji Woo decided to go through this later, first she wanted to follow Hye Min.

After closing the tablet she looked to her side and understood that Park Hye Min and her group already left. She got the address from the folder she had and went to the Park mansion.

She can travel from one place to another just by wishing. She just has to wish to be in a place and she will reach there, this is the power all people in the afterlife have.

She reached Park Hye Min's house and started looking around the Park mansion. It was huge and filled with a lot of people. She easily located Hye Min's room and decided to wait for her.

After 2 hours Hye Min came back home and headed straight towards her room. After watching the movie the group went to have dinner and that's why it took her more time to come home.

Song Ji Woo saw Park Hye Min enter her room and was excited but then she saw something that confused her.

There was a black shadow above Park Hye Min's head. When Song Ji Woo saw her for the first time in the movie hall there was nothing like this above her head but now there is. Hye Min was confused and wondered what was happening.

Park Hye Min then straight headed towards the bathroom to have a bath and just then Song Ji Woo got a notification on her tablet device. She opened it and checked.

'Congratulations, for reaching this stage, you will be getting the following powers but you can also choose only one of the two so choose wisely

1) You will get the power of appearing in front of Park Hye Min, she will be able to see you, talk to you, listen to you and converse with you. But the condition is you can't tell her about her future and whatever you know about her which she doesn't.

2) You can enter her dreams and control her thoughts; you can give her advice through these dreams. But the condition is you can't tell her about her future and whatever you know about her which she doesn't.'

Song Ji Woo started to wonder which of these options to choose. Either way she can't tell Park Hye Min about her gruesome future. If she chooses to appear in her dreams, then the contact would be limited and if she appears in front of Park Hye Min she can get scared.

Song Ji Woo started wondering which option to choose, then she finally decided to go with option 1. In the last one-month Ji Woo didn't interact with any humans and was missing interacting with a human being and after weighing the pros and cons she felt this option is the best of the two.

Just then Park Hye Min came from her bath and relaxed on her bed, going through her phone.

Song Ji Woo saw her and was now more sure to choose option 1, as soon as she chose option one, she appeared in front of Park Hye Min.