
Chapter 10: Caught Spying_1

Shen Xian this time learned a lesson and deftly swiped his card after entering the elevator, then retreated to stand behind Gu Chen.

From her angle, she could only see Gu Chen's profile; his facial features were taut, his expression somewhat serious, and his aura brooding, unclear what he was thinking about.

It's often said that the market is like a battlefield, and today Shen Xian truly felt it for the first time.

Today, Gu Chen made significant concessions and sacrifices in resolving the warehouse bomb incident; from what Shen Xian could comprehend, she felt that Gu Chen's approach was generous and satisfactory.

Yet, for some reason, he didn't seem to be relieved by the preliminary resolution of the matter, instead seeming even more melancholic than the day before.

The three of them were silent all the way, and after the elevator reached the thirty-fifth floor, Gu Chen went straight to his office without giving any instructions.

Shen Xian watched his retreating figure and was about to head back to the assistant's office when she felt the door lighten considerably; turning her head, she saw Chen Nuo smiling towards her with crescent eyes.

"I'll help you; it's inconvenient for you to carry this."

Looking down at her thin notebook, Shen Xian almost laughed; Chen Nuo must have had more reasons than just helping her with the door, right?

Indeed, once they entered the assistant's office, Chen Nuo lowered her voice eagerly and asked, "How did it go? The meeting lasted so long, what did the company decide to do?"

"Why don't you ask Ma Qi?" said Shen Xian with a smile as she took a sip of water and watched Chen Nuo firing questions like a machine gun.

Chen Nuo pouted, "Humph, ask her?"

As she spoke, she tossed the hair on her shoulder back and lifted her neck arrogantly, "Just wait to read the email, what's the rush."

She was imitating Ma Qi—it was a dead ringer!—down to the arrogant air she put on.

Shen Xian, who had been taking a big gulp of water, nearly choked because of her performance, somehow swallowing the water but starting to cough violently.

While Chen Nuo was voicing concern, her hands were already flipping through the blue notebook that Shen Xian had placed on the table.

It read, "Eighty percent of the cost… Not due, refuse… Full compensation, three years, ninety percent..."

Chen Nuo's beautiful brows knotted together in disbelief as she lifted her head, opening her hands towards the notebook and asking Shen Xian, "This… is this what you made… the meeting minutes?"

Shen Xian's cough calmed down. After more than three hours of meeting—and without Leader Gu's compassion—she dared not move randomly or drink water, leaving her terribly thirsty.

Seeing Chen Nuo's disbelief, Shen Xian looked back at her incredulously, then nodded her head to confirm unequivocally with one word—


Chen Nuo, stunned, touched her forehead, "My goodness, I should have reminded you more, do you… know what you've recorded?"

Only then did Shen Xian realize that Chen Nuo was worried about her missing important meeting information; she calmly nodded, "I know."

Chen Nuo smiled dismissively; she didn't believe it!

Seeing Chen Nuo's curiosity about the meeting's outcome, Shen Xian compared the key words on the notebook and recounted the meeting's content for her.

Chen Nuo listened, her eyes wide with astonishment, both at the decisions made by the leadership during the meeting and Shen Xian's remarkable memory.

Shaking her head, she stared at Shen Xian, "More than three hours, Shen Xian, do you handle a three-hour meeting with just these and this?" Chen Nuo asked, pointing at her own head.

Shen Xian, slightly worried, "Is that not okay?"

Chen Nuo shook her head and clapped, "Impressive!"

Shen Xian, who had felt anxious, relaxed again due to Chen Nuo's words, thankfully.

"However, can you teach me? I also want to learn how to perfect the official records of meetings; even though I don't have to write them, it's always good to know more."

This was the first time Shen Xian had sought help, and yet it was such a small request. Chen Nuo was naturally delighted and patiently taught Shen Xian step by step.

Through this incident, Chen Nuo's friendliness towards Shen Xian unconsciously increased a bit.

Shen Xian also felt a greater fondness for Chen Nuo because of her sweet yet unspoiled demeanor, her forthright and serious character, as well as her professional work attitude.

This meeting played a crucial role in quelling the recent incident.

Under Gu Chen's direction, the relevant personnel and corresponding companies conducted formal and informal talks. They communicated the current situation of Shen Fei Logistics' warehouse, the purpose of the goods re-inspection, and the deadline to everyone involved.

With its many years of corporate reputation, coupled with Gu Chen's decision to make concessions, many companies withdrew their demands for contract termination.

The companies that did not receive any concessions also withdrew their compensation claims after understanding the situation clearly.

Firstly, they were wary of Gu Chen's warning that if they did not withdraw their groundless claims, they would end up as the defendants in a lawsuit;

Secondly, they would still need to rely on Shen Fei Logistics for future goods transportation;

Thirdly, since there had been no delays in the delivery of their goods, and the goods had not been damaged, insisting on claims for compensation and contract termination seemed somewhat unsubstantial and unreasonable.

After such efforts, the wave of contract terminations triggered by the bomb incident finally subsided with everyone's hard work.

Moreover, the reasonable and substantial concessions made by Gu Chen, especially the full-price compensation for the damaged porcelain and the three-year ten-percent discount, among other such policies, helped Shen Fei Group's reputation take a favorable turn amid the recent turmoil.

The older shareholders who had initially opposed Gu Chen, though they had acted under pressure and somewhat reluctantly, now overflowed with praise for him.

Gu Chen, however, remained composed, neither becoming prideful over his correct decision nor holding a grudge for the opposition he initially faced.

Instead, during the meeting, he went out of his way to commend the shareholders who had dealt with particularly difficult companies.

It was then that Shen Xian saw the formidable side of Gu Chen!

The pace of the corporate world is fast, with days peeling off the calendar faster than Shen Xian could chase the bus every day. Gradually, she adapted to her new role as an assistant, and although her job might differ from Zhang Chi's, she also had to be ever-present at Gu Chen's side—ready to meet any needs, well-prepared to handle any task.

One day, Gu Chen asked Shen Xian to retrieve a document from his office. On the unattended computer, Shen Xian saw a file—Shen Fei Group's management roster.

Her hand involuntarily rested on the mouse. Could the name that disappeared from the ordinary employee list be found here?

Her slender fingers gently moved the mouse, and Shen Xian's bright eyes were fixed intently on the computer screen.

"What are you doing?"

Gu Chen's deep voice interrupted her, his tall figure casting a looming presence as he slowly walked over.

"I'm getting the document."

Shen Xian quickly steadied herself, shook the folder in her hand, and then calmly suggested while looking at the computer screen, "I think you should set a screen lock timer on your computer."

As she spoke, she pointed to the computer screen that was now locked.

"Hmm, thank you for your hard work."

Gu Chen cast a cursory glance at the computer screen, where colorful bubbles haphazardly bounced around.

He seemed quite unconcerned, and the gold-rimmed glasses concealed any other emotions in his eyes from Shen Xian's discerning view.

Shen Xian, holding the document and tilting her head as if nothing had happened, reminded him, "President Gu, we should head to the meeting now".