
Chapter 2

chapter two


After the man left , mom and dad looked at me with angry eyes

and asked

Pearl where have you guys been, I ignored my mom's question first

Shawn I said , go to your room now , I want to discuss with mom and dad

When he left , I went and locked his door ,to avoid him eavesdropping at us

"Now start talking pearl, my mom said

Mom, Dad , Shawn is sick

"Oh my baby, my mom moaned"

"Lilah don't cry ,my dad patted her back, you don't even want to let her finish"

Shawn was taken to the hospital the doctor said he has a ......

He has a what ! pearl my mom sobbed

The doctor said he has s tumor growing in his head. I sobbed

My mom was seriously crying when I told her ,but dad just maintained his self because he's the man here.

He said, I continued ,he needs a surgery now the chances of surviving is 50/50

I told my Parents , I couldn't stand seeing my mom cry so I left the living room to my room

Where I sobbed quitely till I slept off



I woke after all my session with that bitch

I slowly entered the bathroom , leaving it unlocked

The bitch entered the bathroom room

"Honey ,why are you leaving ,come back to bed ."

I ignored her and continue bathing .

She tried to touch me , I pushed her really hard

" that's what you get when you try that again"

She stared at me with eyes filled with tears

Hmm. I scoffed "bitch"

I quickly left the bathroom for her

She followed suit

I dressed quickly

"Are you leaving already"

Why can't this bitch Just leave me alone

"here take this $1000 don't disturb me again , if I see you around me or my property ,I will kill you

I saw as her face changed color , clearly written that she was scared

I left.


At madam Cora eatery ..

(Madam Cora)

Where is the stupid girl

Why is she late again , I stared at my wrist watch for the fifth time

I looked up and saw customer's waiting for their order ,so I started serving them.Pearl)

I woke up and stared at my phone ,o m g I am so dead by now the time is 8

Quickly I prepared my brother for school and also prepared my self for work.

I made breakfast for him .

I bid my parents bye

Bye mom, bye dad

"Bye pearl"my dad said

My mom rushed and gave me a peck , bye my love

We left the house and took a cab ,the ride was a silent one

I dropped Shawn at his school and bid him bye and proceed we to my work place

The traffic was so bad that I treked to my work place and I arrived really late

When I reached I saw madam Cora serving the customer by her self

I am so dead I said to my self .