
She Calls Me Eyebrows

173J is a demon, soul collector from the Underworld who falls in love with a woman named Hannah. She also happens to be a direct descendant of Wolf- one of the highest-ranked demons from his realm. J, as he is called, tells us his story as it unfolds- of love and friendships and all the truths he has known that turned out to be lies.

passmemycoffee · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Welcome home

Pulling out a narrow cylinder containing psychoactive material- erm yes- tobacco, wrap into thin paper- a cigarette or cancer stick as the non-smokers call it- see? I'm savvy - I light it up. Ah, between you and I, it's actually not tobacco alone. But yes, I do smoke fags too.

The smoke fills my throat and lungs as I take a drag. I blow out and watch the beautiful greyish/ white clouds disappear into the cold night air. Its cancerous effect will do nothing to me but the nicotine creates an immediate sense of relaxation as I close my eyes. In some ways, I have the best of both worlds. I say some because I don't want to offend you, for I know your species seem to think you are better than everything. Alcohol can get me- uh drunk. But I have no hangover. Food I can eat and never worry about my looks or skin.

Could life get better than this? Never for a human but as a demon…nah, life is good. Truthfully, I'm not sure if there is a part of me that craves a higher purpose. The need to have power over others, Self-achievement…affiliation. As a demon, we don't have that drive. That thing that humans have that pushes them forth to want more. That drive. Greed, comparison drudgery and fear in others.

Demons are content. We accept what we are to do, no questions about it. We don't ask for more we don't request less. Stagnant isn't really a bad thing.

Through the open doors of the balcony, the raindrops could be heard as I walk back in and pour myself a drink. Whisky. I love it. The sip I took bursts into rich malt and flavour on my tongue as it burns its way down into my stomach. I rotate my head a couple of seconds before I finish the drink. Many people preferred the whiskey of non-Scottish but not me. I pour myself another drink as I take my seat on the sofa but on the recliner side.

I do what most humans do when I am not working. I flip through the television channels bored, hoping something catches my fancy. I downed the contents of the glass and poured another, finishing that too. Suddenly, I feel that music should be blasting out loud and I make my way, downstairs, to my stereo set-up, scanning the shelf for the remote. Maybe I'll even be motivated to do a workout.

Hannah has- there it is, on the space saver. I grab the remote and point it to the stereo just as the doorbell sounded. There is my ring. She had to pass through the door for human appearances. Only in emergencies did we appear and disappear at will. Since she always insisted on checking in on Hannah, she had to do it the mortal way... on legs.

Yes- we do the human thing well.

I open the door for V, and the maroon, long-haired beauty walks in. Her slim body was perfect in every way as well as her much feminine walk. She throws herself into my arms giggling as she wraps her body around me.

No, literally she wraps herself like a ribbon and slides down onto my finger, adding a thickness to the thin gold band already there. Raising my hand up, I admire the thickened ring. Beautiful and shiny. I kiss it, for I missed the darn thing.

"Welcome back home," I say to it as I light up another cigarette. It's already been three days since she had been down under. I thought I would have collected her when I dropped off my clothes and boots yesterday but nope.

She has to stay on my finger, to fully reconnect with me for at least an hour before she could leave again. Sort of like a cell phone except she does not lose power, I do. Within a week without her, I am almost dead. This is so that nobody goes rogue. Or you die- without a soul too as the rumours go- yeah, I actually don't believe rumours and I even doubt demons have souls.

A fact I do know is that we can't actually die unless one of the higher-ups calls that shot…like erm, the Deathmaster. Perhaps Wolf too. See I can't be certain for I don't know of any demon that actually did. I am told that we did have rogues before that went ringless and they were left weak and almost lifeless but couldn't die for we are immortal. I was told that they were punished.

See we are only allowed to know certain things and questions are not really a thing for us. Questions to our seniors, from us, would usually be left unanswered. We are on a need-to-know basis which I respect and have respected since my existence.

Yes, I am aware that previously I stated that demons typically don't venture further than their duties but try to understand it's the general psychological characteristics, I speak of. Sort of like are all humans serial killers? Exactly. But the majority of humans are pretty decent, right?

I stick to the rules and don't try to widen my horizons.

Well- except when it came to owning my establishment.

Clicking the power button on the remote, my ears feel as if they are bleeding- what sh*t was Hannah listening to- this sounded like a goat on a mic. I quickly pressed the power again suddenly missing the serenity of silence. What in the actual f-

Oh, yeah, I talk the human language too. I mean, I don't mean to brag but I can use the most profane language possible. I once had a cuss out- just for the heck of the joke because we were bonding- my previous house owner's fourteen-year-old grandchild, we were smoking erm… playing chess I mean, just for the heck of it and in fits of giggles, he started mocking a parrot on the television screen. I had joined in and soon it was a cuss-fest. I'm telling you, that was the most fun I've had in years.

Huh, that pretty much says a lot about me, doesn't it? Oh, well.

Almost two hours later V comes out of the ring and I point to the kitchen, where I had prepared her a sandwich. She liked those, just like our host. A tall glass of juice was in the fridge too- yup, they both ate healthily and kept good diets. Despite the fact that I owned a restaurant a few blocks down- well it was in Hannah's name legally, they both did not eat all day every day or invited people over to take advantage of the free service, which I had accommodated them with.

Yes, V might not have actual friends but men and women, floated around her, literally begging for her attention.

Even Hannah's family. She kept them far away. Granted, I did not take time out of my busy schedule either, to actually meet her parents or siblings or anybody else- still- I had told her that she and her family and mates- uh friends, ate free. I even gave her cards and still- nada.

Oh well. I do not beg.

Okay, it's better that Hannah's family be kept at a distance and pretty soon she would have to limit the time she actually spends herself with them to accommodate me. The family trips will have to be almost non-existence where I reside.

Minutes later, V and I are on the couch when we hear a jangling of keys. V's head which was on my shoulder perks up, her ears twitching. She was like a cat in many ways, minus the whiskers. Her slightly pointy ears were the prettiest things I have seen to date. Her head and slanted brown eyes moved from the hallway where she knew Hannah would walk in from and back to my chest. She loves Hannah but Hannah always looked uncomfortable around her.

Sure enough, as soon as the door closes, V's back arches and one hand was in the air halfway. Then she leaps out of my lap and runs to Hannah. I didn't have to turn to know that V was rubbing her face on Hannah's shoulder or that the young woman's facial expression was a twisted one.

I turn around anyway to address the owner as it is the right thing to do. Respectable. I am polite, don't act all surprised. My hand rests on the back of the couch and I raise my eyebrow up at her waiting. Oh well, I am cocky.

"Ugh, I left something," said the nervous woman, bending her head a bit, not quite reaching my gaze. Tch, yes, I know I am quite intimidating and I love playing with the little human. Nervous with me but showing her obvious discomfort with V. Women.

"Welcome home," I say dryly and her hands clasped in front of her, one rubbing the other, giving away how afraid she is of me.

She's such a card, really. Left something? She could not stay away from the house any longer than seven days. She had received a warning. I wonder if they were gentle with her. These humans had the most fragile minds, indeed. Some ended up in institutions and places called asylums where they were drugged up for 'psychotic episodes'. I have even seen patients be confined and restrained; trust me hell is similar. It irked me a bit to see good people in places like this. But- I can't interfere in human decisions.

"Sure," I mutter but I could tell she knew that I knew she was lying. She looked at V and her upper lip curled somewhat. "V, come here," I add and Hannah walks out, into the direction of her room. She hadn't even taken off her wet coat or boots. The housekeeper will have extra work now thanks to this little idiot.

V looks at me then back at the retreating back of Hannah, going up the windy staircase. You know those faces the cats make? Yeah, well V had one of those, except it isn't cute and her face looked like it is holding back tears.