
She Becomes Glamorous After married a billionaire

It is said that after Nate Archibald's marriage was ruined, he casually dragged a woman on the street and got married! That woman was just released from prison, and the wedding photos were all taken in prison clothes! "What is the purpose of approaching me?" Jenny Rhodes ran away, thinking that this man in a wheelchair would definitely not be able to outrun her! Unexpectedly, this man stand up straight! Failing to escape, she was slammed into the wall, and Jenny Rhodes was helpless, "You cheat! You're pretending to be a lame!" Nate Archibald laughed, "How could it be? I was just worried that my wife would run away. Maybe this is called a medical miracle." Nate Archibald thought he married a nomal girl, but he didn't expect her to have so many fake identity that he couldn't find it! "Hackers, doctors, painters, designers...you can confess to yourself, how many fake identity do you have?" "Well...about...a hundred or so..."

dao_king_1850 · Urban
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45 Chs


"Unfilial daughter!"

A powerful voice sounded from behind me.

Immediately afterwards, a big hand like an iron claw grabbed my shoulder, dragged me aside at once, and waved it with a raised hand, about to slap me hard.


I sneered and tilted my head an inch in the same direction.

I just looked at his big hand, wiped the tip of my nose and waved it empty.

Seeing that he didn't get hit, Rick Rhodes suddenly felt that he was being humiliated, and shouted loudly like a clown: "You unfilial daughter! You still have a face! My Rhodes family does not have a shameless daughter like you!"

"But you have such a shameless son-in-law... Dad."

I softly called out the word 'Dad', and my heart was filled with disgust.

But I know better that the man I call my father will be more uncomfortable than me after hearing it.

"I don't have a daughter like you! Don't call me daddy! Drag this crazy woman out of me! She's trying to spoil my daughter Juliet Rhodes' wedding with a fake video!"

"Fake video? Why don't we use it for identification?"

I said calmly, I am not afraid, of course.

But Rick Rhodes glared at Harold in disgust, and shouted again:

"Why haven't the bodyguards come? If they don't come, you all get out of here!"

This time, the bodyguards dared not wait and see, and four burly men came to me.

I sneered.

Oh, how many people want me to stop?

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, I kicked a bodyguard with one kick, and the first bodyguard just pressed on the body of the latter bodyguard. With only two feet, I kicked all four bodyguards out. .

"you you..."

Rick instantly turned into a bare commander, and could only point his finger at me in shock, trembling and speechless.

"Jenny ! What the hell are you trying to do?!"

Juliet was hysterical as she watched her dream wedding get ruined.

I looked at her almost frantic expression, but my face was calm.

"I don't want to do anything."

I pulled away a little smile, looked around, and pronounced the sentence like the queen:

"I, Jenny Rhodes, will come back today, and I'll take everything I have."

After I finished speaking, I followed the same path and left slowly from the stage covered with flowers.

Not a single guest on both sides of the stage stopped looking at me.

And Rick Rhodes saw me leave voluntarily, and said with a fluke:

"Don't worry about today's affairs. Jenny has been in jail for too long and her brain has been broken!"

His words are just and righteous, but it depends on the reactions of the people below.

How many will believe it?

I walked out of the banquet hall slowly, and no one dared to stop me again.

Today is just a video to let these people know what Harold is.

But that's not my real purpose.

Harold is only superficial, my real purpose is to disturb the Rhodes family's share price.

As soon as the scandal broke out today, the Rhodes family's stock price will collapse tomorrow.

Since we are going to attack the Rhodes family, we must do something from here.

After all, only in muddy water can you fish.


I screamed in pain.

About how to get revenge on the Rhodes family, I thought so seriously that I didn't look carefully at the road under my feet.

When turning the corner, I only felt my calf hit the metal, and then the whole person jumped forward.

Muscle memory made me instinctively stretch out my arms, trying to brace myself before I fell, but I didn't expect to fall into a warm embrace.

And my arms just wrapped around the man's neck, looking very ambitious.


I rolled my eyes.

Only then did I find myself falling into the arms of a man in a wheelchair.

"I'm sorry, I didn't..."

I hurriedly apologized, and struggled to stand up from his embrace. When I met his dark eyes like ink, I was stunned and even forgot to speak.