
She a cold heartless ceo

Twin_Jolie · LGBT+
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9 Chs

The banquet

The next day was the banquet of the j group for there ceo fist appearance in public a lot of people where preparing projects so they can get acquainted with the CEO to invest in their projects a lot of people heard that the CEO is like girl, in a lot of big company fathers (prepare there daughters to go meet the CEO and talk about marriage) this banquet was the talk of the Country .

When John heard that the ceo was a girl he was so excited because her wanted lason his Son to get closes to the ceo so the fall in love, since his Dave is not here he gave lason the Vic president seat , it going to be easy going.

Sara and lily went shopping for the banquet , Sara can't wait for lily to attracted a lot of rich heir at the party when that happen John will have no choice but to recognize as the 3 miss of the peace family ,Sara can't wait.

On the other side jovie was partying at a club when she got a call for her sister jolie her face turn pale at the instant.

Sis" she pick up with tremble in her voice,

If you don't want me to froze your credit cards you better get you butt ready for my welcome party at the banquet tonight.

With that she closes the phone.

Jovie knows her sister well enough to know she is not someone who makes jokes.

Jovie was always spoiled by her twin sister and big brother jay so she was always afraid of her twin sister jolie and always listen to everything she told her.

Jovie had no choice to listen to her sister.

Ever since they were a Little she always listen to her sister as if she was her big sister that's because when their mom died she had a sister by her side throughout the whole time,

Sister is like a mother to her she paid her college for her when she gave her debit card every month she be receiving $1 million every month,

Although she have shares in the peace group she gave them all to her sister because she didn't know anything about management that's why Julie gave her everything so she can enjoy her life.

She went straight to her sister house and went to her office then sit down in front of the Sister desk , sitting in front of her Julie frown.

Sis do you have more money to give me that's why you call me she said to jolie,

Julie look at her with a smile on her lips.

Jovie look at her eyes and can already see her funeral in her eyes, she cried in her mind,

I didn't even have time to write my will oh good how can my life be so cruel she tremble in fear and almost black out just looking in her sister eyes.

Jolie look at her and said "from next week on you will be coming to my house for school from 5 PM in the afternoon to 5 AM in the morning and don't be late oh if you late you spend five more hours at school even a second and Leslye I'll be your teacher" with that Julie went back to her work.

Jovie so Black and her heart stop in for a moment she forgot to breathe her face turn peel in instant, she looked at jolie as if she saw a ghost she was so scared , that she tremble out of fear and horror,she only managed to say one word "why?.

Jolie said six word only " you know when the time come". And she said again you can go now".

Jovie left jolie mansion looking like a vampire drain all her blood out of her body.

It was 7 PM at Julie mansion.

Jolie come down making all of the servants mouth stay wide open, she look handsome and very attractive with her pleasing facial appearance like expressive thoughtful real cold eyes , she have a sharp cute nose and a defined lip, Long neck broad shoulders maintaining her body and soft smooth skin.

Picking up her phone she said I'll pick you up in 30 minutes and don't make me wait then hang up the phone.

She arrive at Jovie house and wait for five minutes, jovie come out looking as if a princess walking out from a fairytale , got in the limousine and said "hey sis ".hervoice was filled with Joy.

Jolie nodded and said nothing.

Juicy who was sitting by her could I help by thinking her sister looks so handsome ,all the girls the party is going to fell in love with her at first sight.

In the peace mansion.

Everyone was excited they all got in the car and went to the J group party.

The party started everyone was there was 5000 guest in the party, I was waiting to meet the CEO of the J group , just as everyone was talking dancing and mingling with the guest, two figures walked in the door , everyone eyes turned to them in was a maze one was like emperor walking to his throne, in the other one was like a Cinderella coming out from a fairytale story.

One of them look cold even her stare can kill someone , The other one smell making every man at the party In a dazed looking at her with there mouth open looking at her.

Sis dad is here let's go say hi Jovie said and drag jolie with her to John.

Hey dad how are you "Jovie said to John.

Hey pumpkin I'm good when did your sister come back ?"John ask looking at Jolie, Joy in his eyes everyone can tell that he loves the Twins A lot just by looking in his eyes because the twins remind him of his first wife.

Father" jolie said only in said nothing else, John was used to her cold behavior.

She come back some month ago "Jovie said to John.

Your room is still there come home I miss you a lot John said to Jolie .

Dad jolie already had a house that she bought for 150 million five years ago when she went out of the peace mansion grandpa help her bought it jovie said to John.

Hearing her word Sarah and Lily glance at jolie with envy in their eyes.

The party went on and Jason step in the room someone exclaim wow it's the vice President of the peace group " Groups of girls surrounded Jason he just smiled, and make his way to his family.

Mom, dad, sisters he said smiling at them.

Hearing the peoples Words Jolie face darkened, and the temperature of the room drop low in instant.

Everyone turns and look at her no one dares to say a Word,

Julie look at John with her face more colder than it was with a cold voice said you went against my word" .

Everyone heard who wold and tremble in fear.

John look at her and Horror in said sweetie dave went abroad and I'm getting old I need his help in the company he is really good".

Julie said nothing and left.

Hey big bro don't take it to heart she's like that to me too " jovie said to Jason.

OK baby sis how are you "Jason said to Jovie with affection in his eyes he love both of the twins a lot more than his biological sister.

Baby sis let's go dance "he said and walk to the dance floor with Jovie in his hand.

Lily was so jealous that his brother always love the Twins more than her even though jolie is always cold to him .

Sara was so happy because jolie didn't say anything.

Larry heart walk in the banquet like a general , everyone tremble just looking at him all of them knows Larry is the general of the army in the country everyone fear him,

Larry walked to a table with six soldier behind him and take a seat no one there to go talk to him.

Juvie who just finished dancing with Jason ,saw her grandpa sitting at a table, she fly like a airplane and hug larry .

Grandpa you here it's been a long time since I see you what did you bring for me here " jovie said with a sad face she look mad.

Larry who was cold just now look at his granddaughter and chuckle out loud making the whole banquet went quiet in a instant.

Look at his granddaughter lovingly and take out a golden credit card with Jovie piece name on it and give it to her.

Juvie who just received the card jump up and down like A child who just receive candy.

Thank you grandpa she hug him and place a kiss on his cheek and run to her brother, and drag Jason To Larry.

Grandpa "Jason said with fear in his voice he was scared of Larry.

Larry who heard fear in Jason voice chuckle and said "when are you going to get married end give me grandkids ", his voice was filled with joy he didn't dislike his grandson ,he like him because he is good at managing business.

Jason who heard his grandpa voice sighed in relief because his grandpa doesn't dislike him.

I don't have any girlfriend and I'm single "Jason said To Larry .

Here" Larry said and gave him a diamond credit card making everyone gasp in shock.

Thanks grandpa " Larry said and went to his mom and dad.

Sarah who saw that scene push Lily in front to go say hi to his grandpa she said

Lilly walk confident and went in front of Larry everyone was tremble in fear for her .

Hey grandpa " Lily said with a sweet innocent voice making everyone looking at her like a kid.

Larry frown hearing that voice his face is dark in making the whole place dark and everybody held their breath not there to say a word.

Who the hell are you Larry said with a cold voice everyone tremble in fear, hearing that voice.

I'm Lily legal sister to Jason Julie, Jovie ,Dave and Jay Lily said with a sweet voice.

I only know I have two granddaughter who on earth is you? Larry said not waiting for Lily to say a other word he said to the soldiers behind him, alpha throw her out" .

Everyone gasp in horror no one there to say a word just looking at it make them want to pee in their pants.

Author note: sorry guys I didn't post for at least two days three, I'm posting two chapter for you to day ,this chapter is long so enjoy reading and don't forget to comment vault in leave question.

What do you think will happen to Lily?

Will Julie go with her words?