

Sometimes i come as flashes to memory , as if i remember images for a few seconds , i don´t Know if they will be memories or a bad move of my imagination , sometimes i also see very clear images When i dream.

I carry a notebook and i draw every Flash that appears last at most one minute or that i think is not that i control much time , then disappear again.

Today i saw in a flash a detached house , whith a child of three years or so , outside there was a tall , redhead boy I called Him Josh .

I don´t Know what those flashes mean but when I have them regained a little hope of being able to remember everything one day and i recover a little more from my humanity , because i don´t have anyone to talk to me or anything like that and i think I´M losing my humanity , to become one of those things , it migth happen if i end up losing my humanity or maybe it´s just my imagination and becoming not so easy I´M afraid it´s going to happen.

How did others become those beings ? I wonder every day whithout finding an answer in my way . My head thinks many things , if no one can seek a cure for this , nor Know what if is , because there is is no one but me ,nothing will ever be as before and pehaps only the human race will be extinguished forever.

Dear readers:

Can you image a land plant without humans?

What do you think woul be better or worse?