

She was counting down the minutes before she was finally going to see her favourites. It's been so long since she last saw them that she didn't know what to expect. Had things changed for the better? Are they worse than before? If only this meeting would end soon, then she'd drive straight towards her answers.

"Miss River, are you with us?" Charles asked. She nodded.

"You asked what's going on at the warehouse. I was there last night on my way home. They faced a few shortages, but I made another order. Manufacturing will commence soon."

"Why haven't you informed me about it?" he asked sharply, taking them all by surprise.

"Because I already dealt with it," she hissed, wondering where his attitude came from.

"I should have handled the damn orders myself," he muttered, but she caught it. And she wasn't letting it go.

"The shortage was a result of the supplier's available quantity. And I don't appreciate your attitude. Fix it," she snapped.

"You've been distracted, River. And you made simple mistakes. We cannot afford to cover that-"

"You have no right to speak to me in that manner. I didn't make the mistake. Nobody did. The regular supplier didn't have enough. We solved it by getting somebody else who had excess. What's the fucking problem?"

"Calm down, you two," Daniel tried to intervene but got a cold glare from them instead.

He turned to Ludwig to help lessen the situation but he slightly shook his head, making a show of zipping his mouth shut. He took it that Ludwig was telling him to keep out of it but he couldn't sit back and allow Charles to disrespect River.

"Charles, River is your superior. Address her with respect," he said firmly, looking him in the eye to make sure Charles knew he was serious. Then he turned to her with a softer face. "River, we understand. These things are not in our control. As long as the guy you ordered from delivers within a reasonable amount of time, there should be no problem."

She nodded, scratching her forehead to think. "He said it'll take max two days to arrive. I'll give you a call when he calls me so that we go check together," she sighed, giving him a small smile which he returned. They stared at each other for a moment too long.

"Oh, why don't you two get a room?" Charles provoked.

"Would you shut the fuck up, Charlie? Or you wanna go into how I corrected your books last week?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

It seemed Charles remembered what happened last week but River looked confused and before she could ask, Daniel explained. "Your boy messed up the budget. He gave Marketing four per cent more, taking it out from Operations."

Charles looked flustered. River scoffed. Ludwig looked like a fly on the wall.

"And we fixed that before it went thr-"

"No, I did. I fixed your mess. So don't go giving River attitude when the only one who made a simple mistake here was you," he spat angrily.

River had to bite her cheek; she was glad he stood up for her. Charles was a hard-ass, especially when it came to working. But seeing him put in his place was an entertaining sight, and she loved every second of it.

"River, I should apologise," Charles started.

"Carry on."

"I'm sorry."

"We've been colleagues for a long time, Charles. I'd hate to look for a new Director. That attitude and that mistake better be the last time," she said, the threat clear as day.

She didn't make a costing mistake, he did. And he also spoke to her in a disrespectful tone. She wouldn't tolerate that.

"I'll watch my tone," he cowered. She didn't say anything more, just picked up her bag and said goodbye to Ludwig and Daniel before walking out. She walked out of the elevator with her blazer and handbag in one hand, the other holding her car keys tightly. It was late and dark. Anything and anyone could sneak up on her.

She cursed when she saw that her car was on the far end. This level of the lot didn't have reservations, so when she came into the office that morning, the only open space was close to the exit. She sighed and walked faster, checking the time on her phone.

She couldn't help but look back. She felt like someone else was there but she wasn't sure. She shook her head, laughing nervously. She was just worried for no reason. The hair on her nape stood on end as she froze in place, scanning the area. She didn't expect to be alone since it was knocking off hour, but she had an odd feeling she was being followed.

"Who's around?" she asked out loud but was met with silence. She sighed heavily and scanned the area again before turning around. She was now close to the car.

As soon as she reached to unlock it, she heard footsteps running towards her. Her heart dropped and her breathing quickened at the sound of nearing footsteps. She barely got the door open when she felt a hand on her shoulder, making her scream and lift her hand, ready to hit whomever it was. But her hand was caught mid-air.

"Fuck, Daniel!" she screamed, grabbing her hand back from him. She rubbed her wrist form when he caught her as he bent down to pick up her stuff.

"You were ready to murder me," he chuckled, standing back upright.

"When did you get here?"

"20 seconds ago, why?" She couldn't help scan the area again. The weird feeling was still there. But she shook it off. Or tried to.

"So you weren't here from when I stepped out the elevator?" she asked to make sure.

"No, you left first. I still had to go pack up. But I ran down to catch you before you left," he explained. Then he stepped closer, alarmed. "Did something happen?"

She stared back at him. She didn't necessarily want to tell him anything because she might have been overthinking it. Plus, it may have been Charles or Ludwig or somebody else from the office going home. It was nothing to be concerned over.

"No," she smiled, opening her door and setting her things in the passenger door. "So, what did you need?"

"Oh, yeah, I was wondering if you'd be free tomorrow," he asked.

"I don't work on weekends," she rolled her eyes.

"It's not 'work'," he tried to explain, making air quotes. "I just need to go through some things with you."

"Is it serious?"

"Is that a yes?" he grinned.

"Even if I said no, you'll still show up at my door," she said, making him chuckle. She smiled a little at the sound of his laugh.

"You got me there," he admitted. "So, tomorrow, say, 8 p.m.?"

"As if I have a choice," she rolled her eyes, getting in the car. He closed the door for her and leaned against it.

"Will you prepare dinner or should I bring Thai?" he asked. She almost moaned at the mention of Thai food. It's been a while since she's had it. But she wasn't giving in yet.

"Eat at your house before you come."

"Great, it's a date. I'll bring Thai," he said, retreating to go to his car.

"It's not a date!" she yelled through the window, fighting back a chuckle.

"It's definitely a date!" he yelled back, getting in his car as he laughed. He was parked a few cars down her left, in the spot she usually did when she came early enough. She pulled out of the lot first, flashing her tail lights when she saw that he flashed his.

She looked in the mirror as he drove to the other side of town and sighed, the reality sinking back in. It's not a date.

No sooner was she parked in front of a suburban house. She got her stuff and locked the car before knocking on the door. She heard footsteps and voices yelling behind the door in return. She stood taller and pushed her shoulders back. She stared at her hand, wondering why she was nervous.

She was never good with emotions, and this house was full of it that it made her feel out of place. But there was a certain warmth she needed to get today. That's why she stood and waited, exhaling the cold outside. She put on a bright smile when the key twisted and the door swung open.
