

The ride back to the office was fairly quiet, save for the soft Rhythm 'n Blues playing on the radio. She watched the way Daniel concentrated on the road, his eyes forward and focused, his shoulders pulled back and relaxed. He oozed confidence and she had to look away.

Hers was always forced, pretence. She felt like a fraud sitting next to him because he didn't seem like he was overthinking it. He looked like he took charge whenever he felt like it. Something she could just wish she had in her.

"You're frowning," his voice said, breaking her thoughts.

She glanced at him and looked away, also focusing on the road. "I'm just worried about how capable you are. I usually interview the new hires working directly with me but I told HR to take over because I had-"

"Relax, River," he said. Her words got caught in her throat and she took a sharp breath in, feeling her eye twitching.

Nobody has ever interrupted her. Much less address her by her first name. She was about to give him a piece of her mind when he placed a hesitant hand on hers. Her heart immediately started racing and she removed her hand, folding her arms across her chest.

She glanced down at his hand that was still on her knee and wondered if he was going to remove it soon. She didn't want to do it because the feeling was.. Soothing. As weird and out of character that was.

"I understand you have some doubts about me. So, you're free to ask anything and I'll tell you what you want to know." His thumb drew small circles on her knee and she had to blink multiple times to force herself to concentrate.

"Okay, how old are you?" she asked the first question that came to mind.

"I'm thirty-three, turning thirty-four later this year."

"Which company did you come from?"

"Prinston Binds."

That was a renowned law and authority company filled with only the best people to deal with contracts, sue charges, buying and selling of smaller businesses, representing clients in fraud charges, and merging companies for deals.

They were ruthless and tactical and would crush you once you try to double-cross them. Was he like that?

"What position did you have?"

"Finance Manager."

"So why did you move?" she asked. Finance manager was a great position to have, especially in a company like Prinston Binds whose goal was to drain their competitors to the last cent. She was sure he got big bucks rolling in so moving for a bigger pay was not a fitting reason.

She watched him open his mouth to answer but held back. He mindlessly caressed her knee and she was tempted to squeeze her legs together.

"I'll tell you over dinner sometime."

She figured whatever it was that made him leave was a good reason. Even though she was worried at the way he held back, she was sure she'd get an answer one day.

"You're not longer at Prinston, so your loyalty to them ended. I'm trusting you to have this company's best interest," she told him, the threat clear in her voice that he shouldn't try anything funny, else she'd shred him with no hesitation.

"But do you?" he asked, turning his body to her. She didn't realise they were already in the parking lots back at the company. She held his stare, looking into his eyes and being met with a blank canvas.

His words reverberated in her mind. Did she trust him? She certainly didn't want him to leave just yet. He intrigued her and she wanted to know more about him the more they worked together. Was that an answer?

"I want to see where this goes."

He smirked, his tongue darting out to lick his lower lip and disappearing. Her eyes were fixed on his eyes but she couldn't help but let her eyes linger on his mouth. He tilted his head, a teasing gleam in his eyes when he caught her staring.

"I'm sure we'll both make each other very happy."


"Am I boring you, River?" he asked, looking at her like he wanted to do things to her. Sinful things. All afternoon, he watched her be a woman. She was radiant, controlled the room, spoke with intention to either maim or comfort, how she carried herself awoke a primal part in him. She was his match, a challenge to him.

It's no brainer that he was attracted to her from the first time he saw her in the morning as she confronted someone who had been looting money from the company. He enjoyed watching her be in charge and her confidence shone through. She was collected and proper from head to toe as she pounced on her victims.

And right now with the hour close to 6 and everyone gone home except the night shift security guards, she was swinging around in her chair lazily, looking exhausted from the day's work. Her hair was in a loose bun and some of it fell over her face. The few buttons on her white blouse were open and he saw a glimpse of her grey lace garment.

That instantly sent blood down south. He knew it had been a while since he'd been intimate with a woman, and he shouldn't be thinking of his boss in such a manner because that was a case, but damn, his second head wouldn't listen.

She didn't even realize the little effect she was starting to have on him. He hated that she didn't even have to work that hard to affect him. But he loved it because at long last, a woman had sparked his interest.

"Answer me, River."

"You know, most people call me Ma'am or Ms River."

"I don't follow the crowd."

"Can you be any more obvious?" she asked, stopping the chair and facing him. "I mean, you're sitting in my chair and discussing all of these quite interesting points from the meeting when all I want to do is-"

"What do you want to do instead?" he asked as he leaned forward on the desk. She leaned in too and looked from his eyes to his mouth to the open collar revealing a little of his chest.

She thought carefully. "I want to figure you out, Daniel."

"Physically or professionally?" he smirked.

Both. Her jaw dropped at her thought and she fell back in her chair. His eye twitched as if he knew her answer.

He swallowed hard. "I think it's safer to continue with this," he said, gesturing to the notes he took on his phone while they were at lunch.

"What are you afraid of, Daniel?" she asked as she leaned back and placed on leg on top of the other. She didn't know where this playful side came from, but she liked it. And she was going to use it a little longer before tucking it away under layers of coldness she has had to learn how to master.

"I'm afraid of you," he said, pausing as he contemplated his next words. "Seducing me."

"Is it working?"

"Yes." He said exhaled sharply, standing up. The bulge in his pants was unmistakable. He slowly walked around the desk, coming to stand in front of her and leaning against the edge. Now she had to tilt her head to look him in the eye.

"We'll that's a pity," she said. She stood up, picked up her handbag and was about to leave when she felt his hand catch her arm, stilling her. He was in front of her in no time.

"This isn't over."

She smirked, licking her lower lip and watched as he did the same. "Far from it, Daniel."

And with that, she walked out, leaving him in her office. They both knew it was dangerous flirting but she didn't know what came over her to go along with it. And now she didn't feel like turning back.