
Chapter two

The bell signaling first class was starting had rung a long time ago. The school was practically empty since everyone was paying attention to me. So I walked to the library to go to study hall and was thankful that even when people came into the school, they made sure not to bump into me. I get into the library and scan the Mystery/Thriller aisle to see if they had the fourth book of Harry Potter. Once I see it, I grab it and take it to the front desk to check out. "Harper," I heard someone say. I turn around and standing there is Grayson. I roll my eyes. "What do you want?" I ask him. " To take you on a date," He says confidently. I blink a few times and then bust out laughing. "That's hilarious now tell me what you actually want," I say crossing my arms. "I'm serious," He says. I stop laughing. "So because I proved you wrong and I'm in a mafia, you want to date me. That's a no," I scoff as I turn, grab the book, and walk past him. I sit in a comfy bean bag that's by the window. I open the book and read until study hall is over. By then I've read half the book which if you don't know is 318 pages and the rest of the first period was 20 minutes. I stand up and stretch. I glance out the window and see the silhouette of a body in the garden. I squint trying to see if I was imagining it but I wasn't. 'Darn. I was really hoping that after this morning, I would have a peaceful school day.' I think to myself as I grab my bag and the book and walk out of the library. I rush towards biology where Camilla was and walk right into the classroom. Everyone turns their heads but I ignore them. "Cam, we have a problem," I state and nod my head to the door so she would get the idea it was kinda an emergency. She nods understanding what I'm saying. She gets up and walks out the door and I follow. I shut the door and whisper, "There's someone outside the school. I don't know who yet but I do think they are dangerous." She nods. "I think we should get Hazel, Isaiah, and Jack. Luckily they're in the same class," she says. I agree with her and we run to English. I throw open the door and gave Hazel, Isaiah, and Jack a look. "Is there a reason you're disrupting my class?" The English teacher says as she crosses her arms. "In fact there is and I suggest you don't ask why. Also, I'm going to be taking Hazel, Jack, and Isaiah, Thank you." I say as Hazel, Isaiah, and Jack get up. As soon as they are out the door and it's closed Camilla tells them what I told her and I shoot a text to Mateo telling him about the situation but not to come unless I tell him to. After Camilla catches them up, We grab our guns as a precaution and head towards the office. Once we get into the office, I can tell that the secretary is scared. I assure her that we aren't going to hurt anyone and that we need the principal to put the school on lockdown so no one gets hurt. She nods and rushes into the office to tell the Principal. A few minutes later, the school is in lockdown but all of a sudden the lights go out.

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Liyah Paige

liyah_Paigecreators' thoughts