
Chapter 95

Damian's P.O.V:

"So how was the women's shelter with Ivy and Harley?" Father asked Selina while everyone was having dinner.

"Those ladies are doing great things over there. Although Harley was way too excited about some selfie Marinette sent her." Selina grinned at my girlfriend. "You really made her day."

"You send selfies to Harley Quinn?" Gar asked.

"Well no. Only one selfie actually." She smiled. "I took inspiration from her today you know. I actually like my hair like this. I just thought I would show it to her."

"It is very adorable." Kori nodded with enthusiasm.

"So," Selina looked over to father. "Anything new with work?"

"Nothing too interesting." Bruce spoke up between bites of food.

"Speak for yourself." Dick chuckled. "There was quite a bit of gossip over that tweet I sent yesterday. Tim couldn't catch a break."

"Yeah, thanks for that." Tim gave me the side eye. "Today's board meeting was filled with nothing but stifled giggles and people trying their hardest to look at me with a straight face."

"You have no one to blame but yourself." I shrugged.

"That picture was hilarious though." Raven nodded. "Oh, by the way Tim." She spoke up like she had just thought of something. "Jason tells me that you have that video of Marinette beating Scarecrow. I'd love to see it."

"Oh! Me too!" Gar says with excitement. "I never liked that Scarecrow guy."

"It's really not that exciting." Marinette shrugged. "It's just a lot of me screaming in French and punching him in the face."

"Yeah, and that sounds awesome." Gar nodded enthusiastically.

"Plus, you are completely undermining the whole set up before you tackled him through a window." Jason added.

"Savage!" Gar smiled even brighter at Angel. "Maybe it's not so weird that Damian likes you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I glared at the green boy.

"Nothing. Nothing." Gar put his hands up in surrender. "It's just that you have more in common then I originally thought. When they describe it, it sounds more like something you would do and not the so called 'Sunshine of Gotham'."

"No." I shook my head. "She did it with far more grace than I would have. The fear toxin tends to make people sloppy. Not Angel though."

"Are you kidding?" Marinette shook her head. "I was sloppy. I never would have smashed through the window otherwise. I try my hardest to leave no destruction behind."

"Very typical for the true miraculous holder of creation." Tikki piped up.

"So, can we see the video or not?" Gar asked.

Tim looked over at father for confirmation and when the billionaire nodded in acceptance, Tim tapped on his phone for a moment before turning it over to Raven and Gar.

The video starts with Scarecrow taking everyone in the cafeteria hostage and ends when Nightwing and Red Hood administer the antidote to Marinette. All in all, the video was only about five minutes long. Raven seemed to only have very minimal reactions to it all while Gar was overly animated with his every reaction.

I saw that Marinette just continued to eat and probably tried her hardest to ignore her past self screaming at Scarecrow through the video.

"Now my French isn't very good, but weren't you screaming about a dead black cat?" Raven asked.

"Chat Noir." Marinette corrected. "My old partner from when I was fighting Hawkmoth in Paris."

"Oh." Raven looked back down at the table. "That's a far more rational fear then what I was thinking."

"They say that when you are scared you have a fight or flight response to it." Gar said to change the subject. "Looks like you aren't one to run away."

"No." Marinette smiled back. "But I bet Scarecrow wished that I had."

"Well I can see now why you would want to invite her onto your team." Raven said to Father.

"That's only a small reason." He nodded. "She also figured out our identities and entrusted us with hers."

"And Bruce is a sucker for a kid in need." Dick added. "I guarantee that if she was an orphan, she would have already been adopted into the family already. Or maybe not..." Dick thought about that for a moment. "That would make little D and her relationship a little weird."

"Yeah." Marinette agreed. "Plus, I plan on becoming an official member of the family in a different way." The bluenette looks over at me soulmate with a wink.

I'm not sure why, but I begin to blush at the idea and quickly start to eat my food again to try and hide it. Unfortunately for me though, everyone caught that little slip up.

"Aw!" Gar grinned brightly at him. "Is the famous 'stone cold Robin' blushing?"

"I think he is, Gar." Raven agrees.

"Isn't he cute when he does that?" Marinette asks.

"Angel..." I whine.. "Please stop."

"Come on, Dami." She smiles innocently at me. "It was a compliment. I know you liked it." She playfully pokes me in the ribs.

"That's not what I mean." He smiles down at me without realizing. "You are trying to embarrass me."

"Feel free to return the favor." She winks while tapping me on the nose. "Tikki has already embarrassed me enough for one day. It can't get much worse."

"Are you challenging me?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Take it as you will." She shrugs just before she begins to eat again.

"Wow." Jason chuckled. "I'm pretty sure she did just challenge you. What do you think, Alfred?"

"Miss Marinette does seem rather confidant. Perhaps she has acquired some newfound nerves of steel." Alfred said nonchalantly.

"Is the 'great Robin' going to turn down this challenge?" Gar asked.

"No." I stared at my soulmate who now seems to be solely focused on her meal. "If she wants me to embarrass her in front of everyone then I will."

"Just don't be mean about it, Damian." Father said sternly.

"I would never be mean to my Angel." I was honestly offended.

"That's very sweet, baby bird." Grayson smiled at me. "But I am intrigued now. How are you going to pull this off? Can you do it before patrol tonight?"

"I can do it before dinner ends."

Marinette just raises an eyebrow at me.

"So, Angel." I smile sweetly at my girlfriend.

"Yes?" She looks at me skeptically.

"Do you remember the other night when we were talking about our first impressions?"

"Yes. I remember that we were talking about how your first impression of me was punching you in the face." She smirked.

"Yes. You have a mean right hook." I agreed as I sneakily put my hand on her knee under the table. "But that really wasn't my first impression of you."

"It-It wasn't?" She tried to keep her voice calm as I slowly inched my hand up her leg.

"No." I shook my head. "Do you remember what you were doing before you punched me?"

"I uh... was dancing?" She asked in an octave too high.

"Yes." I nodded as I inched my hand just a little bit farther up her leg. "I was watching you for about a minute or two before I was close enough for you to punch me."

"Where is he going with this?" Gar leaned over to whisper to Jason.

"I don't know." Almost half the table whispered back in reply while the rest just intently watched.

"I knew I had..." Marinette swallowed. "had a feeling someone was watching me."

"How could I not? You are a fantastic dancer." I smirked. "Which leads me to my next question." I say as I finally reach her upper thigh.

At this point Raven, Father, Selina, Alfred and Grayson seem to have caught on to what's happening and the only one to actually make a face in surprise is Dick while the rest just smirk at the whole interaction.

"Mhm." Is all Marinette can say.

"I wanted to ask you this the other night when we were talking about it but you fell asleep."

"Yep." Marinette whispered.

"You know how we have the Gala coming up, right?" I gently squeeze her upper thigh.

Marinette squeaks loudly in reply and quickly smacks her hand over her mouth. "I mean yes!" She says as she begins to blush heavily.

"Well I was hoping I would get to dance with you at the Gala." I squeeze her leg one more time to get another loud squeak out of her.

"Okay!" Marinette stands up a little too fast and knocks her chair over. "You win. You win." She tries to cover her blush with her hands but fails miserably.

"Well aren't you at least going to answer my question?" I ask innocently.

"Question?" She looks around at everyone looking at her with a mixture of amusement and confused amusement.

"Don't tell me you weren't paying attention to me?" I give her my best frown.

"How could I pay attention to you when you were..." She stops herself short. "Ugh this is so embarrassing!" She hides her face behind her hands.

"It's okay, Angel." I say as I stand up to pick up her fallen chair. "I'll ask you again later." I guide her back to her seat so she can sit back down.

"I don't know what just happened but that was very amusing." Kori laughed. "Great job, little D."

"Oh!" Tim looked at me like he just understood what happened. "Wow, Damian. You weren't going for a fair fight, were you?"

"And you are supposed to be our best detective?" Dick laughed. "A little late to the game there Timmy."

"It was unexpected, that's all." Tim defended himself.

"Oh?" Jason looked over at Marinette's still red face. "Oh! Totally unfair bro." He began to laugh.

"I'm still confused." Gar looked around at everyone. "Care to fill us clueless ones in?" He points to himself and Kori.

Raven leans over to whisper in Gar's ear while Dick does the same to Kori.

Kori just giggles after being told what really happened while Gar instantly shot me a surprised look.

"So, you ARE the wild one after all?"

I just give Gar a mean look in return.

"Okay, okay." Gar shrinks away from my glare. "I take it back."