

"Where the hell have you been?" the lights suddenly turn on. When she turned around she sees Clark seating on the couch crossed his arm and legs.

"You think you can hide it from me?"

"H-hi Clark" nervously answer. Clark immediately walks toward her and suddenly grabbed her arm.

"Where have you been!? TELL ME!" Xiao Ling was frightened at him.

"I went for a movie."

"With who?"

"W-with...Leo Tang" she can't speak straight cause she was scared.

"oh?, It's that so?"

He pulls her arm to her room. He forcefully pushed her at the bed.

"Hey! what are you doing!?"

"Stay here!" Clarks locks the door.

"HEY! open this freakin door!" she immediately runs toward the door trying to open it but she can't. "I will not forgive you after this! you asshole!". XiaoXiao stops banging the door. She slides herself at the door. Then she started crying silently.

On the other side, Clark can't move on what happens with XiaoXiao and Leo. He hired a spy to see where she has been gone. That, how he found out she was with Leo Tang.

Earlier, When Clarks hire an spy.

"Boss I've got them." He clenches his fist when he hears that.

"What are they doing?"

"they were laughing happily, boss"

"Got it..." he was so upset when he hears the news.

"Why!? Why are you so happy with him!? and not me!?" He throws the file on the floor cause of anger.

The next morning, XiaoXiao still upset about what Clark he did to her. until now, she in her room. "I'll never forgive you!". knock! knock!

"Who's there?"

"It's me... Aunt Li"

"Oh, Come in"

"Ms. Ling your breakfast here..."

"Just leave it there I'm not hungry..."

Aunt Li nodded and leaves the room, She knows that she can't do anything to feed her.

Downstairs, Clark is reading a newspaper while drinking his coffee

"Is she eating?"

"No...Master Ming" She answered with a disappointed.

"Okay, leave her alone let her starved." When he said that he had no regret feeling

"But sir..." He glared at Aunt Li. She got scared and bow to him and back to her work.

Night, Clark Ming can't stop worrying about Xiao Ling. He can't control himself so he checks on her.

Knock! Knock!

"I'm coming in!" Clark sees the food was still there. He panicked cause she can't see XiaoXiao and the food was still here.

"Sh*t where is she!?" He immediately checks the bathroom. When he's at the bathroom she was surprised at what he seeing. Clark sees XiaoXiao laying on the floor. He immediately goes at her. " Hey! XiaoXiao wake up!" he's holding her shoulder shaking her to wake up. He thought it was no use so he takes her at the hospital.