
In Mia Chen's House

When she arrived at Mia Chen's house. She couldn't believe what she saw a big mansion. "Wow she really is rich!" then she immediately knocks at the door. When it's her fourth knock mia shows up inside the door. "Xiaxiao (her nickname) you came finally I've been waiting for you" she speaks with a smile at her face.

After that Mia invite her to the living as they're walking XiaoXiao starts talking.

"Sooo... what about the job you're talking about. What kind of job is that?"

"Oh that... I have said you them and they really need an employee so I recommended you to them saying that you are excellent." what Mia Chen said can't control XiaoXiao happy face.

"Thank you, Mia."

When they reach the living room. Mia immediately invites her to the couch.

"Oh, you should sit there. I'll get you a drink" when she said that Xiao Ling thanked her immediately. Mia Chen immediately runs toward the kitchen to get a drink for her.

10 mins have passed...

Mia hasn't come back from the kitchen. Xiao Ling was worried why is it taking so long. "Where is she? Why does it take so long?" in her thoughts. Several second she went into the kitchen too. To see what she's doing.

Like the moment she walks in secretly. She found Mia Chem was putting something in the drink. As she saw that she immediately get back at the living room. When she sits to the couch "What is she doing? Is she putting something on my

drink?" Deep in her thoughts thinking what is she doing. "hmmm.... whatever why would I judge her? She's my best friend since high school she would never do that. Maybe I saw nothing" When she said that she doesn't even want to believe what she saw.

"XiaoXiao sorry it took so long.... here have it"

giving her the juice. "Thanks... Mia".

When she was about to drink it deep in her thoughts deciding if she should drink it or not

She keeps thinking over and over she forgot

how much time she was thinking. "Xiao, what's wrong?". "huh? No, it's nothing" she had made up her mind to trust her so, she drank to whole juice. When she finished it her body was like changing or felt weird. She doesn't even care about it. She only cares about her dad she wasn' t thinking anything but to let her father out of the prison. "Oh no, it's 8:45 we need to hurry" Mia speaks as she looks at the clock. Mia Chen gets her purse and suddenly pull her outside. "Huh? Wait... you haven't answered my question yet. what kind of job is that?" She immediately answers but Mia Chen was not listening to what she says.

They went on her car. Mia Chen starts driving fast while they're on there way. Xiao Ling sudden feel dizzy " What's happening to me"

she says weakly. She doesn't want to let Mia Chen hear what she says which is focusing on driving the car so she silently said that

When they reach their destination. Xiao Ling was a surprise of what she saw "What are we doing at the bar!?" she started talking when they get out of the car

"oh? didn't I mention it your job is here? Don't worry about the bar. The salary is great cost 10,000$ in a month with that you could work here in 10 months to pay your father's debt.

As they walk in such a huge bar. They take a sit.

She was shocked when she saw a man around beautiful ladies "! Who's that?!" she asks at Mia.

"oh him? that's Clark Ming. OMG, IT IS! Xiao Ling, I can't believe you!? You don't even know the richest man in the world!?" Xiao Ling was kinda surprised of what she heard.

"seriously?! that man? but why is there so many ladies around him?" she asked. "Oh yeah, she was known as a playboy. He only takes a woman as a toy that he could use it any time around," she answered with pity on her face.

As they talk Xiao Ling body is started to hot.

She doesn't know what to do. "Oh, XiaoXiao I'm just going to the restroom. Your boss is gonna be here ok?" "ok...." she answered so weakly.

Back to the bar, When Mia Chen tell XiaoXiao she's going on the bathroom but she really not meant to go there in the first place. She was planning to leave Xiaoxiao there cause it was her fault why Xiao Ling condition is like that. She put a drug on her drink in the kitchen when she was preparing it. She's planning to let Xiao Ling sleep with a stranger then exposed her to their friends. To humiliate Xiao Ling in front of everyone. When she leaves Xiao Ling to the bar in her thoughts "Can't wait to see the thing I brought you Xiao Ling!" she smirks
