

"Ms. Lee I've got what you've asked for." As Summer Lee's assistant enter her office. Summer is planning something to get rid of XiaoXiao.

"You've already hired someone?"

"Yes." Her assistant bows at her.

"Good. XiaoXiao I'll see what you can do now." Summer says as her finger crossed hands.

Xiao Ling, Clark Ming is mine only! If I can't have him no one can!

At Ming's villa, Clark was in the bed cuddling with XiaoXiao. They both covered with a blanket.

The sun from outside hit XiaoXiao's face causing her to wake up.

"Ughh! Sun! Get away from me!" Xiao Ling was trying to cover her face with her hands but suddenly she was wondering why does she feel someone is hugging her. She turns around and sees the sunlight hit exactly at Clark face which makes him more handsome. XiaoXiao gets stunned at him for a sec.

"Handsome, right?" Clark eyes suddenly open.

"Hey! What are you doing in my room!?" XiaoXiao sits up right away.

"Can you not talk lout in the first thing in the morning." Clark sits up too.

"Just answer the damn question!"

"Fine. FYI this is my room."

"What?" XiaoXiao looks around and sees this is not her room.


"So why am I here? Ohmygod! did you take advantage of me!?" XiaoXiao blocks herself from Clark.

"Idiot! You're the one who takes advantage of me!"


XiaoXiao was trying to recall what happened last night. As she remembers what happened last night her jaw was about to fall off cause of shock.

At breakfast, XiaoXiao was so embarrassed about what happened earlier.

"Hey... Um... Clark... I will meet my dad with mom. Is that ok?"

"As long as you were with mom."


"What? Soon to be they will my Mother and father in law."

XiaoXiao becomes quite when she hears what he said. She gets blushed for a sec.

"What? getting blushed?"

"No! I'm not!"

At the prison, XiaoXiao and her mother arrive at the prison.

"Excuse me, Who are you going to visit?" The police officer asks them.

"We're looking for Mr. Ling." Her mother answers.

"Oh I'm sorry, Mr. Ling don't want to receive any visitor."

"Just say that her daughter and wife are here."


a few minutes later, the police officer guides them at the jail. XiaoXiao hasn't seen her dad for the past weeks. She was so desperate to meet him.



Xiao Ling immediately runs toward her father and hug him tightly.

"Dad I miss you so much."

"I miss you too..."

XiaoXiao was crying when they hug each other. XiaoXiao wipes" her tears and introduces her mother.

"Dad... By the way, looks who's with me."

"Darling?" Her dad walks toward her mother slowly. His tears were about to fall. Her dad can't believe that he finally meet her wife.