
She's Mine!!

It is about a schoolgirl who strives and who will do anything just to save her hospitalized mother and then ended up in the special "End Class" to kill their Teacher.

Yumapheusnyx · Anime & Comics
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This is A WORK OF FICTION. Names, characters, places, and events are FICTITIOUS unless otherwise stated. Any resemblance to a real person, living or dead or any actual events is/are purely COINCIDENTAL.

All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any shape or form without any prior permission to the Author.

I do not own Assassination Classroom, This story is only a Fan Fiction of the anime entitled Assassination Classroom.

Thank you!




I was laying down on the sofa, reading a book to myself, and just eating some chips.

"Gosh, it's cold tonight," I said to myself when I felt the cold breeze entered the house, sending shivers down my spine.

I decided to get up and head to my room to get a jacket. It was freezing downstairs.

"Hmm, what jacket should I wear?" I asked myself while looking inside my closet, my hand was cupping my face as scanned my whole closet. "This over-sized jacket will do the job!" I quickly wore it, I sighed in relief, heading out of the room with a warm feeling.

'Much better.'

I was taking the time while going down the stairs when I was stopped in my tracks for no reason. I stood still, placing a hand on the wall and feeling the floor.


After realizing the situation, I hurriedly went to the kitchen, flopping down on the floor and crawling under the table. I waited, heart, beating fast as I breathe hard.


I flinched at the sudden noise from outside. That was a loud explosion!

I quickly got up and headed towards the window to take a peek. What the heck was going on?! Is there an apocalypse that I need to prepare myself from?

My mind was going to places! I was so confused, nothing was happening outside. No zombies or anything. I thought I was only stressed out or something. I was already convinced that nothing was wrong until I decided to look up.

"What the heck!?" I yelled in disbelief, placing a hand across my lips.

I couldn't believe what I just saw, It was the Moon. Shattered to pieces making it look like a crescent.

Are aliens going to invade Earth now? What happened to the Moon?



Everyone took their seats and waited for our new teacher to arrive. They didn't know what to expect. But for all they know, another teacher will be coming today. It won't be like the other days where we will substitute. Today, we will have a permanent teacher to teach us.


A blast of air hit the classroom. We heard the disgusting sound of tentacles walking towards to enter the room. We were informed that our new teacher isn't normal. He was special and different. At first glance, you can already tell what they were about. It placed down a Black notepad on the Teacher's desk. A wide grin was visible on its face.

"Now then...Let's get started." It let out a deep sigh before scanning the classroom, "Student on duty, on your command." The new teacher instructed, still smiling widely.

Nagisa then stood up on his feet. Standing firmly with his arms on his sides, "S-stand up!" Nagisa instructed with a shaky voice.

It was the signal. We all stood up with different guns on our hands, already aiming at our new teacher.


The whole class was dead silent. We were waiting for Nagisa to speak again. All of us were holding our guns firmly, ready to pull the triggers any minute now.



We all kept on messing with our triggers, reloading, aiming, and firing again. It was a cycle that we need to do now and then now that we have a teacher that special.

As we all make it rain with bullets in his direction, we watched in awe as he dodged all of it while holding his notepad with his tentacles.

"Good morning." The teacher greeted, the smile that he was wearing was still visible from his big face, "Fire all you like-I'll just be taking attendance."



"I'm sorry, you'll have to speak up with all this gunfire."













The gunfire ended, some were pissed off that their bullets didn't hit our target and some were in awe while looking at our new teacher.

"All right. No tardies. Subarashi! That makes me very happy." The teacher's skin went yellow to orange and his face had a red circle. Okay, he is special

"He's too fast, unbelievable" Nakamura complained while looking at the teacher's direction. She was one of the neutral students. She was pissed off at the same time in awe.

Isogai suddenly chuckle as he placed the gun he used down on his desk, "So the whole class shooting bullets at him doesn't work?"

"Too bad. Not a single bullet hit its mark today, either. Methods that rely on sheer numbers lack any individual thought. Line of sight, barrel position, finger movement--each of these is far too simple. You've got to be more inventive! Otherwise... you'll never be able to kill me at my max speed of Mach 20." He said while wriggling his weird tentacles.

I just looked at him with my usual stern resting face, he's kinda cocky.

Maehara suddenly cleared his own throat, "But, like, see... No way did you dodge all of those!" He yelled, pointing to the bullets that were lying on the floor.

Sugino suddenly crouched and grabbed one to analyze. "I mean, this is just a BB bullet. You could've just stood there, gritting your teeth as they hit you."

"Yeah! That's right!" The whole class chanted while giving glares and funny chuckles to our teacher.

"Gather up the BB's and hand them over." The new teacher commanded and offered a tentacle to Okano's gun.

"I told you: these may be harmless to you--" He aimed the gun to his other tentacle and pulled the trigger. The top part of his tentacle blasted and the yellow gush of we think blood exploded.

We were all shocked as we saw his sudden action and witnessing his now chopped off tentacle wriggling on the floor.

"--but they're special anti-me BB's developed by the government. If one hits me, it can slice through my cells like they were tofu. Of course, they regenerate a few seconds later." He said trying to lecture us, still smiling.

We were surprised when his tentacle popped right out to replace the old one.

"Then again, you could end up shooting your eyes out. No shooting in the classroom unless you are trying to kill me." He demanded and looking at our surprised faces.

"I do hope you can kill me--before graduation, that is." His face had started to change color but the yellow skin was just added stripes of green.

"Now then, let's put away the guns and BBs and start on our work." He stated and grabbed chalk, "Hurry along to your respective seats, and let's begin our class."


We... are killers... and our target... is our teacher.

"Wait, Sensei?" Kayano raised her hand while looking at our new teacher, "We have a ceremony at the main campus of the school. If we don't make it, our class will get in trouble, Can we go now?"

"Is that so?" Our teacher glanced at Kayano and then looked outside, "Go ahead then, I'll catch up later, I just need to write this on the board, you know with my amazing speed, I can write all of this in a second."

Some just laughed at our new teacher's cockiness. After that, all of us were already on the move to the main campus for the Ceremony.


I was walking through the halls of the school, the murmurs and whispering of the students were the things that I heard the most. It was about the Moon being a permanent crescent and how it happened. Some were even theorizing about it acting as if they know what happened.

"Student Council Vice President, are you listening to me?"

I was snapped back to reality with Gakushuu's voice looking down at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Wait, what did you say? I'm not paying attention." I said, looking sternly at his face.

He groaned, "I said, we need to go to the gymnasium for the Ceremony. Stop thinking about other things and focus."

To be honest, I hate Gakushuu when he talks like this. He orders people around make us do his errands. This boy gets on my nerves.


"Good Morning Miss Narase." One of the girls of Class C was greeted with a smile on her face.

I smiled before greeting back, "Good morning. Can you tell your President to fix the line? The Ceremony is going to start soon.

"Sure thing Miss Narase." She said and ran off.

I chuckled to myself and looked at my pink notepad, everything is going according to plan. I looked at the stage and saw Gakushuu just sitting there while looking at me. When he saw that my eyes were on him, he immediately smirked.


"Ha! Look, the End class is here! How pathetic!" One of the students from Class D said,

'Not again.'

"Hey! You!" I called in a furious tone. "The student from class D!" I yelled and went towards the student. "Our school has a rule about bullying, it can lead to your suspension or it can even get you expelled. You're a D Class Student, you should know better."

"Y-yes Miss Narase, I apologize." The student bowed and then walked away in a hurry.

I watched the figure of that student vanish from my sight and then I immediately faced Class E. "Sorry about that guys." I bowed my head at the class president of 3-E Isogai Yuuma.

"N-no it's not your fault! You don't have to bow your head!" Isogai panicked, trying to get me to raise my head.

Before he panics more, I decided to raise my head and smile at them.

"Thank you so much Miss Narase!" Kayano stated with a smile, "Those students are always making fun of us."

"Well, that's all I can do, I apologize on their behalf, we'll take care of their attitudes," I said in a sincere tone.

'Gakushuu, this is all your fault. The bullying in this school wouldn't be worse if you didn't start it with Class E.'

My eyes then started to scan for a familiar Redhead that I haven't seen for a while. He was nowhere to be found.

'He changed back to when we were still very close.'

"Miss Narase, are you looking for someone?" Nagisa suddenly asked me, he even looked back to see who I was trying to find.

"Ah! N-no, I'm just checking something." I said with a worried smile on my face, "I'll be going ahead now."

"Alright, thank you again, Miss Narase."

I walked towards Gakushuu and stood beside him. I checked my watch and then leaned a little towards Gakushuu, he can be deaf every once in a while, "It's time to start the Ceremony."

Gakushuu nodded, he took a few steps towards the Podium with a smile on his face. "Good morning students--"


I was walking through the halls of the school when I got instructed to go to the principal's office.

I sighed as I made my way to the Principal's Office also known as the Devil's Gate. I hesitated to knock and enter because I will get another intense beating later if I disobeyed his other.

I knocked on the door before opening it. I took a few steps forward. I bowed as I stood before him.

"Yes, sir?" I asked, a little scared.

"Miss Narase, how would you react if I stop paying for your mother's medical expenses?" Principal Gakuho asked. He spoke directly to the point. He wasn't in the mood to waste his time on me again.

"E-Excuse me, sir?" I said trying to process what he said. Was he going to do it? Is he going to stop paying for my mom's expenses?

"I said, how would you react if I stop paying for your mother's medical expenses?" He repeated now with a hint of anger. His eyes were glowing and were filled with fire while looking at me. It sent shivers down my spine.

I didn't say a word, instead, I bowed my head. I was lost in words. Of course, I didn't want him to stop paying for my mom's medical bills but he's the only one that I can lean on now.

He approached me until we were an inch away from each other. I could hear my heart beating extremely fast. My hands were shaking and were ice cold. I was sweating bullets and my feelings were all around the room.

He raised his hands, made me raise my head, and meet his furious eyes. He looked down on me, making me gulp. He ran his fingers through my hair which the contact made me yelp. "You don't want me to cut her medical expenses off, don't you?" He asked again.

I gathered the courage to speak back to him and stop myself from shaking but I couldn't stop it. "N-no, Sir..."

"Then do your job properly!!"


He slapped me so hard that I fell to the floor. I felt the burning sensation on my cheek which made me hiss in pain. I quickly placed my hand on that cheek and caressed it, trying to get the pain off.

Gakuho then pulled me by the hair. I groaned in pain and tears started flowing down my face. The pain was unbearable and I was already screaming and begging him to stop what he was doing.

"Don't ever do what you did this morning again!" He roars and lets go of my hair. "And don't ever repeat this to anyone." He pointed his finger at me, making my eyes water more because he somehow made me think that Gakushuu's mistake was my fault. "If you do--your mother has to pay for the consequence."

His back finally faced me and I heard the clicking of his shoes, "Get out!" He roars again.

Before he could hurt me again, I quickly stood up and went out of the office, still making sure that no one has seen me on my way out. I headed to the restroom to see what I looked like after that.

When I got there, I checked first if there was anyone inside, luckily, no one was there. I locked myself inside a cubicle and sat on the back of the toilet seat.

"How long do I have to do this?!" I asked myself self still crying. I was sniffing all the way. Even though the beating started so long ago, it was still painful. I thought that I will get used to it but I didn't.

'Someone... please... save me...'

'If it weren't for my Mom, I wouldn't have done this in the first place.'

I waited for my face to calm down and fixed my hair, staring at my reflection as I placed my hands on the side of the sink.

'I wanna kill him...'


I grew up in a broken family. My parents went through a divorce because they fell out of love. I was separated from my sibling, though we still keep in touch to this day. My Father took my sibling with him and I was left with Mom.

My family had the money before, but since my parents got a divorce, Dad took everything with him. Dad agreed to pay for my school tuitions, anything related to studying, but when it comes to living--Mom took care of it.

Mom started to work all sorts of jobs, barely getting enough rest for her to keep going, let me add that her salary wasn't even enough for us to go through the day so she started to work multiple jobs.

Since I'm the only one that my Mom has, I helped her, at a young age, I started to do house works for others, being a little maid, though, everyone that I worked for wasn't cruel, they took care of me too, they didn't make me do extreme things.

But the unexpected came. Mom's ancestors had a history of Leukemia, and Mom--she was diagnosed with it after a few years, her--working multiple jobs and not getting enough rest worsened her state, eventually getting hospitalized.

I already know that my parents wouldn't get back together. I just decided that I'm gonna alleviate her off of poverty. I studied hard, I went to a school called Kunugigaoka Junior High. Where I became the 2nd smartest student and the Student Council Vice President.

I worked at a cafe close to our school. And the Principal heard my story. He offered to pay for my mother's expenses. He was so obsessed with making his school better and said that he needed my help.

And I was pretty dumb to fall for that bottomless pit.


I sniffed as I wipe my eyes. I took off my blouse and hissed when I saw all the bruises and cuts that were on my body.

If the purge was a thing my first target will be the Famous Principal Gakuho. That devil.

I buttoned up my blouse and headed back to our classroom. I acted as if nothing happened.

"One day, Gakuho Asano, you'll bow right in front of me."






- Y U M A P H E U S N Y X ❤️