
Meeting The Chosen, My Mate

Before you read: Any time you read a passage and it says THE HOLLOW in capital letters just like what I just did it's means the hollow's Creator, Their king.

Destiny POV

We parked our bike side by side as we walked towards the institution

"Who are those girls" some human boy asks his human friend


"These girls are hot!" a human boy says in his thoughts

"They are pretty" a girl says

"Why is derek looking at them!"

"I love their hair"

"She's so beautiful"

These were the whispers and thoughts of the mundanes we walk passed so we smiled and walked through the crowd and i in front of my bondmen like a shepard leading his sheep

"I can feel him, walk to your left" Asura tells me and i did

"Stop" she said and I did

"Look around" she tells me and i did

My eyes wander around looking for the chosen, my kill so when I felt someone looking at me I turned my head to it's direction and our eyes met.

My mission had the most beautiful brown eyes, I have never seen such beautiful eyes in my life, it's as beautiful as the stars if even not more i-

"Mate! Mate!" I hear my beings yell


"Mate! Mate! Mate!" My begins yell excitingly especially my hollow

"What do you mean by mate!?" I asked Asura

"We have finally found our mate! go hug him now!" Asura says and tries to take control but I pushed her back

"That's our kill damnit! he can't be our mate" I try to reason with her

"But we have been waiting for him" Asura says sadly

"Mate" I heard someone close to me say and I looked up to see who it was and lo it was the chosen itself

"Mate, mine" he says and held both my hands as his once brown eyes turned white

"Run destiny, that's what a human would do" Moira tells me through our mindlink

"And what about you guys?" I ask through the link and that's when The Chosen smells my hair

"Human" he whispers which left butterflies in my stomach as stupid as it's sounds

"Don't worry about us just go!" Shadow yells through the link so i nod and tried to run but he held me back

"Mine!" he yelled

"Hey leave my sister alone" Moria yells at the chosen and pushed him with her hollow strength and that's when I made my move and ran out of the institution

Aiden POV

"Aided we have to go now" My beta Matthew hits me

"What's the point of going to school now when I'm going to be the alpha someday"

"Every leader needs education" Matthew says

"Back with my father's quote again are we" I said with a groan

"Come on Aid, this is your second year of college, you can't give up now" he tells me

"And besides it's the beginning of a new semester, you might get lucky and meet your mate" He says hoping to cheer me up

"That's what you said last year" I groan

"Aiden!" My father yells through our link

"I'm up, I'm up" I quickly say and ran out of bed to my bathroom

"Remember every leader-"

"Needs education, I know dad" I mindlink back as i roll my eyes

"When you are done getting ready meet me in my study" he said in a serious voice

"Ok sir" I replied and then I felt him leave our mindlink

"What's so important that dad wants me to meet him in his study and not his office" I thought but shrug it off and continue to get ready for school.

After I was done with my bath, I quickly throw in some clothes and went to my dad's study to meet him just like he told me to.

"Alpha" I said and bowed when I walked in his study

"Son" he replied and I lift up my head to look at him

"You wanted to talk to me father"

"Yes, it's about the prophecy" he said in his serious tone

"What happened?" I asked

"Well i just got some information that The Destined is here" he tells me

"Dad you said that five years ago" I reminded him

"Yes but that was a hollow sent to kill my informant"

"Who is this informant anyway, and why would a hollow be sent to kill a witch, we don't know who she is or even know what she looks like, she's always covering herself with a black cloth how can we just trust what someone like her says" I try to reason with him

"We can't, but that's she's the only one who is somehow related to THE HOLLOW, so we have to be conscious of our surroundings from now on, don't let your guard down" he says to me

"Yes alpha" I said with a bow

"You can go now" he says and I bow again before leaving the study to the garage.

Been The Chosen is more of a curse than a blessing

On my way there I received a lot of greetings and bows from some pack wolfs and even seductive eyes from some she-wolfs that I have slept with and from the ones that I haven't. Yet.

i got to my car and just when I'm about to start the car Matthew opened the passenger's door and got in.

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"What does it look like?" he ask and raised a brow

"You got your own car matt"

"It broke down, what's with all this questions can you please drive" he says and I shake my head a little before starting the car and driving to school.

When I got to school I packed my car at my usual spot and before I could even get out of the car students were already surrounding my car, it was like fans of a movie star trying to get an autograph of his.

It was nice being the alpha's son of the biggest pack in America but sometimes it can be a little bit frustrating.

"Hey man" Derick a friend of mine says and shakes me.

Derick is a delta from a neighboring pack who is studying at our university, we have been friends since we met on our first year of college.

"Hey, how was your summer?" I ask

"I won't lie to you bro it was awful, but thank God there were girls to med it all up" he says with a smirk.

"Between you and Aiden I don't know who the bigger player is" Matthew says.

"It's definitely Aiden" I hear a Blake say so I turned to my right and saw him walking towards us.

"Blake, hey dude" Matthew shakes and hugged him.

Blake is half human and half werewolf, he can't shift but he still have some abilities that we have, like super hearing, super speed and strength.

I have been friends with Blake since forever just like with Matthew.

"Let's get to class before our professor shows up" Blake the bookworm said and we rolled our eyes and did as he says.

But as I was about to walk to my faculty I smelled this scent that I haven't smelled before. It was mixed with different flavors, strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, Mint. You name it.

My wolf was running mad inside me, wanting to follow this scent and I don't know why but i gave in but not completely, I didn't give him full control of my body, I was in control and so was he.

"Dude where are you going to, our faculty is this way" I hear Blake say but I didn't answer him all my wolf and I cared about right now is to find out where or who this scent was coming from.

I kept walking until I found myself at a faculty hallway I kept on looking around and blocking others scent and focusing on the scent I was looking for.

The scent was getting closer and that made my wolf wild, I haven't felt my wolf this wild before, this was new.

I kept on walking through crowds pushing myself through. The wolfs knew something was up and left me alone but the humans just didn't know when to stop.

I felt the scent really close than ever so I looked at my right and that's when I saw her, the girl that owns the scent I have been following. She had beautiful brown skin and curly hair. Can't believe she's the reason my wolf has been crazy this whole time.

She finally turn to look at me and that's when I saw her eyes, her beautiful and unusual eyes, she had red eyes with gold rings around it, I'm pretty sure it's contact lenses but that doesn't explain why my wolf is so attracted to her scent.

"Mate!" my wolf yells

"Did I just hear you right?" I ask my wolf

"Mate" My wolf says but this time he made me say it as well and in front of her

"Mate, mine" i said and held both her hands as I felt my brown eyes turning white which meant my wolf has taken full control of my body

"Human" he whispers after smelling her hair and finding out that she's human. And just as I was about to hug her and tell her how long I have been waiting she tried to run but I held back her hand

"Mine!" my wolf yell through me

"Hey leave my sister alone" A girl who looks a lot like my mate yells at me and pushed me which left me falling which is strange for a human girl to do and my mate took that opportunity and ran out of school into the woods.

So I ran after her into the woods because if she's spotted by any rouge she's definitely going to be killing seeing that she's only human.

But to my surprise, when I got there I couldn't find or smell her, everything about her was gone, and that left my wolf and i heartbroken.

Because we have been looking for our mate since we came of age but we didn't find her and now that we have finally found her, we lost her.