
Deciding My Fate

"Come out" I ordered asura and she did

"Destiny" She greats

"So what are you going to do about our mission and mate?" I ask not bothering to greet her back

"What we have to do" She answers

"Asura that will kill you" I tell her

"Then so be it" she shrugs

"No there must be another way"

"There is no other way!" she yells

"You heard THE HOLLOW, killing him now won't stop the curse, more chosens will born until the one finally kills our grandfather, do you want that?" she asks but I couldn't answer

"Do you want that destiny!" she yells and I shake my head as tears begins to form in my eyes

"But I don't want to lose you" I whisper as a tear rolls down my cheek

"You are crying, hollows don't cry" she says

"I'm half human remember so I can cry"

"No it's just a sign of weakness!" she yells in disgust

"Weakness, weakness! why can't you understand that I can not lose you! I just can't!" I yell in anger and sadness

"You will get another hollow destiny get over it" she says like she wasn't hurting like I was

"If I wanted another hollow I would have left you to die in the darkness" I blurt out

"This conversation is over" she says in anger and tries to go back to the hollow's realm but I stop her before she could.

"Don't you dare leave!" I command using all my demons voices

"You said you wouldn't command me like that anymore because we are one" she says sounding hurt because I broke my promise

"I'm sorry about that Asura but don't you dare act like you are not hurting like I am right now, even not more!, he is your damn mate for god sake, hollows get one mate in a lifetime"

"What do you want me to do destiny, this is the only way to stop the curse, we just have to do it" she says with a sigh

"What if we kill the chosen now and another destined me will have to deal with it and not us" I suggested

"That other destined will be our child, don't you get it destiny they is no other way" she says sadly, her voice breaking as she talks to me

"Please let me go" she whispers due to her hurting


"Please" she begs as her eyes begins to water

She was hurting more than me and I couldn't do anything about it so I nod giving her the access to return back into my body and she sighs a sigh of relief before doing so.

Immediately as Asura leaves, moira teleported to me room and hugged me.

"You heard everything?" I ask with a sob

"We all did" she answers "I'm so sorry destiny" she says and I hugged her back as I cry.

"I'm sorry for been weak" I tell her, talking about the crying


"Crying doesn't make you weak destiny it only means you are strong" she tells me which only made me cry harder

"Asura is dying Moira, she's dying from the inside I can feel it but can't do anything about it"

"It's not your fault, it's just fate, DESTINY"

"Well I hate Destiny"

"it is your name though so..." she says trying to lighten up the mood which worked

"Thank you Moira" I thanked her after letting go of the hug

"For what?" she ask

"For everything, for being here, I really do appreciate it" I tell her with a smile which she returned

"Moira's hollow is with me, she's comforting me" Asura tells me

"I guess you two are friends" I tell her and sends her a sad smiley face

"No" She simply answers and stops our connection

"Please thank Osiris for me, Asura tells me that she's with her"

"It's no problem, they are close but they refuse to be called friends" Moira says with a laugh

"I know right" I answer with a small laugh

"So what now?" Moira ask with a serious face

"Well we are going to complete the mission, I will have to fall in love with him before killing him" I answer her as a tear roll down my cheek which I quickly wiped off

"But as for right now, I need some blood so we are going for some hunting, tell the others" I inform her and she bows be4 leaving


After we all got ready we strip off our clothes and went to the woods to shift.

"Shift to wolfs and clone yourselves" I command them

"I'm sorry to ask destiny but why?" Evilyn asks

"Well we are going to hunt at my so called mate pack" I tell her

"The chosen's pack?" she asks and I nod

"But what does that have to do with cloning ourselves?" Moira asks

"Everything, look I'm positive they know we are already here and we can't go there in four's because then they would suspect us which we don't want them to so if we clone ourselves they won't" I explain and they nod not asking anything else before shifting

Moira shifted to a wolf with Maroon fur and gold eyes, Shadow shifted to a wolf with orange fur and white eyes and evilyn shifted to a wolf with dark green fur and brown eyes while the colour of fur their clones had was the colour of their eyes and the colour of their eyes were the colour of their fur.

After they were done shifting and cloning themselves I finally shift but not to a wolf

"A fox?" Shadow asked through mind link

"Yes, now let's go" I mind linked all of them and we ran to the directions of my mate's pack

The fox I shifted to had red fur and pitch black eyes indicating that my hollow was partly in control of my body.

"Identify yourselves" A werewolf ask as ten other werewolf ready to shift surrounds us

"Where is The Chosen?" I looked and ask the male who looked shocked for hearing my voice in his head

"Ho-how did you do that" he stutter

"Tell me!" I yell through the link

"How are you doing this, ho-how are you in my head, you aren't even part of the pack" he says all confused

"What should we do with them?" a wolf ask the male I was mind linking

"Kill them all but keep the fox alive" he commands and they all shift to their wolfs

"Command to clones to clones themselves twice and lets go see my dear mate" I mind link my bondmen and they did, I looked at the wolfs and they confusion was written all over their faces

"Oh and kill them all slowly and painfully" I command my bondmen clones and the bow their heads in respect before getting ready to kill the wolfs

All a sudden the male wolf walked in front of me ready to attack me, the way he looked so confident thinking that he could take me down was stupid

"His is mine to kill" I mind link my bondmen

We started walking tin circle ready for who will attack first but as stupid as he was he attacked first, he tried to bounce on me but I easily dodge and cut his own of this left leg with my right claw which I knew it was dip because of how he wimp and limped.

But in a second he regained his stature but as stupid as he tried to attack me again and this time I bit his other leg and threw on the floor.

Wanting to get this over with I walked to where I threw him to kill him but before I did I quickly looked at him in his eyes reading his mind just to find out where the alpha son would probably be

"If only you told me where he was, you would still be alive" I mind linked him after got what I wanted but he didn't answer his face held nothing but fear and confusion.

In less than a second I ripped off his throat with my teeth and spit it out before turning to face my bondmen and found out that that the rest of the wolfs were already dead.

"Sorry for the interruption, we can go now" I mind link them and they all nod as they followed me

Wolfs kept on running towards me but they kept on getting killed by my magic or by my bondmen and their clones.

When we finally passed their border we got surrounded by more wolfs

"Ugh just tell me where The Chosen is and you don't have to die! don't you value your lives at all?" I mind linked all of them and they all looked shocked looking at each other.

From what I've heard, wolfs can only mind link other wolfs who is in their pack but in my case it's different, I'm not part of their pack and I shifted to a fox so I wasn't surprised when they were all dumbfounded.

"Tell me now or you all will end up dead just like the others" I mind link them again and this time dey got serious, ready to fight with us but then a man came and yelled that the wolfs should stop.

"Stop!" the unknown man yelled and all the wolfs stood back

"Who are you and state your business" the man tells me

"Well I was looking for the alpha's son" I mind link him and he too was shocked just like the others

"How did you do that?"

"You don't need to know, now answer my question, where is he?" I ask impatiently through the link

"First where is your boss"

"You are talking to her" I mind link him and he laughed

"A female fox leading wolfs even with your unusual eyes you are just a fox" he said with a laugh which made my blood boil so with anger I bounced on him and ripped his throat out

"Who's next?" I ask and angry wolfs came running towards me and I just smirk from within me as I killed them all.

Ripping most of their body park especially their throats.

I was just done killing the last wolf when I heard a voice.

"Stop! It's me you want" I hear my mate yell for me to stop so I did and turned to face him

"Oh if it's isn't The Chosen" I mind link him mockingly.

"The Destined" He answers with hatred written in his voice.