
She's Hell Bound

AnnaPeach · Fantasy
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8 Chs


The Hell Bound


"I hate watching the news of the mortal world. It is all so depressing these days."

Her beautiful blood red lips curling into a smile as she relishes in the sarcasm in her own words. There were bombings, murders, demons in political office. Hunger, war, and death covering the mortal world. The time is now. Men of the church selling their souls to Satan, the final war is upon us. And it looks like the darkness might actually stand a chance this time.

Lilith was a stunner. There was no doubting that. She was over 6 foot tall, her perfectly creamy skin flawless in any and every way. Long. Dark blonde hair that flowed down her back past her waist. Her hair had one dark red streak on each side that matched the color of her lipstick. Perfect perky breast that never needed a bra. And her eyes, they are pitch black with the same blood red in her iris. She is simply sinful. One look from her and men will and have sold their souls.

"I want her found! Do you hear me! I am tired of wasting away in hell. I want to rule over MY world! Get that bitch! I need her blood."

Graclyn, Lilith's right hand man was standing at the entrance to the living room in her mansion deep in the center of hell.

"Yes ma'am I will find her."

Lilith turns to her window to look out on the vast dusty valley that is hell. Hell is the exact opposite of heaven. Where there is light, sun, flowers and flowing rivers in heaven there is darkness, dead trees, and dusty canyons here.

"I despise this place; I despise that God for banishing me here. Good for me that he doesn't know what I know about out dear sweet Even Adams. Graclyn if you can't bring her back alive I just need a veil of her blood. And you are not to taste her blood under any circumstances. Do you understand? I will personally burn your flesh and feed it to my dogs just to bring u back and do it over and over again until I am bored with you."

"I will master, I promise I won't fail you again."

"You had better hope not, that disaster with the fallen angel, Michael, was the last straw with your team. You let him escape with the guardian's blood in him. He will have to die also. I refuse to let destiny ruin what I have worked over 2000 years for."

Lilith turned to her minion.

"Split your team up, half goes retrieve Even and the other find Michael. You are dismissed."

Graclyn had finally found the fallen angel, Michael 3 years ago. A fallen angel is nothing more than a human that has the gift of living forever. He had been stripped of his wings and powers. Graclyn is a vampire that was given the gift of blood from Lilith to make him 10 times stronger and faster than any other immortal. She had given him the gift of her blood and added powers in exchange for him taking care of all the things she needed done in the other worlds. He was supposed to inject Michael with the blood from pure blood vampire, a shape shifter, a fairy, and a powerful witch; she even added a lower level demon just for fun. It had taken Graclyn almost 2 years just to track down the immortals of the purest blood and most power to inject into Michael. The only problem was the guardian blood. They used Michael to get it. 3 years ago Michael was trying to control the blood thirst of the vampire changeling, the kill lust of the shifter blood in him. Thedemons were ordered to kill Michael before the changes were complete claiming they had learned what they had needed from him. Graclyn thought he could kill two birds with one stone. Michael would distract the guardian long enough for Graclyn to get some of her blood and in return the guardian would kill Michael. It didn't work out that way. Michael couldn't control all the demonic changes going on at once and he ended up killing the guardian and drinking her blood which made him pretty much indestructible. Guardians could only be killed by the hand of God or Satan themselves. Yet Michael had killed one, he even drank from her daughter who had been in the car with her. Once he started being able to control the demons inside of him he realized what he had done. He cut himself then bleed into the daughters open wounds hoping he may be able to turn her and keep her from dying. He held her, crying when she never stirred. Swearing to never harm another innocent again.