
She's Hell Bound

AnnaPeach · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

Chapter 7-Mike

"Even! Even! Wake up love! Wake up now!"

I'm holding her in my arms begging her to wake up. I know she's alive, I can hear her heart beating. She's burning up with fever, I have never in my entire hundreds of years been more panicked then I am now.

I'm clutching onto her as Aiden starts to stir and makes her way to us.

"Baby please wake up for me."

I feel Aidens hand on me.

"Mike, scan her. I know your not thinking clearly. Scan her mind. She used all her energy when Lilith was here, she's depleted. And there's no telling what Lilith did while I was out."

Aiden was right, I wasn't thinking. That should of been the first thing I did. I pulled her away from my chest and placed my hand on her forehead letting my magic enter her.

"Your right, she's depleted her energy. She needs rest. I can't tell what's causing the fever but her body is fighting something. We need to call Duke, see if there is a source close that can look at her."

I let Aiden mind link Duke as I port us to the hotel room we had checked into.

"What about her dad?"

"he was compromised, a puppet for Lilith. Even exercised the demon in him, I'm not sure if he is alive or not really."

"damn it, i sent him right to you both." i snapped my fingers making his body appear at the local hospital. if he is still alive i know she will want him saved, if he can be.

"Duke says he has a Source that has agreed to talk to us but its at a price. she wont tell him the price. she said she will discuss it with you and Even when we meet. That is kind of weird, but then again Sources are weird."

I just nod at her, my eyes not leaving Even's sleeping form. I need so bad for her to wake up. Hopefully the Source can shed some light onto things. I'm surprised Duke found one so quick. they have become rather scarce in the last few decades. Sources are like prophets, they can tell the future, and also see the past. They have a lot of other nifty tricks too. like, being able to see past blocked magic or extremely powerful magic. They can also sense things that others can't without the soulmate bond, like emotions and if your lying. those things are why they were so sought out by everybody wanting power. most were killed for their powers, few have gone in to hiding or pay for protection. This Source is in Seattle, Washington. It will take us about 2 days to drive straight there just stopping for Aiden and Even to stretch their legs and eat. I don't need sleep so i will drive while they rest. We will leave in the morning. Surly my Even will of woken up by then. If not i will port us to the Source, I'm only driving to make sure I don't wear her out any worse then she is until we figure out what Lilith did to her.

I lean down and kiss her lips before i slip into the bed with her. i want to be with her tonight, i want our bond to comfort her. i can feel her body still fighting something i just cant see what it is.

"I'm here love, just rest."


I woke up in a field, it was full of dead bodies and blood. the smell was horrible. all i could hear was Lilith's voice laughing, taunting me.

"You will not win little Eve, the dark will consume you, you will become my puppet"

The ground beneath me started to shake. Fear was taking root inside me, I could feel Mike close. he had a calming affect on me but not enough right now.

"better run little Eve, at least make it a little fun for them"

before i could comprehend what was happening the dead bodies started to shake and get up, groaning as they did. I bolted, running. I don't know where i was running i just felt like i needed to go towards where the sun was. as i was running I felt Mike beside me, i became calmer. Then another voice boomed over.

"its time to wake up now my child, he needs you."

I stopped running just as a lady in white puts her hand on me.

"we will talk more next time, he needs you more now. go to him, i will handle Lilith for now."

then there was a bright light. i woke up in a bed, wrapped in the arms of Mike as he was begging me to wake up. I placed my hand on his cheeks and looked him in the eyes before kissing him.