
She's Hell Bound

AnnaPeach · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

Chapter 5-Mike

As we are walking I take her hand in mine, I know that as my soulmate my touch will calm her nerves instantly. She looks up at me as she feels it and registers it for the first time.

"What did you just do to me?"

I smile at her as I stop and trail my fingers down her cheeks.

"My touch calms you love, just as yours calms me."

She looks so confused and cute as she thinks about that. We continue to the front doors and to the bar. I had telepathically message Duke to let him know what was going on so he would be ready. Aiden and Duke are there waiting for us. As Duke goes to speak I interrupt him.



He just looks at me. Giving me a minute to think it though. And I know he's right.

"Fine. We will all go, I will port us close but Aiden will stay with Even and ONLY I will go in the house to get her father."

I felt Even about to argue beside and knew I needed to nip that in the bud. I looked right at her as I spoke to her.

"It's that or it's no one goes."

Her eyes narrowed, I knew she wanted to lay into me for pretty much making the decision for her. I probably would of gladly let her. Oh the things I'd let that pretty little mouth do to me. But that's for another time.

I have Even go over the house with me and the whole neighborhood to be sure I get the porting right. I will be porting her and Aiden into the neighbors back yard where she can be safely out of site. I wanted her in a hotel across town but she fought me on it and this is where we concluded. Damn my girl is so fucking stubborn. Once everything is settled it's go time. We have our plan. Aiden and Even are to wait for me at the neighbors house if they haven't heard anything after 45 min they are to find a hotel and contact Duke. Under no circumstances are they to come look for me or her father. And now it's time. Aiden and my sweet Even are standing in front of me holding as I form the blue and purple swirls of magic around them. Evens eyes met mine and I swear it's like my heart is beating for the first time I over a hundred years. She's it. I will do anything to save her, even if it's condemning this world. She's mine. I smile back as her as I shoot the magic at them sending them to where they need to be. I straighten up and nod at Duke as I snap my fingers as disappear to my soon to be father in laws house.

When I raise my head I see two demons beside a man that looks a awful lot like my love. I smile as the three men.

"Good evening gentleman"

They look up as me startled. The two demons lunge at me, big mistake. One snap of my finger and they are dust.

"Tsk tsk tsk, that's no way to treat a guest"

I look at her dad, he's pale, dirty, in all seriousness I want to kill him. Just for simply causing her pain, making her feel unloved, unwanted. But I won't do that to her. Instead I send him to her.

"Are there anymore her?"

"Tttthere iiiss tttwo morrre dowwwn ssstairrs" he stutters out, pretty sure he's in shock.

"Your daughter, she's safe, she's next door. Go to her, I will take care of them."

He blinks a few times, nods, then walks out. I shake my head as I roll my sleeves up before going in search of these other two idiots.

As I walk into what I'm assuming is the living room I see one guard on each side. Then I see him. The stupid pathetic excuse of a minion Grayson. He's sitting all poised and waiting. I'm indestructible, they can't touch me. So I just have a seat across from him.

"Micheal, dear friend, how have you been? Oh and thanks for telling dear old dad where Even was, to easy!"

All I saw was red as the two guards turned to ash and I started beating the ever loving shit out of that asshole.