
She's Hell Bound

AnnaPeach · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter 4-Mike

I was in the back room with Duke when Even arrived for work. I could feel her the minute she entered the bar. It was like the whole world shifted when she was close to me. Duke and I finished doing the inventory of supplies as she set at the bar. It had taken us nearly 30 minutes making the lists; when I glanced through the doorway towards where Even had been sitting I was stunned to still find her sitting there in the exact position. When I closed my eyes to focus on her, try to read her emotions, what she was feeling got to me. She was lonely, confused, she was hurting. I want to grab her and hold her. Tell her I would never let anyone hurt her. Tell her that she wasn't alone that I would never ever leave her side again.

"Mike, I will go talk to her. You stay here."

I didn't argue. I wanted to; I wanted to be the one that she talked to about everything. I wanted to be able to touch her and kiss her. Reassure her that I love her. What the fuck, I love her? There is no denying it. I have been an immortal for long enough to know about soul mates. Even is my soul mate and she is destined to doom all worlds if Lilith gets her hands on her. I sighed knowing that I would protect her no matter what she may or may not do or be. I could hear them talking, and I was curious. I decided to go into shadow form and listen a little closer.

Once their conversation was over I quickly morphed back into myself. I didn't have time to ponder all the things that I had just learned about my love. She was hurting worse than ever right now. I ran after her when she left the bar. I wasn't sure if I should show myself or stick to the shadows but I couldn't just leave her alone when she needed me. By the time I caught up with her she was kicking at nothing and yelling a string of curse words that made no sense when used all together. It was cute, I couldn't help but smile at her all pissed and flustered. My love has a temper that I had yet to see, I like it. My smile quickly faded when she fell to the ground laughing as tears fell down her cheeks. Her temper had faded and now she was in pain. I couldn't stand there and watch her breakdown. I went to her. She whimpered as I picked her up and held her against my chest. Touching her felt amazing, better than I ever could have imagined. She

sobbed and moaned her agony as she melted into me. I had one hand on her lower back holding her upright and the other in her hair bringing her head close to mine. I let my lips touch her ear as I whispered into her ear.

"Hold on love, I am going to take you home."

It was a few minutes before she nodded her acceptance. A breath I didn't even realize I was holding in escaped from me as she trusted me. I let my lips touch her temple in a sweet kiss as I ported us to my apartment. Having my sweet love in my arms felt more amazing that I could have ever imagined it would. I never wanted to let go. I could feel her going limp in my arms. She was emotionally spent. She was only mortal; she doesn't have the energy that immortals have. And the porting takes energy from immortals porting her probably took all the energy she had left. I cursed myself silently. I hadn't thought of that. She needs chocolate; it is the quickest way to get some energy back. I take her to my bedroom and tuck her in. rest is what she needs, and some chocolate. I snap my fingers and a tray appears on the table beside my bed. On the tray is a glass of ice water, a glass of cold milk, and two big chewy double chocolate brownies with fudge on


"Sit up my Even; I have something that will help you feel better."

Her eyes never opened but she struggled to sit up in the bed. I helped her straighten up.

"Open your mouth love."

Even looked up at him confused, not sure what he intended to put into her mouth.

"Look I just met you; you need to at least take me to dinner before sticking random things into my mouth."

I couldn't hide the grin forming across my face at her smartass mouth.

"It is just chocolate love. But I accept your invite to dinner. Eat the chocolate and rest up then we can have our date."

"What.... That's not....."

I placed the chocolate into her mouth when she tried to protest. She glared at me as she chewed the chocolate. Putting her hands across her chest to show she wasn't happy. It was adorable. I find myself wondering what else I am going to find out about her that makes me just love her more. I now know she has a cute temper and throws fits. She has a witty mind that is even a little dirty which is going to be fun taming. My love is feisty; I hadn't expected it from her.

"What the hell are you smiling at?"

My smile widened at her smart remark

"I am smiling at you love. You need to rest so that your body can recharge its energy."

My smile faded as I worried about how mad she would be that I drained her energy.

"I am afraid that I drained your energy when I ported us here. I wasn't thinking about you being human and how it would affect you worse. I am so sorry love."

"Well did you intend to hurt me? Did you do these port things knowing it would hurt me?"


I know he is just flirting. I wasn't born yesterday; many men have flirted with me. But the spark in his stormy eyes hinted to more when he almost whispered the word never. I let the word wash over me, welcomed the shivers of excitement that racked my body having him this close to me. Then I composed myself the way I was taught and brushed the feelings off.

"If your intentions weren't harmful then there is no reason for you to be sorry."

I had done my best not to look at him. My curiosity was killing me but in also remember what today is. June, 11th. Today I am 21, and today something horrible is going to happen.

" I know you. Or I feel as if I do"

I look at him, I really look at his eyes as he's assessing me. It's him. The Eli in my dreams, the one that I saw the other day. Holy fuck.

I'm smirking as I'm reading her mind. So it was me she was dreaming about.


I start to talk when her phone goes off.

She reaches for it and pales at the name on the screen. I can feel all of the energy and feelings she's feeling and I'm not liking this at all.


"Lilith, I need you to come back."

"Dad, what's wrong? It will take me a while to get there. What's going on?"

"Stop asking questions and just do what the hell your told to do damn it! Get here now"

"Dad! What the hell is going on! I'm not coming until you tell me!"

All of a sudden there is just a evil laugh from the phone.

"Oh you will come, you'd hate for dear ole dad to die."

Then the line went dead.

"Goddamn it!!"

Even screams then closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before walking towards the door.

"I can't let you leave love."

The annoyed look she gives me... I swear if I wasn't concerned for her emotions I'd be turned on.

She laughs.

"You 'cant' let me leave?"

I watch her closely as she moves towards me.

"Or you 'wont' let me leave?"

She gets right in front of me, looks me straight in the eyes.

"There is a big difference in those two words Eli."

"Love, it's a bit of both. I can't and I won't. It's to dangerous. I refuse to let anything happen to you."

I slide my hand on her cheek feeling the turmoil her emotions are in. Knowing my touch will calm her. Well, if she's my true other half it will calm her. She relaxes into my touch.

" then what do I do, I can't not go. I can't leave him there to die. Today something horrible is going to happen. I feel it."

I sigh as I feel my resolve faltering.

"What if I go, you will be safe here with Duke. I can check on your father for you."
