
She's Hell Bound

AnnaPeach · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2-Even

He liked it when I called him Eli. His hair was light brown, shaggy and falling in his face as he smiled at me. His eyes were the color of the sky during a bad ass storm, dark rich blues and grays. We were in a bed; the room was dark except for the candles lite on the dresser and desk. Showing enough light that I could see just how muscular he was. This man's body was meant to be worshiped, carved in marble and prayed to. When I ran my hands down his impressive abs heat seared to my core making my blood pumped ever harder. Eli was devouring my body, bringing out my most primal needs. He kissed, licked, and even nibbled on every inch of me leaving a tingling jolt of energy with each touch of my skin. I had already climaxed 3 times and was knocking on number fours door, and the man hasn't even been inside of me yet.

"Please Eli, I need you."

"I'm here baby; I am here to give you what you need."

"Claim me Eli; I am yours and only yours for eternity."

"As you wish my love."

He growled with his appreciation as he entered me. Filling me to the max. I had never felt like this. I was on the edge quivering as he thrust into me taking my body to a high I never knew possible. He was getting close too. He reached to the table retrieving a knife and cutting a small line at his color bone.

"Are you ready my love, ready for everyone to know you are mine."

"Yes baby, take me Eli."

He kissed my neck before biting down above my breast and drinking from me. I latched myself to his cut just as I climaxed again, milking him as he came deep inside me. He released my skin and licked the bitten skin to help it heal before kissing me. I could taste my own blood in my mouth. In that moment with him still inside me, looking into each other's eyes I felt perfection. I felt love. My soul mate.

"It is time to wake up my love"

It was 2pm when I woke up from my erotic dream. I had never had a dream like that. I felt a tingling on my lips like I had just been kissed with a shot of energy. I didn't have time to worry about my dream now. I had to shower and get to the bar.

Once I was showered and dressed I was headed towards the bar. I don't know what it is but since I stepped into that bar it seems like everything has changed. Last night I slept better than I have in almost 4 years. I dreamed about sex when I have never so much as had any urge to have sex. I felt like I belonged with those people in Hell Bound. Like they accept me for who I really am even if I don't know who that is. And this energy that keeps washing over me, I only feel it when I sense that someone is watching me. Yet, I am not afraid of who ever is watching me. I feel at ease, calmer and more content with the strange sensation of someone watching me. I should be freaked out, scared of what they want from me. But instead I find myself smiling and looking around for my stalker. I must have hit a whole new level of crazy, I may have to call Dr. Meeks back home and ask him to up my crazy pill doses. After mom and Aden passed away I started have all kinds of weird dreams at night and even day dreams. I would dream I was in a garden naked then flash to a battle taken place in the same garden but the garden was floating on a large cloud. The people would speak like they were from a different time. Some would be using what I am guessing is magic. Then there were the people that had the solid black eyes and evil smiles begging me to join them. After a week of waking up screaming from the gruesome battle scenes and the endless torture that the evil eyed people put me through, dad sent me to a mental health doctor. He would ask me questions about my dreams; ask me if maybe I was making these things up to cope with the recent deaths surrounding me. I stopped telling him about the dreams when I realized he would take any chance he could to put me in a nut house. He prescribed me a hefty sedative to help me rest and suppress the dreams, then a nerve pill to keep me calm and manageable. Dad seemed to think I

was having a nervous breakdown, claimed that my attitude had done a complete 360 and he feared I might do harm to myself. Granted he had walked in on me daydreaming, I was talking in Latin and holding a kitchen knife. I had always felt off or different than the rest of my family but the way my dad looked at me after that I knew I was different. I was so deep in my thoughts that I hadn't even noticed that I was about to walk into oncoming traffic until someone grabbed the back of my shirt and stopped me. I felt that same electric energy from this touch as I had from that man early this morning. I jerked around as quickly as I could just to be put in a trance by deep bluish gray swirling eyes that rendered me speechless. I blinked to regain my thoughts but when I opened my eyes again he was gone. When his hand was on me I wanted him, I mean I wanted him really damn bad. Then when I got caught up in his eyes I would have ripped his clothes off if I could

have moved. Is that what lust and desire feel like? I have never felt anything that has come close to what that was. I keep trying to place where I knew those eyes from, I didn't see anything else. I really only saw his eyes for a second, I know him. I have to know him; you can't want to strip someone in the middle of the sidewalk if you don't at least know who they are. Right? I pushed all other thoughts aside as I walked into the club. I expected to see a bouncer. Come to think of it there wasn't a bouncer last night either. I knocked on the double doors, I didn't check to see if they were locked. They were both open last night and I wasn't sure exactly what time the bar opened for business. Duke opened the door for me.

"Even dear you don't have to knock we never lock the doors unless no one is here."

"Oh ok. I will remember that. So why don't you have a bouncer. I thought all bars or clubs had one. I didn't see one last night or tonight."

"Well dear, we actually have a security man but I have had him doing some other things for me the last few nights. We have never really had a problem at the door so Mike usually stays around the bar or the stage."

"I use to have an imaginary friend named Mike when I was a child. Mom was the only one that really pretended with me. My dad and sister insisted he wasn't real."

"That's very interesting; I guess Mike is a pretty common name."

"That is the funny part! We started calling him Mike when no one would pronounce his name correct! They got so pissed every time I corrected them. I pronounced it My-Kela, with two syllables."

I laughed to myself remembering how dad would be so pissed every time I would scream the correct way to say Mike's name. I miss those memories sometimes. I was a good 4 feet in front of Duke before I noticed that he had stopped walking. When I turned to look at him he looked frozen, a look of utter disbelief on his face.

Duke was stunning. He had to be at least six and half feet tall, dirty blonde hair at his shoulders in loose curls. He was a good size, not to small, just enough muscle that said he knew how to take care of himself. I am guessing that his eyes are suppose to be brown but they actually looked gold, like a caramel color with gold flakes swirling in them. Most women would kill to get attention from him. But here I am, not one bit attracted to him. Other then my dream bitter I have never been attracted to anyone I even considered I may be gay but nope. I wasn't attracted to women either. The only time I have ever felt desire was.....

"Oh my god,"

It hit me! The eyes I was on the street. The man that pulled me out of oncoming traffic. It was the same eyes that I saw in my dream. The dream where I was screaming his name begging him to freaking bit me! What the fuck is going on with me?

I sat in the chair at the end of her bed as I watched her dream. I could see her moving her hips under the covers, moaning deep, screaming my name. I had the hardest erection I had ever had in my 180 years. I could feel all the blood in my body pumping in rhythm with her moans. I had to grip the arms of the chair to keep from doing all the things she was begging me to do in her sleep. I came. I actually reached climax and came all over myself when she screamed for me to claim her. I couldn't hold it any longer I had to touch her. This goddess, this unknown beauty calling my name, begging me to claim her. I stayed above the covers, I knew better then to tempt myself more. I slid onto the bed beside her and held her. Her back to my front, I could feel her steady breathing against my chest. I had never felt happier then when she was in my arms. If she is who Duke believes she is then she could never be mine. They will kill her. Lilith remains in hell where God banished her but she commands many loyal demons, the same demons that killed Even's mom and sister. Lilith has made sure that any person that Eve was reborn into never lived to find Adam. If Eve and Adam reunite the then all immortals, both good and evil will never be able to set foot in the mortal world again. The battle between good and evil to gain the upper hand and rule all mortal and immortal worlds would be fruitless. I know Duke and I know all the others that come to the bar. They would never kill Even just to stop something that MIGHT happen but they would take her out if Adam came for her, and I know they would never stand a chance if Lilith came either. I just found my happiness, I can't lose her now, not when she doesn't even know I exist.

I continued to hold her, breathing in her sent as she slept. She smelled like a flower garden, how ironic. I could sense how tired she was when I was near her so I let her sleep as long as I could. When it came to 2pm I whispered for her wake up then vanished out the window to wait for her to dress. I loved watching her think. The whole walk to the bar she was so deep in thought that she didn't even see the walk sign turn to a no walking sign. I felt my heart sink at the thought of what could have happened to her. I grabbed the back of her shirt and stopped her just as a cab was speeding by. Our eyes locked, and in that moment I smelled the flowers that were my Even. I saw us laying in a flower garden of our own laughing and smiling at each other. When she blinked I vanished into the shadows before someone saw. I wonder if she saw it too. I kept my distance the rest of the walk to the bar. Once she was safely inside Hell Bound I sent Duke a text

telling him I would be at my place catching a nap since she was safe. I knew I couldn't sleep with all the emotions running wild in my body. I decided that a cold shower might help. I snapped my fingers to vanish my clothes, then another snap to turn the water on. As I walked into the bathroom I kept wondering how she knew my name. Had I met her before and not remembered, surly not, I am positive I would remember all the things she does to my body just by smiling or being close to me. Maybe she had a man back home and that was his name also. Rage like I had never known torn through me at the thought of anyone other than me touching her sweet skin. Fuck, this woman doesn't even know I exist and I am already playing the over jealous boyfriend. I have never been a jealous man in all my years walking this earth. I have had many lovers, some lasting years or decades. I would trade all those years and decades with every other woman if I could have my

sweet Even safe and in my arms for eternity. As I stepped into the shower, my mind recalling how she screamed for me to claim her. I knew right then I would never get her out of my head or heart for that matter. I can't hide from her anymore, no more lurking in the shadows. I wanted to walk down the street with her hand in mine, not keeping a 6 foot distance while I stalked her. I tossed and turned not actually getting any rest. The minute I closed my eyes I craved to be curled up to my Even. Yes, I guess I am calling her mine now. If I keep fighting myself I will end up using all my energy up and letting the demon inside run free. Letting him out would only endanger anyone that I come across and my Even might end up in his path, I just can't have that. It was about 11pm, I text Duke and asked if I could run next door and talk with him for a minute. He said if I hurried I could talk before Even took the stage again tonight.

I was out the door before I even exited out of my messages. I would do anything to hear my love sing her heart out again.

When I entered the bar I couldn't sense Even close but I could feel that she was in the building. I made my way towards Duke.

"I can't keep hiding from her."

It felt so good saying those words to someone other than my reflection.

"Son, I understand that but you can't do that just yet. Give me two weeks; protect her for 2 more weeks we should know if she is in danger by then."

"If she is who we believe she is then she is in danger and will continue to be in danger whether she knows I exist or not. I can't keep to the shadows anymore. I can't hide from my love anymore."

I didn't realize what I had said until it had already escaped from my lips.

"Your love? Ok well Mike what do you think your love will do if she finds out what you really are before she even knows who she is. Even doesn't even know immortals exist. You are going to have to give her time, let her ease into accepting us. You can protect her better at a distance then you can while your holding hands and kissing her and you know it. If you love her you will keep your distance for now. 2 weeks Mike."

Hearing what he said tore at my insides. He is right. She would run the minute I slipped up and worked magic or when I shifted. I can protect her better at a distance and she does need time. I really hated that he was right. 2 weeks, just 2 short weeks then I could claim my love.

"2 weeks and not a minute longer."

I growled at Duke the minute he smiled at his victory.

"if you are going to stay and listen to her sing you better shift into shadow form or change your looks."

I shifted my looks as I sensed her coming into the room. She was taking stage. Damn, obviously Adian had helped her with the outfit and hair. Her pinkish red hair came down her shoulders passed her breast in loose curls. Her eyes outlined with black makeup, I believe they call it the smoky eye look. It made her eyes look bigger, more inviting. Her lips matched the color of her hair, as different as the color is, it fits her. She had a light green tank top on, it was fitting. You could see the perfect of her breast all the way down to her full waist. I put my hands in my pocket to keep from wanting to touch her. She had a cut down the front of the top; it went half way down her chest showing half of each of her D sizes. That cut had Adian written all over it. I felt my jaw clench at the thought of all the eyes that were surly scanning and lusting over every inch of my Even. I had to close my eyes as they roamed to her tight black shirt that hardly covered

her ass, which also had Adian's name all over it. Then to her sexy as hell legs in the 3 inch knee high leather boots. I turned towards Duke and took a few deep breaths to try to keep control of myself. I opened my eyes to see him shaking his head with a smirk that told me he was enjoying my torture.

"Don't" was the only word I could make out before Adian joined us looked overly proud of herself.

"Could you make sure she doesn't go on that stage half naked again! Do you see how these nemphos are looking at her!"

I couldn't hide the anger in my voice no more than I could hide the desire and jealousy in my eyes.