
She's cold

Shane Harvard Malcolm, billionaire player has it all, except one thing. A bride! It doesn't seem important to his already perfect world. But when the first requirement for the best deal of his life is a bride, he doesn't think twice about ordering one. Anything for his business to grow more successful. The only thing Jocelyn Williams cares about is The Good Shepherd Orphanage. But when the orphanage is about to be torn down, she picked up the newspaper in search of a job. And found one. A mail ordered bride! Will this be more than she bargained for?

Tonia_Patrick · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Jocelyn sat still, her eyes focused on Shane's hard gray eyes. She refused to blink, she had flinched initially when he spat out his words. However, after taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she had looked up to see him staring at her. He was probably expecting a reaction from her, but she refused to give in, so their little stare down had ensued.

"Why?" She asked after the both of them had been silent for a few minutes.

He blinked once, twice, then looked away, shaking his head.

He let out a small laugh, "You refused to kiss me goodnight. You robbed me off my sweet dreams."

"Mr Malcolm! I barely knew you," Jocelyn gasped, her face reddening.

"But you want to marry me?" His brows rose up again. It was a good question, but she couldn't let him get the upper hand.

"Says the guy who puts an ad in the newspaper. Where are all your lady friends?" Jocelyn lost her cool and regretted it almost immediately. Her day had been crappy from the start, now Shane Malcolm thought he could talk to her the way he liked because he was rich?

She breathed in and let the breath out through her mouth. She watched him as his eyes followed her every move.

He held out a hand on the table. Now that she thought about it, his hands had been out of sight since she walked in. "Calm down, tiger. Seems you don't appreciate a little ruffle to you fur," he drawled. His lips pulled up in a smile, twin dimples appearing on his cheek. His looks just kept getting better, she had never noticed the dimples in all the pictures she'd seen.

She stared at him, refusing to let him get to her.

"Sign those," he shifted a five paged document to her.

"What's it about? I can't possibly read it right now and then sign it."

"It just states that you don't get any part of my company even if we get a divorce. It also has some rules in it. I'm open to negotiations," he leaned back in his chair.

"Can I take it home and go through it with a lawyer?" Not that she could afford one, and she certainly wouldn't ask Ian to look through it.

Shane sighed, "Look here, Josie. This is urgent. An important deal hangs on this marriage. I want it as soon as possible."

Jocelyn shook her head. She needed the job badly, but she also needed to know what exactly she was getting herself into. "I get it. But I still can't sign it today."

He picked up the documents, then began to scribble on it. He spoke as he wrote. "Ms Williams will not be held against whatever this documents says unless she has read it and signed the further documents," he looked up at her. "Now sign the first page and the non-disclosure agreement. No one can know this was arranged."

She picked up the pen and signed her name on the paper. "I heard you do charities," she muttered, setting the pen down.

"Yeah. Anything?"

"Actually yes. I need you to buy The Good Shepherd Orphanage downtown. If you can," she forced her voice to be normal, unsure how he would react.

He ran his hand over his clean shaven jaw, "How important is it to this current deal?"

"Very important, Mr Malcolm."

"Deal. By tomorrow, the orphanage will be in your name. Now wear this," he tossed a small box in front of her. "And its Shane from now on, Josie."

Jocelyn was still in shock, she was finding it hard to process the fact that he'd agreed immediately. She hadn't really expected him to accept the deal, he was not just buying it, he was buying it in her name. She had been ready to do anything for him to help out, but he had agreed without much persuasion. What she would give to afford that kind of luxury.

"Thanks," she muttered when she finally found her voice.

He had tossed a box in front of her and had been too stunned to open it. She shook her head, pulling the box closer to open it. When she did, she was amazed and surprised to see the most gorgeous ring she could ever imagine. Two bands of silver intertwined with each other around a large ruby stone.

She slipped it on and it was a perfect fit. She raised her hand to see it better and was mesmerized at how the stone glinted in the light.

"It was my mother's. I told her I met a girl and I was going to propose soon. She's ecstatic about it, the ring was delivered the same day. We'll have to go see her soon and introduce you to her. I totally understand if you don't like the ring. I can get you another one," he hadn't even paused for air.

She couldn't wear his mother's ring, it was meant to be given to someone special, someone he loved. He barely knew her so she told him that exactly.

"Special?" He chuckled. "Tiger, you don't know how much this deal means to me. This is as special as it gets. Besides I never thought I would get married."

"I'll wear the ring. I need to get to work right now." She pulled off the ring, returning it to the box and then tucked it in her purse.

"Yeah, the pizza shop. About that, I can't have my wife serving pizza. Trust me you'd be very busy preparing for the wedding Marrying me is a full time job."

"Actually, its the library. I work at the pizza shop Wednesdays and Sundays," Jocelyn corrected.

"Just how many jobs do you have?" He looked horrified.

"Three, then I help out at the orphanage."

"Okay. Lorraine has a personal shopper for you. When are your off days?"

"No off days," she said already grabbing her bag, she didn't want to be late again.

"We will see about that."

"It was nice meeting you, Mr Malcolm," Jocelyn stuck her hand out for a handshake.

"Pleasure is all mine, Mrs Malcolm,"he held out his right hand.

At her shocked gasp he pulled it back, realizing his mistake. He brought out the left instead.

"Get a band aid," she scolded, ignoring his offered hand and then rushed out of the office.