
She's cold

Shane Harvard Malcolm, billionaire player has it all, except one thing. A bride! It doesn't seem important to his already perfect world. But when the first requirement for the best deal of his life is a bride, he doesn't think twice about ordering one. Anything for his business to grow more successful. The only thing Jocelyn Williams cares about is The Good Shepherd Orphanage. But when the orphanage is about to be torn down, she picked up the newspaper in search of a job. And found one. A mail ordered bride! Will this be more than she bargained for?

Tonia_Patrick · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Jocelyn was trying so hard to keep her cool as she took the long walk home from the pizza shop.

She had woken up as early as four in the morning to prepare for work before she remembered she no longer worked at the restaurant. Old habits were really hard to break, that had been annoying and she had been unable to go back to sleep.

She had studied the rest of the morning, then spent some time doing the books at the orphanage.

When it was noon, she had decided to show up early for work at the gym. It could count for all the times she had been late, she really wasn't used to having too much free time.

Max Turner, her boss at the job had been the first person she met. His next words had been really shocking.

"Didn't know you were married. Thank God you came, even if it was unnecessary. Your husband called, said you were dropping the job. He paid me for any inconvenience he might have caused. He seems nice," Max had announced, sporting the biggest smile.

"What? Husband? Paid you off? Nice?" Jocelyn had been livid, her eyeballs almost popping out.

"You are such a lucky girl, getting Shane Malcolm to fall for you. Don't act surprised, of course he'd tell me. He even apologized for not inviting me to the wedding. He's nice and rich. We'll miss you here, Josie. Now be on your way." Max had shooed her.

So deciding to test a theory, she had gone to the library. Diane Palmer, her boss had been bubbling with joy. She had congratulated Jocelyn several times, saying Shane was every girl's dream.

Already knowing what to expect, she had taken a cab to the pizza shop. Dunstan had enveloped her in a big hug, congratulating her on her engagement. Nora had cried while hugging her and gushing over the engagement ring she had slipped on this morning.

Which brought us back to why she was so mad.

She had decided to walk home instead of taking a cab so as to cool off her anger.

She had considered going to Shane's office to give him a piece of her mind. However, anger was a very strong emotion, it made you say and do things that you would likely regret later. She was an expert on strong emotions, having experienced them a lot, besides anger was for the weak. So she had squared her shoulder and gone home.

When she turned the corner to her apartment building, she found Shane leaning on his car. He was typing away on his phone, looking relaxed in his dress shirt and dark slacks with his hair slicked back. Most of his face was covered with the huge sunglasses he was wearing, but she definitely knew it was him.

The anger she had been keeping in check threatened to erupt, she considered turning and walking away. She even considered going up to him to confront him about resigning from her jobs without informing her first.

Deciding that avoiding him and whatever he wanted was a far better idea, she kept on walking towards the lobby. He didn't lift his head as she walked past him.

She was already in front of the elevator doors when he saw her.

"Hey!" He whisper-yelled. She ignored him and quickly got into the elevator, punching the button for her floor immediately.

As the doors were sliding close, his hand shot through and she feared he'd get injured, but he managed to slip in unharmed.

"That was close," he laughed then turned to face her. "You really didn't see me? There is no way you can get into the building without noticing me."

"I saw you," Jocelyn replied, her gaze on the door. She willed it to open immediately.

"And I know you heard me. Why did you ignore me?" He asked, coming to stand in front of her.

Jocelyn decided to not answer the question. He considered her for a moment, sighed then went back to leaning on the wall.

"You are angry," he stated drily.

The doors opened and Jocelyn hurried out with Shane close behind.

"Talk to me, Josie," he persisted.

"Look, we can talk later. I'm very tired and I've got stuff to do."

"What stuff? You don't have a job, at least not now," he pulled her arm back.

Jocelyn whirled around to face him, yanking her hand away at the same time. She was about to explode. He was the reason she was currently out of a job. "You are an arrogant asshole!"

"What? What did I say?"

"You're a jerk, a self entitled, arrogant jerk. How dare you interfere in my private life?" She yelled, her breath coming out in large gasps.

"Private life?" Shane laughed. "We are getting married, Josie. Besides, I have every right to interfere," he shrugged.

Jocelyn lifted her hand to slap him, then paused at the last moment. Images from years ago flashed in her mind. Her father striking her mom, her mother crying and then taking it out on her. She had sworn never to be like them, violence never solved anything.

Slowly, she dropped her hand. Shane's mouth was hanging open as she turned away from him to compose herself.

When she finally turned to face him, all traces of anger had faded away. "Next time, you consult with me about important life decisions. Why are you here?"

Shane did a double take, "What just happened?"

She forced a smile, "Enlighten me, would you?"

She turned and opened the door to her apartment, wanting to slam the door in the billionaire's face, but held herself back.

Shane stood outside wondering what the hell had just happened.