
She's An Ice Storm

First book in the element manipulators series Hi, my name is Danielle and I have ice powers. I don't remember when I got them but ever since that day my life has become more irritating, annoying and exciting . I've helped a lot of people with my powers but sometimes my temper gets the best of me and I kind of lose it. There are 5 elements, namely- Fire, water, earth, wind and snow. We are some of the most important people on the planet but we try not to take privilege in it or at least some of us try not to. "Aiden was running his mouth again and I was getting pissed. I was about to walk away but then he just pissed me off even more and I was not having a good day today. "Too much of a wuss to stand up for yourself? Guess girls really don't hold a candle to boys, Powers or not." He had the nerve to laugh right after that I was just about to hit him with a solid icicle but someone gripped my hand and shoulder to stop me from moving from moving. The ice was melted by now and I knew exactly who it was. "Back down, Danielle. There's no need to get into any trouble today." Follow Danielle on her story. Read to find out more.

Atika_Daniel · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 4

Apparently, Axel and I not talking is becoming a habit. At school, we stayed out of each other's way and when I got in trouble he just dealt with it and left. I could tell the people around us were curious as to why we weren't talking and Aiden with his gang of dimwits were using it to their advantage.

I needed to put an end to this so I went to Snape, he's the only one who can make sure we don't have to deal with each other ever again but when I got there someone was already inside which was weird because usually, everyone tries to avoid his office. About 30 minutes later a lady with wavy black hair exited his office and Snape did too, they had a brief conversation and then she stared at me for a good ten seconds before leaving.

"Come in, Danielle"

"Actually this won't take long, I can just tell you now." Truth is I know Snape hates when Axel and I ask him if he can just get rid of this arrangement, he never tells us why he's doing it either so I was just a teensy bit scared of asking him what I was about to.

"Come in, Danielle" Yeah I'm not winning this one so I just went in. His office was a stormy grey and each of the elements' symbols were on the ceiling. He has a collection of old books that I wasn't allowed to touch or approach and a few exotic items littered his desk that was placed next to the corner of the room just beside the window. He sat down in his fancy chair and started talking.

"Take a seat please miss Sparrow, now I am assuming this about the tense situation between you and Axel am I correct?"

"How did you even know about that?"I asked bewildered

"Your situation is very obvious, I have noticed you two avoiding each other and I know what you're going to ask me. The answer is no! I have told you two time and time again to stop asking me but y'all persist, if you ask me again I will make sure that they lock both of y'all in a room until you sort out whatever petty dispute that's going on between y'all."

Well, this takes plan A away, off to plan B.

"Actually Snape-"

"I have told you to stop calling me that. You are not allowed to call teachers by their first name, its professor. Now continue and don't say you weren't going to ask me if I would get rid of your arrangement with Axel."

There are two parts to plan B since plan B part one is gone I'm going to have to stick with part two.

"Ok fine I might have wanted to ask you that but I did want to ask you something else too."

"Alright then, go on." He urged me to continue

"I want to take a tiny break from school just so I can get my head in the right place and to relax too."

I was internally chanting please don't kill me, please don't kill me, please don't kill me.

"You want a break off school to relax?"

"It's not just to relax! But essentially yes."

He looked like he was thinking about it and I was squirming in my seat like there was something in my pants, after about 5 minutes he finally started talking again.

"I will allow you to take this break but you must not get in any trouble and you must complete your schoolwork. When you come back, you have to come straight to my office and tell me what you did."

I was thrilled! A little shocked too but thrilled nonetheless. I jumped from my seat and raced to his side to give him a hug which he rejected but I still hugged him

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Alright, alright, get out of my office"

I picked my stuff up and I was about to leave but the door was already opening so when I was trying to pull it open I almost got hit in the face. Axel was standing on the other side of the door and we both froze. I'm pretty sure we were like that for about 10 minutes before Snape snapped us out of it.

"Could both y'all please stop letting the A/C out of my office and Danielle leave, Axel come in." Axel let me leave first and then he went inside but me being the curious person I am tried to eavesdrop. There was no noise coming from the other side so I was about to get up and leave but the door suddenly opened and I fell.

I sheepishly grinned up at Snape who was glaring at me and if looks could kill I would be 6ft underground right now.

"Don't make me regret my decision miss Sparrow!" he said aggravated

"Of course not Snape! I will be on my way now" Before I left I could hear Axel snickering quietly in his seat which earned him a slap on the head from Snape

I dusted myself off, picked my stuff up and made my way to my classroom. Upon arriving there my classmates went quiet and moved out of my way. I don't know why but most of them were scared of me while the rest just didn't like me, I never let any of it get to me cause I liked the fact that I didn't have to deal with a lot of people. I could hear them start talking again the moment I left but as usual, I didn't care and just got my phone from the reception so I could leave.

I stopped by Snape's office to tell him I was leaving and that I would call him to tell him where I was. He informed me that I had to leave quickly just in case Axel tried to ask me what I was talking about with him which I doubted he would do cause we haven't talked to each other in a while. I booked my tuk and stood near the gate but when I saw Axel coming my way I ran outside and crossed the road so I could wait for my tuk there. It came about 2 minutes later and I jumped in cause Axel was walking towards me yet again.

I got home and told my mum about what I asked Snape so she called him because she didn't believe me when I told her he said yes. She told me to start packing clothes for wherever I wanted to go and to be ready because I was leaving tomorrow.

"I haven't even chosen where I want to go yet!" I told her panicked

"Well then think because you have 10 minutes to tell professor Snape where you're going"

"Ten minutes?! And why do I have to tell Snape?"

"He's paying for your ticket you donkey and I don't remember him being your younger brother so it's professor Snape to you. You're lucky I'm letting you go and not just that you're going to be alone too. You better thank Snape."

"I promise I won't get kidnapped mum," I told her while rolling my eyes

"Watch yourself, Danielle. Now think of where you want to go."

I spent a good 8 minutes just staring at the wall but then I snapped myself out of it, thought of where I want to go and called Snape to tell him what I decided.

I had a dreamless sleep and I was woken up by mum who told me I had to get ready to leave. I got the clothes which I kept for the trip and got dressed after having a shower. My bags were already packed and everything I needed was ready and kept in the cab my mum had gotten.

The cab ride was basically just my mum telling me to be careful and then my dad called me just to tell me the same thing. We finally got to the airport after what seemed like ten years and I was about to check-in but I saw my mum through the glass so I said bye to her one last time before I left for a whole month.

Bora Bora is going to be great!

Hey, everyone. I hope you're enjoying my book and I will admit it needs to go through some major editing even the chapters after this one so I will do that all when I can but yeah. That's all.

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