
She's a rose with thorns

Isabel Ricci had just return home early to surprise her husband,only to actually find him cheating with her best friend.To make matters worse,Isabel finds out her husband had never loved her in the first place and had married Isabel only for her inheritance money. Betrayed and heartbroken,Isabel swears revenge on the cheating couple. They had lied to her.They had deceived her,but she wasn’t anything easy.They have never seen her anger,what she can actually do. James Brown,Hannah Williams you picked the wrong person to mess with.Be ready for what’s coming your way.A Ricci never lets things slide. .... “I’ll do it.” “Huh?” “I also want to make them pay.”his golden eyes seemed like they were glowing in the dark,like a wolf waiting to pounce on his opponent. In this journey of revenge she wouldn't be alone.

WandererXXII · Urban
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46 Chs


Hannah was wearing a bathrobe standing on the glass balcony enjoying the view and taking a deep breath of the morning fresh air.Then her waist was hugged by two big hands from behind.She leaned on the man and asked him lazily.

"Did you finish your bath?"

"Mmm.It's your turn now."

It was none other than James.His hair were still wet,the water droplets dripping down on Hannahs blonde hair.He was only wearing a towel around his waist.

"I wouldn't mind you joining." She said provokingly.

"And I wouldn't mind having another bath." James lowered his head to kiss her nape.

She giggeled and turned around to kiss him too.Then she pushed him away and walked seductevily inside,throwing playful eyes at him constantly,while James smirked and followed her behind.

From a bush somebody was watching this scene with his camera lens while shuttering vigoriously.

"Damn!I've struck down gold with this!Supermodel Hannah Williams and the recent rising young CEO,James Brown,having an affair behind both their partners back!Whoever recommended me this,thank you!"

Gael blankly looked at the pictures presented at him.No matter how much he tried getting used to it,but watching these two together still hurt him.He agressevily rubbed his face with both his hands and leaned back staring at the ceiling.Hannah,you don't feel even a sand of guilt.You can't wait to go back to him.

His thoughts were interrupted by a call.He streched his hand and answered the phone without checking the name.


"…" with the silence he already knew who it was.

"You got the file,right?"

"….Yeah."the voice on the other side was low and a bit nasal.


"Are you okay?" Isabel hesitatingly asked.Her face had a few tearstains.

"….No." Gael was too tired to hide it.

"…"though the silence was deadly,it slightly comforted both of them.Knowing that the person on the other side of the phone cared and was genuine,gave them a bit of courage to continue.After a while Isable broke the silence.

"We'll both get through this."

Gael was suddenly reminded of the weak young girl a few years ago.Her eyes were dead and she barely got out of bed.She would blankly stare into space most of the time and sometimes would break out crying.One day he cupped her cheeks and kissed her tears away,while saying "Don't cry Isa!You'll be okay!I'm here for you!You'll get through this!We'll both get through this!"

Back then it had been months since Isabels grandfather had passed away ,but her emotional state kept getting worse and worse to the point of affecting her physical health and daily life.He had immediately flew to her even though,they had broken up a month ago.After that day Isabel finally took the courage to go to a psychiatrist and get treated.He had accompanied her that day while holding her hand.That time he had comforted her,and now she comforted him.

Suddenly he chuckled "I know."

Silence again.This time Gael broke it and changed the subject.

"…How has business been?"

"Growing rapidly.What about yours?"

"With your guidance things are going smoothly on my side too."

"On…that case…did you follow my instructions?"

"Yes.It will be on the media exactly 4 weeks later,during her show."

"Good…Just bear with it a little.Soon you'll be free….I also sent you a contact number of my lawyer.She'll be handling both out divorce cases.Since yours will happen before I explained her the situation a briefly."

"Don't worry about me.I'll be fine."

"You sure."


"Isa."Gael called out.


"Take care."

"I will.See you soon."

"Yeah."the call ended.