
She's a rose with thorns

Isabel Ricci had just return home early to surprise her husband,only to actually find him cheating with her best friend.To make matters worse,Isabel finds out her husband had never loved her in the first place and had married Isabel only for her inheritance money. Betrayed and heartbroken,Isabel swears revenge on the cheating couple. They had lied to her.They had deceived her,but she wasn’t anything easy.They have never seen her anger,what she can actually do. James Brown,Hannah Williams you picked the wrong person to mess with.Be ready for what’s coming your way.A Ricci never lets things slide. .... “I’ll do it.” “Huh?” “I also want to make them pay.”his golden eyes seemed like they were glowing in the dark,like a wolf waiting to pounce on his opponent. In this journey of revenge she wouldn't be alone.

WandererXXII · Urban
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46 Chs


"I think,for a temporary solution we should remove Mr.Brown from his position as CEO and also kick him out of the board of directors."

The people reacted,a commotion started.

"Miss Ricci don't you think this might be a bit too much?"

"Miss Ricci I understand your personal feelings,but this might be too far."

"Mr.Brown has been in this company since the start."

"Yes,he is the actual founder.Miss Ricci please rethink this again"

"I know-" the meeting room was still noisy.Isabel raised her voice."I know that it's a difficult decision and many doubt whether my judgement is based on my own emotions."slowly it quieted down again.Isabel continued."I'd like to clearly state that no matter what my personal feelings in reality can be,I have never been a person who would mix their private life with their work life.This proposition doesn't come from the me as a woman and for now the legal partner of Mr.Brown,this comes from me as a shareholder of WAZ.None of us wants to keep losing money anymore,so for now this is our best choice.If anyone has a better idea then feel free to express it."

The same old man who had asked the question for the solutions spoke again.He was the oldest among the directors,hence the one with the most experience and the wisest.

"Miss Ricci is right.The only thing we can do now is step back and indulge to the publics request.We are all here in this table for two main things offering our services and profiting for it.Right now this is our best solution,Mr.Brown unfortunately has messed up too many times now and needs to be sacrificed."with the old mans words,the people finally settled a bit.

"Then if you agree,how about we plan a meeting for another day and decide it with votes?I think that will be the fairest for everyone."

"No." the old man spoke again,everyone else was confused.Was he taking it back?But what happened next was beyond everybody elses expectations."It will take too long for us all be here together in this room like today,after all everybody has their own schedules.If you agree with me.I think we vote now."

Silence.Isabel thought that if Mr.Lee who was the oldest stepped up,the others wouldn't doubt her anymore and immediately agree,but seeing that they were hesitating,for the first time in her career,she was feeling nervous.

James in the sideline had been silently listening.At first he had been scared and worried that the people would ruthlessly kick him out without a care and listen to Isabels advice,but of course they couldn't give up on him so easily.No matter how smart and how capable Isabel might be she was still just a woman and these men would never give up on him for her.But James wasn't happy for too long.A quiet voice of a man made his smile freeze.

"...I agree with Mr.Lee and Miss Isabel." one of the men raised his hand and got everybodys attention."The situation we are now in doesn't require for us to be too demanding and we can't lose much time.Who knows when we will be able to gather here again together?I think we vote know and after that also vote for the new CEO."

"I also agree with all three.We can't delay this anymore."

"Me too."

"Let's start voting now."

Soon many of the directors started to agree in not only voting for of James should be kicked out,but also for the voting of the new CEO.

"Since most of you agree then let's start voting.All of the people who are pro removing Mr.James Brown from his position,please raise your hand." Mr.Lee took the lead and also raised his hand first.Then Isabel and Gael raised their hands.Soon all the people who had agreed with voting now,one by one raised their hands.Only two people didn't vote.

Mr.Lee waited for awhile and then looked around counting the votes.

"Okay,that's 8 out of 10.This means that Mr.Brown is removed of his position as CEO.We will later proceed with the legal procedures after we choose the next CEO.For now,let's all lower our hands and proceed with the next decision." After everyone lowered their hands,Mr.Lee spoke again."Now,everyone who is pro kicking Mr.Brown out of the board of directors please raise your hand again." After finishing Mr.Lee raised his hand again.Isabel and Gael also proceeded to do so.

This time there was more hesitation.Many of the directors hesitated in doing so.What if things turned around in the future?If they openly opposed James now,then it would be declaring themselves as his enemy and the chances for them to work together smoothly in the future were very slim.But they couldn't afford to offend Mr.Lee,Isabel nor Gael.Who should they follow?

After a while a few of them started raising their hands.

"Will that be all of you?Or is there anyone who is still hesitating?"

After Mr.Lee asked that question another man slowly raised his hand.He purposefully avoided looking at James's face.

"Is there anybody else who wants to vote?If not let's count.That will be....6 out of 10.That's still most of the votes.Mr.Brown your are not part of the board of directors anymore.Tomorrow the PR department can make an official statement for the media."

Seeing how all these people were discussing his fate without asking for an ounce of his opinion made James completely infuriated.

These people dared to kick him out of his own company?!These people even did it so quickly infront of him!No!No one can do this to him!WAZ is his own!WAZ is his empire,his hardwork!

"None of you can do this to me!You can't just kick me out of my own company like this!I build WAZ with my own hands!I was in WAZ since the beginning!This is my company,my hardwork!Who are you to decide my fate like this!" James started to hysterically yell at everyone in the meeting room.

"Mr.Brown this is only the logical thing to do for-"Isabel was calmly trying to state the truth,but she was interrupted by James who started shifting all his anger at her.

"You dare talk to me so calmly?This was your idea from the start!You can't stand my presence!You can't stand the fact that I slept with another woman so you trying to solve your personal grudges by using the company!'Logical thing'!" mimicked her "Spare me with that bull****!" James had already lost his rationality and started using vulgar words and insulted Isabel.

The directors started getting dissatisfed with James.He didn't step down like a man nor tried to give arguments like a mature man in his defense,but started used inappropriate words in a formal meeting and also insulted a woman,not to mention the woman he had been married too,who he also cheated on.

Gael had almost moved his wheelchair to go and punch that pathetic excuse of a human,but had been stopped by Isabel who had given him a comforting look.

"Mr.Brown!" Isabel raised her voice and spoke intimidately with a cold expression. "Not only have you insulted me in front of all these people,but you have also insulted them,by making them hear that language of yours!You are telling me that I made a suggestion and desicion due to personal grudges and based on personal feelings,but this attitudes of yours only proves the fact that you are really incapable in being the head of this company.You are the one who is insulting others and speaking based on your own emotions,right now in these moments.It were your own actions that brought the company in this state.Out of everybody in this table,*you* were the only one who had no plan nor any ideas to save this company.Even right now *we* are the ones willing to make hard desicions,*we* are the ones actually trying to save this company.If you are somebody who cares so much for this hard work of yours,you would step down as a proud person for the sake of WAZ.Because this company isn't only your hard work,this company has countless people who have worked and still work here everyday to keep it running.This company has people that spill all their blood,sweat and tears to feed their families,but because of *you*,a man who cares for himself only,they are about to lose everything.You don't care that the people in this table are about to lose their lifes hard work money,you don't care that countless employees are about to lose their jobs,ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR ACTIONS!You just care about the fact that you are losing your power!"