
She's a rose with thorns

Isabel Ricci had just return home early to surprise her husband,only to actually find him cheating with her best friend.To make matters worse,Isabel finds out her husband had never loved her in the first place and had married Isabel only for her inheritance money. Betrayed and heartbroken,Isabel swears revenge on the cheating couple. They had lied to her.They had deceived her,but she wasn’t anything easy.They have never seen her anger,what she can actually do. James Brown,Hannah Williams you picked the wrong person to mess with.Be ready for what’s coming your way.A Ricci never lets things slide. .... “I’ll do it.” “Huh?” “I also want to make them pay.”his golden eyes seemed like they were glowing in the dark,like a wolf waiting to pounce on his opponent. In this journey of revenge she wouldn't be alone.

WandererXXII · Urban
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46 Chs


The next day Isabel went early in the morning to visit Gael and personally feed him,just like she had done these past few days.Seeing that most of the time Isabel was absent minded,Gael couldn't help but ask.

"Hey,is there something bothering you?You almost shoved the spoon up my nose."

Isabel was taken aback a bit and then she slightly tapped his nose with the spoon.

"You are still in the mood to joke when you can't even move your limbs."

"Tsk,just spill the beans already.Has something happened lately?"

Isabel was quiet for a while.She hesitated wheather to tell Gael everything,what happened during her time back in country U,how James had started to test her after the news article,the fact that she was being targeted and that he might be the main suspect.

"Isa?Isaa?" Gael kept calling out,now he was really getting worried.Seeing this Isabel,collected her thoughts,took a deep breath and made a decision.She would tell Gael everything.

"Gael…There actually is something important I need to tell you.But ,please,after I tell you keep your cool so as you don't harm yourself."

"Isa,now I'm really getting worried.For you to even give me a warning,is it that bad?"

Isabel looked at him seriously.

"Gael…somebody tried to kill me."

Gaels eyes opened wide,he immediately jumped up,but because of the wounds he let out a painful groan.

"I told you to try keep your cool,you're still recovering!"Isabel stood up and tried to help him carefully lay back again.

"How do you expect me to be calm after hearing that!But how?Don't tell me"

"The police told me yesterday that my brakes failing wasn't a coincidence.Somebody had purposely trampled with them.Today I'm gonna go give a list of the people that might have a grudge with me."

"Who do you think it could be?"

Isabel just looked at him quietly.Her expression told him everything.

"You don't think…But then again it isn't too farfetched.He already has sunk himself in the dirty sea,sooner or later he would do something like this.But to you….Isa…I'm sorry!"Seeing him ignoring his pain and instead worrying ,apologising to her when he did nothing wrong,made Isabels expression softened a bit,despite the heavy atmosphere.She patted his head.

"Why are you the one apologising?The one who should feel sorry are the criminals."

"There must be something that made him snap like this.He wouldn't act so impulsively."

"If the thing he has always been after has been my inheritance,it wouldn't be surprising if he had thought of killing me for years,but this …sloppy way…isn't his style.And it's true that something did cause him to snap."

"You seem to know about it."

"Back when I was in country U,a netizen managed to point out the similarites between James and his scandal pictures with Hannah.It soon became a hot article and spread quickly.The same day he…"Isabel paused when the memories of that night came and shuddered involuntarily.She decided to leave the details out or it would make Gael more nervous. "tried to test if I had seen article.I….managed to brush him off,but the fact that during these days he has been too quiet with me,makes it more and more believable.I can't be 100% sure that it is him,after all we have no evidence and all is based on my assumptions,but whatever it may be,I can't let James run freely anymore.I must start our plans now.Even if he might not be after this murder attempt,his downfall can be an example for everyone who tries to harm me."

"So many things have happened…Are you okay with doing this on your own?I also think you shouldn't delay for the sake of your safety.I'm sorry that I can't support you now.It will be hard and painful,but for your sake endure it…."Gael suddenly got quiet for a bit as if pondering something.Then he looked her in the eyes with determination ."Isa tell my family.They have power that you'll need and….they're your family too."

"Gael,I can't put them in danger!"They had been there during her hardest time and also during what a few months ago she considered her happiest time.She cared for them too deeply,she couldn't put them in risk like that.

"They can't be easily tackeled.Grandfather,father are more experienced people and have seen everything.Now I see why their constant advice for strong security wasn't for nothing.My family can give you protection,connections,advice,everything you need.For your revenge to have better results,for…"Gael raised his hand to caress her soft,white cheek tenderely "Your safety,ask help from my family,our family."

Isabel was still hesitating,but seeing the determined look on Gaels eyes,she knew that if the didn't ask for their help,he would do it for her.Isabel lowered her head and after a moment raised it again,staring deeply into his golden firm eyes with her emerald ones.

"I'll do it.I'll tell them today."


"I promise."
